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Case Study 1 _ Second Assignment

Managing Innovation_MNGT4520

Total Marks=15%

Virgin Galactic LLC (Virgin Galactic), founded by Sir Richard Branson, owner of the Virgin Group

Ltd., was a space tourism company headquartered in California. In early 2019, the company planned

to offer commercial suborbital space flights to paying consumers and to host other suborbital space

projects. In a suborbital space flight, a spacecraft reached the maximum altitude of 62 miles (100

kilometres [km]) but not an altitude where it could orbit the Earth. In December 2018, after

approximately 10 years of effort, Virgin Galactic launched its first successful crewed test spacecraft,

named Virgin Space Ship (VSS) Unity, from the Mojave Air and Space Port in Mojave, California.

VSS Unity was a SpaceShipTwo-class suborbital aircraft (i.e., an air-launched spacecraft capable

of carrying up to six passengers). Branson was optimistic about launching commercial spacecraft

in 2019. He also aimed to apply the technology developed during Virgin Galactic’s space tourism

research to make supersonic intercontinental flights possible.

However, environmentalists such as Leo Hickman, the chief adviser for climate change at World

Wildlife Fund-UK (WWF-UK), were concerned that Virgin Galactic’s space program might

contribute to environmental pollution. Hickman claimed commercial space flight was an expensive

adventure for extraordinarily rich individuals at the cost of the environment. A mere 90-minute

flight on Virgin Galactic’s spacecraft was priced at US$250,000.

In addition, experts such as Valerie Neal, of the National Air and Space Museum, had raised

concerns about the health of space tourists, as space travel generally resulted in DNA

(deoxyribonucleic acid) damage linked to exposure to radiation, bone and muscle loss, and other

ailments. Some prominent astronauts, including Andy Thomas of Australia, also believed that

Branson’s promotion of space tourism was a marketing gimmick.

Branson believed that the environmental impact of Virgin Atlantic’s spacecraft was less significant

than the carbon footprint per person caused by intercontinental travel such as a round trip from

London, UK, to New York. He was further confident that, with time, space tourism would become


Could Branson succeed in launching commercial spacecraft and make it affordable over time?

Given environmental and health concerns, could Branson make a case for responsible innovation

through space tourism? Should he focus on space tourism or other business possibilities such as

supersonic flights?


Virgin Galactic was founded in 2004 by Branson and incorporated in 2007. In December 2018,

Virgin Galactic had 850 employees and revenues of $114.12 million.

In 2014, Virgin Galactic’s SpaceShipTwo, a suborbital spacecraft designed for space tourism,

broke apart during a test flight, resulting in the death of a co-pilot. In 2015, a National

Transportation Safety Board report related to the accident stated that the pilot had repositioned the

tail wings of SpaceShipTwo early for a return to the ground, and that this had caused the spacecraft

to break apart. After this incident, Branson parted ways with Scaled Composites, a US-based

aerospace company responsible for manufacturing the SpaceShipTwo and hiring test pilots for the

spacecraft. Virgin Galactic decided to use its own manufacturing plants and hire its own test pilots.

In December 2018, Virgin Galactic successfully launched the SpaceShipTwo suborbital spacecraft.

VSS Unity was launched from its mothership, Virgin Mothership (VMS) Eve, which was a

WhiteKnightTwo carrier plane. VMS Eve carried VSS Unity to a height of 43,000 feet (13,106

metres) and released it. The pilot of VSS Unity, Mark Stucky, and co-pilot Frederick Sturckow then

fired the rocket motor of VSS Unity for 60 seconds, which accelerated VSS Unity’s speed to Mach

2.9 (i.e., 2.9 times the speed of sound). This acceleration helped VSS Unity reach the maximum

altitude of 51.4 miles (82.7 km), surpassing the 50-mile (80.5 km) mark that the US government

recognized as the edge of space. The spacecraft flew into space and earned the pilots “astronaut

wings”—recognition from the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) granted to crewmembers of a

space flight for demonstrating “a safe flight to and return from an FAA licensed mission.” Branson

claimed, “Today, for the first time in history, a crewed spaceship, built to carry private passengers,

reached space.” Representatives of Virgin Galactic mentioned that a lot of work would still be

required before the actual commercial flights began. They said, “Whether we complete all our

objectives during the next flight or need to wait a little longer, we remain committed to completing

the final stages of this extraordinary flight test program as quickly, but more importantly as safely,

as possible.”

In early 2019, several other companies—including Astrium GmbH, The Boeing Company, Bigelow

Aerospace, Excalibur Almaz, Space Exploration Technologies Corp. (SpaceX), Space Adventures

Inc., Space Island Group, and Zero 2 Infinity SL—were also on the verge of launching their own

spacecraft. Commenting on the competition, Branson stated, “For space travel, the demand will far

outstrip supply. Jeff Bezos and Elon Musk are formidable competitors, and there’s definitely room

for all three companies.” Further, space hotel companies, such as California-based Orion Span Inc.

(Orion Span), were on the verge of establishing space tourism hotels. Orion Span’s Aurora Space

Station, likely to be the first space hotel, was to be launched by 2022. Orion Span decided to offer a

12-day stay at 320 km above Earth for a price of $9.5 million. The hotel was expected to orbit Earth

every 90 minutes, enabling guests to see approximately 16 sunrises and sunsets every 24 hours.

However, before checking into this hotel, guests were expected to undergo a three-month training

program. This type of tourism, where guest could spend considerable time in a space hotel or space

station in Earth’s orbit, was known as orbital tourism (see Exhibit 1 for a comparison of Virgin

Galactic’s competitors and complementors).


Virgin Galactic aimed to create a basic space access infrastructure that could enhance the research

abilities of scientists and entrepreneurs. A New Yorker article on Branson quoted him as saying, “We

see ours [Virgin Galactic’s] being the spaceship for Earth.” Astronauts have emphasized the human

side of space exploration. For instance, in The Overview Effect, by Frank White, an astronaut described

the view of Earth from space by saying, “You don’t see the barriers of color and religion and politics

that divide this world.” Branson corroborated these statements and said, “I believe that, once people

have gone to space, they [will] come back with renewed enthusiasm to try and tackle what is

happening on this planet” (emphasis in original).

In 2016, Branson invited renowned theoretical physicist and cosmologist Stephen Hawking for a

trip to space in Virgin Galactic’s spacecraft. Branson offered Hawking a free ticket into space,

which Hawking accepted conditionally because of his health. Branson spoke of Hawking’s belief

in the importance of exploring space, stating, “He has made it very clear that he thinks mankind

and womankind need to work very hard to try to colonise other planets and that space is very

important for people back here on Earth.”

However, Thomas condemned the Virgin Galactic mission, describing it as a “go nowhere, dead-

end technology.” He stated, “The thing I’ve got to say about Richard Branson is he could sell

refrigerators to Eskimos.” Thomas added,

He’s a businessman and he’s portraying that flight experience in a way that I would not be

comfortable saying.

It’s true that he will fly to the edge of space, but he can’t stay there. He falls right

back down. It’s really just a high altitude aeroplane flight and a dangerous one at


From launch to touchdown, Virgin Galactic passengers would be inside the spacecraft for

approximately 90 minutes. For about four minutes, passengers would be able to unbuckle their

seatbelts and float in the cabin, experiencing microgravity (i.e., the absence of gravitational forces).

During this period, the passengers would be able to view the Grand Canyon, the California

coastline, and the Baja Peninsula. Virgin Galactic pilots, similar to tour-bus drivers, would help

passengers recognize various celestial bodies and terrestrial landmarks visible from the window of

the aircraft.


In December 2018, when Virgin Galactic successfully launched VSS Unity, the National

Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) aimed to use the flight to test 12 technology

experiments. Christopher Baker, from NASA’s Armstrong Flight Research Center in California,

stated, “Regular, commercial access to space will change how we approach technology

development by allowing us to invest in early research validation. . . . The payloads on this flight

represent a cross section of promising space exploration technologies that could benefit future

NASA missions.”

Joshua Colwell, a University of Central Florida physics professor whose research, supported by

NASA, was also aboard VSS Unity, stated, “This is the kind of experiment you can’t really do on

the ground So, it’s always exciting and a privilege to collect data like this from a high-quality free

fall environment like you get from one of these suborbital vehicles.” His research tested how small

dust particles ranging from a tenth of a millimeter to about two centimeters acted in conditions of

microgravity, which was achieved when VSS Unity left Earth’s atmosphere. The research findings

were expected to help scientists better understand what could happen if astronauts or robotic landers

worked on the surface of small asteroids.

In July 2018, Virgin Galactic also partnered with the Italian Space Agency for a mission from the

Mojave Air and Space Port in which a Virgin Galactic space flight would take an Italian researcher

to perform a number of scientific experiments. Commenting on the partnership, Branson stated, “I

believe Italy’s vision, which has led to this collaboration with our Virgin space companies, will

provide a real impetus as we strive to open space for the benefit of life on Earth.” After the

successful launch of the VSS Unity, Branson stated, “We have shown that Virgin Galactic really

can open space to change the world for good.”


Virgin Galactic aimed to learn from its space flights to introduce superfast point-to-point

intercontinental passenger flight services. These supersonic flights were expected to be much faster

than the defunct Concorde, which in 1976 was the first supersonic passenger-carrying commercial

airplane, jointly developed by aircraft manufacturers from Britain and France and used by Air

France and British Airways; Virgin Galactic’s offering would make a journey between Boston and

Beijing or Australia in a matter of a few hours. Branson was confident that intercontinental travel,

particularly when operating through space, would be affordable for the masses and would be more

environmentally friendly and fuel-efficient than the commercial flights which were currently

operating on these routes.

In 2016, to develop supersonic aircraft and thereby make intercontinental travel a possibility,

Virgin Galactic allied with Boom Technology Inc., a US-based manufacturer of supersonic

passenger aircraft. Commenting on the partnership, Branson stated, “Through Virgin Galactic’s

manufacturing arm, the Spaceship Company, we will provide engineering and manufacturing

services, along with flight test support and operations [to Boom Technology Inc.] as part of our

shared ambitions.” The supersonic craft, named XB-1 and nicknamed Baby Boom, was expected

to be 10 per cent faster than the Concorde, which was retired in 2003 following a fatal crash in

2000, which resulted in massive fear among potential passengers. Commenting on the superiority

of the XB-1, Blake Scholl, Boom Technology Inc.’s founder and chief executive officer, stated,

“Concorde’s designers didn’t have the technology for affordable supersonic travel, but now we do.”

Virgin Galactic also planned to launch satellite services in an affordable manner and started

working on the LauncherOne spacecraft. In 2017, the LauncherOne team, which comprised 200

workers, was carved out of Virgin Galactic to form a new company, namely, Virgin Orbit.

LauncherOne, which was in its developmental phase in early 2019, was expected to carry non-

human payloads, such as satellites of up to 500 pounds (227 kilograms), into low-Earth orbit (i.e.,

an altitude of 2,000 km, or 1,200 miles). Furthermore, Virgin Galactic’s spacecraft were reusable,

unlike other conventional spacecraft. Thus, the cost of each spacecraft launch for Virgin Galactic

was only $250,000, in contrast to the conventional spacecraft’s launch cost of approximately $12

million and upward.


Environmental concerns had been raised related to space tourism, which many considered to be a

costly, fuel-intensive, and polluting venture. One space shuttle launch required approximately 113

tons of liquid hydrogen fuel, which was equivalent to the electricity consumed by 130 US homes

for an entire year. This fuel was expensive, although it appeared to be clean-burning and less

polluting than other forms of fuels, such as petrol. Branson believed that Virgin Galactic was very

environmentally friendly. He stated, “We will be able to put someone into space for less than the

environmental price of an economy class ticket from London to New York and back.” This was

because the WhiteKnightTwo carrier plane was capable of running on butanol, a biofuel made

from algae. In 2008, an airplane from Virgin Atlantic (the UK-based commercial air transportation

company founded by Branson in 1981) used biofuel that was a mixture of Brazilian babassu nuts

and coconuts in a flight between London and Amsterdam. Branson marked this a “vital

breakthrough” for the airline industry’s attempts to be green.

Furthermore, VSS Unity’s rockets were to burn nitrous oxide only at an altitude of 50,000 feet

(15,240 metres), after being released by WhiteKnightTwo, not from the ground, as with traditional

space shuttles. In fact, 70 per cent of the carbon emissions from the entire 90-minute flight were

expected to be from WhiteKnightTwo rather than from VSS Unity, owing to the suborbital

aircraft’s light weight.

However, a rocket engineer, Caroline Campbell, stated that fuel used in Virgin Galactic space

flights was toxic. She mentioned, “There’s so much soot coming out the back. That’s burning

rubber. That could be carcinogenic.” Researchers at the Aerospace Corporation in Los Angeles,

California, also reported severe environmental concerns. According to their simulation, 1,000

annual launches of spacecraft would emit approximately 600 tonnes of soot, or black carbon—

which, unlike aircrafts’ carbon, would stay in the atmosphere for up to 10 years. The aircraft

emitted soot at a low altitude, where it was washed away by rainwater in days or weeks; however,

rockets were expelled at three times higher altitude than aircraft, and rainwater could not wash

away the soot expelled by rockets. Additionally, the black carbon was expected to warm air in the

stratosphere, adversely impacting the current that carried air from the equator to the poles, possibly

leading to warmer poles and global warming. However, researchers at the Aerospace Corporation

also admitted they were uncertain of these findings as they were unsure about the quantity of carbon

emitted by space vehicles. In response to such allegations, Branson stated that “Rome was not built

in a day. Sending passengers into space is a little more complex!”


Space travel was also expected to expose travellers to certain health risks. Common problems

reported by astronauts who had spent several months living in space under microgravity conditions

included DNA damage caused by radiation exposure, bone and muscle loss, and blood pressure

changes. In an experiment that simulated the forces of acceleration in a space flight, volunteers

complained about grayout (i.e., a transient loss of vision), blackout, nausea, and chest discomfort.

Health experts also raised concerns about the lack of knowledge about whether minor ailments on

Earth, such as gastric problems, could become serious medical concerns at extremely high

altitudes. Similarly, unexpected behaviours such as phobia or anger, could become problems. Dr.

Tarah Castleberry, an assistant professor of aerospace medicine at the University of Texas Medical

Branch in Galveston, discussed the qualifications for space tourists, stating, “We don’t have a

specific list of conditions that would be disqualifying, but certainly uncontrolled medical problems

(whether it’s hypertension or heart disease or lung disease, or many other conditions), would most

likely cause concern and result in disqualification.”


Consumers had several expectations from space travel, such as the experience of weightlessness, the

ability to float freely in zero gravity, the experience of pre-flight astronaut training, the ability to

communicate from space with significant others on Earth, and the acquisition of memorabilia that

identified them as astronauts. In a survey conducted by NASA, ultra-wealthy individuals mentioned

that seeing the curvature of the Earth from space was their most important reason for space flight.

One Australian tourist stated, “For some people, it’s all about the zero G [zero gravity] experience,

but for me it’s about the Overview Effect,” adding, “Earth is wonderful and we have to look after

it.” On the other hand, “for businessman and philanthropist David Perez, 55, [from] California,

buying a ticket on Virgin Galactic was an instant impulse purchase.” He said, “What, there’s 8

billion people on Earth but only a thousand have been to space, and I’ll be the first Moroccan Jew

in space.” Commenting on the risk associated with space travel, Perez stated, “Who knows if I’ll

blow up and die . . . But I just love being part of this community of people pursuing their passions

and dreams.”

By December 2018, 600 potential passengers had reserved Virgin Galactic tickets priced between

$200,000 and $250,000, and more than 150 were on a waiting list. Commenting on the market

potential, Branson stated, “If I have a room full of 10 people, 8 out of 10 would love to go to space

if they could afford it.” He believed that the market would be enormous if space tourism could be

made safe and affordable. Branson stated that prices of spacecraft tickets in the near future might

decline to an extent where mass consumers could go to space; it could be made affordable for at

least “tens of thousands of people,” if not millions. Reassuring people that prices would decrease in

the future, he argued that, when commercial air travel was developing, “it cost a [relatively] similar

sum of money to send wealthy people across the Atlantic [Ocean]. .

. . And over the years the price came down to a level where enormous quantities of people were able to



After 2009, when the Russian space agency took billionaire Guy Laliberté to the International

Space Station, several space enthusiasts emerged, and much talk has circulated of commercial

space flight becoming a reality. However, some companies, such as XCOR Aerospace, had exited


the business, and others had changed their focus “from crewed spaceflight to satellites and

scientific payloads” in low-Earth orbit. Branson asserted that, among his Virgin Galactic, Bezos’s

Blue Origin LLC, and Musk’s SpaceX, Virgin Galactic’s spacecraft would make the first

commercial flight in space. He was also confident that none of these companies were competing

to be first. He stated, “Safety’s all that matters if you’re putting people into space. So, none of us

will race to be the first.” Branson further noted that “Space is difficult. Rocket science is rocket


Despite having criticized Branson, Thomas broadly supported the Virgin Galactic project because

of the technological by-products it was creating, such as the ability to launch small satellites from

under the wing of an aircraft with the help of a small booster. However, David Cowan, a space

company investor with Bessemer Venture Partners in California, stated that one fatal accident could

“‘inevitably and episodically’ suspend ventures such as Virgin Galactic for months or years.”

Cowan was also reluctant about Virgin Galactic’s high-tech efforts to develop a 21st-century

version of the Concorde supersonic aircraft that could make travel from New York to Sydney

feasible in just a couple of hours. One fatal Concorde accident had spread so much fear that, due to

low demand and high maintenance costs, British Airways had to discontinue Concorde services.

Commenting on the sustainability of Virgin Galactic, Branson stated, “I’m sure there are many

people on the Virgin Group board who may question my level of sanity, but I firmly believe that

yes, space travel and space tourism can be truly sustainable.” Was Branson right in pursuing his

dream of space tourism? Did investment in space tourism provide enough value to society at large

to make up for potential harmful effects?

Case Questions

1. Explain diffusion of innovation considering Virgin Galactic. How diffusion of innovation will take

place in space tourism (explain using five characteristics)? (5 Marks)

2. Critically evaluate space tourism from the perspective of (a) environmental impact, and (b)
incorporating societal and ethical aspects. (3 Marks)

3. Explain what factors should Branson consider while forecasting market demand? Follow these four:
forecasting total market demand, defining the market, dividing demand into component parts, risk and
benefit. (4 Marks)





4. Should Branson pursue business opportunities like intercontinental space travel, or should he focus only
on space tourism? Discuss the answers based on the concept of exploratory and exploitative innovations.

(3 Marks)

Exploitative innovations are incremental innovations that are built on existing knowledge and skills.

Exploratory innovations require new knowledge or a departure from existing knowledge



Competitor Complementor

Virgin Galactic,


Blue Origin, LLC

Space Exploration

Technologies Corp


Orion Span, Inc.

Founded 2004 2000 2002 2017

Sir Richard C.N.

Jeffrey P. Bezos Elon R. Musk Frank Bunger

Type of


l Tourism



Orbital (Space

Station/ Space


Employees 850 3,000 6,000 n/a



$600 million

($400 million was

from investors

based in Dubai,


$13 million

(Bezos had also

pledged to fund

Blue Origin


year with $1


$2.5 billion



$2 million


campaign launched in

December 2018

Spacecraft VSS Unity
New Shepard,

New Glenn

Falcon 9,

Falcon Heavy,


Aurora Space Station









Research/ Satellites

Orbital Tourists

Price $250,000


Initial deposit:

$80,000 Full fee:

$9.5 million

Note: n/a = not applicable; all currency amounts are in US$; UAE = United Arab Emirates; VSS

= Virgin Space Ship.

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