Critical thinking essay

Compare/contrast Behaviorism and Psychoanalysis. Include Neo-Behaviorists and Neo-Freudians. 

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Critical assignment rubric:

1. Compare/contrast Behaviorism and Psychoanalysis. Include Neo-Behaviorists and Neo-Freudians. Debate is clearly and critically described in the historical context. Each theory is described fully including methodological approach.

2. Provide historical context of debate. Historical period and geographical roots are accurate. Historical description is concise, without extraneous detail.

3. Identify major theorists and their contributions. Theorists are correctly identified and their major contributions are described in a unique and insightful way.

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4. Influence of these theories in current debates within Psychology. Critical and innovative application or connection of the debate to current discourse.

5. Quality of written expression. Essay is clear, well-organized, and free of grammatical errors. Citations are complete and accurate.

*Use modern psychology text book Schultz, D.P. and Schultz, S.E. (2016). A History of Modern Psychology (11th Edition). Belmont, CA: Wadsworth. ISBN 978-1-305-63004-8

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