Multicultural Aspects

Create a PowerPoint to support ways of teaching, to include children from different Multicultural Backgrounds. The presentation will include specific strategies for teachers to implement in the classroom for students of diverse backgrounds. Include in-text Citations on slides. The references resources used to create the PowerPoint will be included in the note section of the slides.Also you will type a 2 page Rationale paper to go along with PowerPoint…… The paper will include a brief description of fun activities that will include children of     Multicultural backgrounds inside/ outside the classroom.

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Capstone PowerPoint: CP001

Teaching Strategies to Support and Include Children of Multicultural Backgrounds PowerPoint

· Slide 1 ………………………Title slide, Include name, date, name of presentation, class

· Slide 2 …………. What is a Culturally Diverse Classroom?

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· In this slide in bullet form you will explain the aspects of a culturally diverse classroom.

· Citations included in text and note section for reference.

· Slide 3………… What is Multicultural Education?

· Explain what is Multicultural Education?

· Citations included in text and note section for reference.

· Slide 4…………… Using Classroom resources for Multicultural Education

· Explain on some resources in the classroom that can promote multicultural education

· Citations included in text and note section for reference.

· Slide 5……… Parents as Educators

· Explain how parents are there to assist children to better learn about their culture background to relate back to the classroom.

· Citations included in text and note section for reference.

· Slide 6………… Teaching Strategies to Include Children of Multicultural Backgrounds?

· List the 7 Teaching Strategies to Include Children of Multicultural Backgrounds

· Learn All About Your Students

· Enhance Meaningful Learning

· Delivering Different Content through Learning Stations

· Foster Confidence

· Develop Positive Attitudes During Learning

· Gamify Lessons

· Encourage Students to Offer Ideas for Projects

· Citations included in text and note section for reference.

· Slide 7 – 13…………. Breakdown of 7 Teaching Strategies to Include Children of Multicultural Backgrounds

· Slide 7 …………. Learn All About Your Students

· I will discuss this Teaching Strategy

· Citations included in text and note section for reference.

· Slide 8……….Enhance Meaningful Learning

· I will discuss this Teaching Strategy
· Citations included in text and note section for reference.

· Slide 9…….Delivering Different Content through Learning Stations

· I will discuss this Teaching Strategy
· Citations included in text and note section for reference.

· Slide10………Foster Confidence

· I will discuss this Teaching Strategy

· Citations included in text and note section for reference.

· Slide 11……….Develop Positive Attitudes During Learning

· I will discuss this Teaching Strategy
· Citations included in text and note section for reference.

· Slide 12…………Gamify Lessons

· I will discuss this Teaching Strategy
· Citations included in text and note section for reference.

· Slide13………… Encourage Students to Offer Ideas for Projects

· I will discuss this Teaching Strategy
· Citations included in text and note section for reference.

Early Childhood And Multicultural Aspects

Presented By: Lua Shanks

CP001: “Applying Professional Knowledge and Skills”

Date: December 1, 2020

What is a Culturally Diverse Classroom?
Teaching diversity in early childhood education is seemingly hard and intimidating. However, hands-on multicultural activities for preschoolers crate a platform for introducing other cultures to the little ones.

What is Multicultural Education?

Using Classroom Resources for Multicultural Education

Parents as educators

The 7 Teaching Strategies to Include Children of Multicultural Backgrounds
Learn All About Your Students
Enhance Meaningful Learning
Delivering Different Content through Learning Stations
Foster Confidence
Develop Positive Attitudes During Learning
Gamify Lessons
Encourage Students to Offer Ideas for Projects

Learn All About Your Students

Enhance Meaningful Learning

Delivering Different Content through Learning Stations

Foster Confidence

Develop Positive Attitudes During Learning

Gamify Lessons

Importance of Language skills.


*Grades 3-5




Multicultural Art


Students will learn about Japanese culture as they create hand fans using paper and paint.

By Karen West


· 12×18 white paper

· watercolors

· paintbrushes

· fans or pictures of fans

· Popsicle sticks

· tape


1. Discuss uses of fans such as functional and artistic uses.

2. Fold paper in half horizontally or – as I tell the students – like a book.

3. You may want to first make a template if doing this with younger students. On the folded side draw half of a fan shape (like an arch) and cut. The piece will resemble an arch shape.

4. Lightly draw an image from nature. My students drew leaning trees with branches and leaves.

5. Using watercolor, make bold brush strokes. I emphasized using a quick brush stroke to fill in leaves.

6. Let dry.

7. Fold the paper back and forth, creasing each time. Gather the paper together to form the fan and staple or glue.

8. Tape to wooden craft sticks together to form a handle.

9. Display the finished fans.

About Hand Fans:

Explore Japan (National Geographic Kids):


*Grades 3-5

*Grades 6-8



Mardi Gras Crafts

Multicultural Art


Using paper and scissors and objects you find, you can make masks of all colors and kinds.

By Andrea Mulder-Slater

Masks are a way to make KinderArt faces,
that lift and transport us to new and wild places.
From a bird to a beast to a sad happy clown,
masks make you laugh, make you jump, make you frown.
Using paper and scissors and objects you find,
You can make masks of all colors and kinds.



· Students will see that masks have great meaning in many cultures.


· Students will have a chance to discover the importance of connecting our present day lives with the lives of those who lived before us.


· Students will create a paper mask.


· Students will learn to appreciate the art created not only by them, but by others as well.


· Heavy poster paper about 22″ x 28″ per student (can be smaller depending on what’s available.)

· Pencils

· Scissors

(and help for the little ones)

· A paper stapler

· Crayons

· Paint

· Paintbrushes & containers for water

· Magic markers, feathers and other found objects

· Glue

· String or elastic


When making masks, take the opportunity to discuss masks from around the world. Children could even take part in a discussion about how everyone wears different “masks” from day to day… when we are sad, happy or scared.

1. Draw an oval shape on the large piece of paper. The larger the better because masks can cover more then just the face. Cut the oval shape out of the paper.

2. At both the top and bottom of the oval, make a 1″ cut. (You will later take these cuts, fold the paper across itself and staple so the mask has some dimension).

3. Draw and cut out where the eye holes and mouth and nose holes (if any) are going to be.

4. Decorate the mask by using bright crayon colors or bright paint colors.

5. Even more details can be added with magic markers and crayons.

6. Now, where you made you made your cuts, fold the paper and staple in place. This will give your mask more dimension.

7. Glue found object decorations on the mask. Anything from feathers and string to beads and tissue paper.

8. Staple string onto the mask so it can be tied around the head.


*Grades 3-5



Mardi Gras Crafts

Multicultural Art

Musical Instruments



Summer Camp

Drums are an important part of life and ceremony in many cultures. Here is a simple method for you and your students to create a fun sounding drum as you celebrate the cultures of the world.

By Andrea Mudler-Slater


· An empty coffee can (or oatmeal container) with a lid (small, large, whatever you have).

· Construction paper, glue & scissors.

· Paint or markers.

· Paintbrushes & water.

· Dowels or sticks from trees in the park.

· String, leather, feathers, beads… any bits of scrap material you might have.


1. You have two options here. Either paint the coffee can with paint or cover the can with construction paper. Leave the plastic lid on the coffee can.  This will be your drum head.

2. If you cover the coffee can with construction paper, you can paint or draw designs and creatures on the coffee can. Have a look at pictures of different kinds of drums and the images found on them. (Try covering the can with aluminum foil for a neat effect.)

3. After the paint is dry, you can glue all sorts of wonderful things to your drum.

4. Using wooden dowels or simply wooden sticks, drum away on your new coffee can drum.

5. Older students may want to try pounding the bottom of the coffee can with a rubber mallet to make a Caribbean-style steel drum.


*Grades 3-5

*Grades 6-8



Cinco De Mayo


Mardi Gras Crafts

Multicultural Art

Musical Instruments



Learn how to make maracas using yogurt containers or paper cups.

By Andrea Mulder-Slater

· 2 plastic cups or yogurt containers — the same size — clean and dry

· 1/2 cup of coffee beans or dried peas or macaroni, rice or beads.

· Glue (hot glue will work well but requires adult supervision)

· Masking tape.

· Paint (acrylic paint is the best for this type of material but you can also use poster paint or tempera with glue added to it to make it stick to the plastic.)

· Fabric (optional)


1. Put the beans or peas into one of the cups or containers

2. Hot glue the 2 containers together.

3. Wrap masking tape around the rims for added support.

4. Paint the shaker with bright colors and glue on fabric pieces too if you wish.


*Grades 3-5

*Grades 6-8



Multicultural Art

Students will learn about totem poles as they create a small version using cardboard paper tubes.


Totem poles are tall, carved posts that were created by important men among certain tribes of British Columbia and Alaska. The carved and painted faces on a pole represented the animals or birds. The designs were carved to represent human and animal faces rather than to look exactly like them.


Totem poles are tall, carved posts that were created by important men among certain tribes of British Columbia and Alaska. The carved and painted faces on a pole represented the animals or birds. The designs were carved to represent human and animal faces rather than to look exactly like them.

Northwest Coast Native Groups

Tlingit, Kwagiutl, Haida, Tsimshian, Coast Salish, West Coast


· Empty paper towel or wrapping paper rolls

· Crayons and/or markers

· Construction paper (many colours)

· Glue
· Scissors

Reference Material/Handouts:

Totem Theme

 (includes): How to “read a totem pole”, Animal symbols, Northwest art animals, Totem coloring page

Totem Poles 


The Alphabet of Northwest Coast Art


1. Cut a piece of construction paper long enough to wrap around the paper roll.

2. You can cut the paper towel roll in half to make a smaller totem piece.

3. Lay the paper out flat and draw on an animal’s face. Its a good idea to have some examples of actual totem poles (books, photos etc.) handy.

4. When you have finished drawing the face, glue the construction paper around the toilet paper roll.

5. Cut a triangular shape (for the nose or beak) out of the construction paper, crease it down the middle (so it will stick out) and glue the edges onto the face.

6. Cut a pair of wings and glue them to your totem.

7. If you like, you can make a few different totems and stack them on top of one another.


What’s Happening in the Art Room.

To see lots of great examples, visit:


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