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Imagine you’ve been selected to present at a local event about health care services provided to your community.

Create a 10- to 15-slide presentation that discusses health care providers, services, and usage. 

Part 1:

  • Health
  • Care Services

    Select 3 health care services from the list below:  

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    • Preventive care or public health
    • Ambulatory or primary care
    • Subacute or long-term care
    • Acute care
    • Auxiliary services
    • Rehabilitative services
    • End-of-life care
    • Mental health services
    • Emergency management or disaster preparedness
    • Dental services
    • Military and veteran services
    • Indian health services

    Complete the following in your presentation: 

  • Identify the selected health care service providers.
  • Describe the health care needs of the populations served by these providers.

  • Identify 3 services or products they provide to help with the quality of care.
  • Part 2: Consumer Access 

    Many factors can influence the access to and usage of health care services, such as: 

    • Location
    • Services offered
    • Income
    • Health

    • Knowledge
    • Motivation

    Describe how these factors can affect the usage of the health care services you covered in Part 1. 

    Include detailed speaker notes of at least 50 words per slide.

    Cite any references to support your assignment.

    Format your assignment according to APA guidelines.

    Submit your assignment.

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