OD Change Intervention

Students will prepare individual proposals for an organizational development (OD) change intervention on an area of interest (e.g., improving employee motivation after a merger or layoff, training initiative, management coaching, new process or system implementation).  This project is designed to give you the opportunity to apply the concepts and issues discussed throughout the course in the context of a real-world organizational change, and using a style and “language” that will be relevant and engaging to a practitioner audience.  Topic selection must be approved by the professor in advance and is on a first-come, first-served basis to avoid overlap. 

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Each student will prepare this proposal as a PowerPoint presentation, in the role of a consultant presenting to an audience of organizational stakeholders/decision makers. 

The presentations should include:

1.              Introduction and presentation agenda

2.              Overview of the issue/need

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3.              Proposed assessment – why do you believe the organization needs to address this?

4.              Recommendations and options for change intervention to key stakeholders

5.              Implementation and communication plan to organization

6.              Evaluation of success and follow-up options

7.              Concluding remarks, Q&A

Because you will not actually be presenting these proposals, you will submit your slide presentation in “Notes Master” which will incorporate your slides with corresponding speaking notes so I can clearly understand your approach and “pitch”.  If you have the capability, you may embed audio clips in each slide instead of written speaking notes.

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