comm plan

  • Crisis Communication Plan
  • Scholars and practitioners alike stress the importance of planning ahead and being prepared for
    potential crises before they occur. In this assignment, each student will select a company and
    develop a crisis communication plan based on that company, its industry, culture, potential risks,
    stakeholders, etc. The company selected can be a current or recent employer, or a
    company/nonprofit of choice as long as it is large enough to experience a crisis that would
    impact stakeholders. Once you select the company, analyse a crisis situation and then prepare a
    message action plan (MAP). This MAP should define the different stakeholder groups to be
    addressed, the communication goals for each of these target groups, the preferred channel for
    each communication, and who within the organization will be responsible for delivering each of
    these messages. You will submit your paper to the dropbox link within blackboard.

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  • Instructions:
  • When a crisis situation develops, time is of the essence. There’s a saying: “If you’re not quick,
    you’re not relevant.” That’s why companies need to have a crisis communication plan in place
    BEFORE a potentially hazardous situation arises. But, what does that mean? What elements
    should be included in your crisis plan? While there’s no such thing as a “cookie cutter” crisis
    plan, the following information will help your company begin assembling an effective plan. This
    assignment does not have a page requirement, rather that you create a well thought out plan
    addressing each of the 5 steps below. (See the Bass Pro Shops Crisis Communication Plan in
    Blackboard for reference. Your plan does not need to be this detailed, this is only for you to

  • Step 1: Establish the Crisis Team.
  • Before a crisis strikes, think through who needs to have a seat at the table. Consider ALL the
    aspects of your company — management, operations, internal (including labor relations in union
    environments) and external communication, customer service, legal. The crisis team could look
    like this: President of the company, head of communication, legal counsel and heads of the
    department(s) impacted by the crisis. During the crisis, this team bears the responsibility for
    making decisions and spearheading communication. In the plan document, include each
    individual’s name, title, home phone, cell phone and other pertinent contact details.

  • Step 2: Identify and Prepare the Spokespeople.
  • A crisis situation should not be the first time a spokesperson speaks to the media. Identify the
    person who will be the official “voice” of the company should a crisis develop and make sure
    that person is trained accordingly. (Note that the spokesperson may not be the same in every
    situation. You may need to train a few spokespeople. Also have a “backup” person identified …
    just in case.)
    Remember that you need to communicate offline and offline. With that in mind, evaluate your
    online presence and determine what channels can be used to communicate information in real-
    time — and who should be responsible for sharing updates online. Make sure that person (or
    people) understands that guidelines for communicating during a crisis are most likely different
    than guidelines for regular day-to-day interactions.

  • Step 3: Develop processes and protocols.

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    What’s the chain of command in a crisis? Who needs to be part of the approval process? If a
    reporter “scoops” the crisis before the team has been briefed, what’s the correct response?
    What’s the proper course of action when it appears that a crisis is brewing online? All of these
    are questions that need to be answered as part of your crisis plan. Having a set of approved
    procedures in place AHEAD OF TIME is key to responding in a timely manner and protecting
    the company’s brand. You don’t want to waste time trying to agree on an approval process as
    people share their disdain for your company via Twitter. Odds are, they’ll mobilize faster than
    you will — potentially causing significant damage to your brand.

    Step 4: Prepare for New Media’s Impact on Crisis Communication
    This section could probably be a whole post on its own. Crisis communication today is very
    different than crisis communication of years past. Everyone with a phone is a roving reporter —
    able to record video or take photos that may influence how the situation is perceived. Online
    monitoring during a crisis is critical. You need to know who is saying what and where. And, then
    you need to be prepared to jump into the conversation to correct facts, answer questions and
    share the brand’s side of the story and steps taken to fix the situation.
    Along those same lines, “new” crisis communication means you shouldn’t solely rely on the
    news media to disseminate your message. Think about opportunities to leverage multi-media to
    communicate. If a press conference may be appropriate, can you stream it on UStream? If so,
    how does that work, and what equipment do you need to purchase? Or, for impromptu
    statements, can you have a staffer on-hand with a Flip camera, taking footage that can be shared
    online? As you’re developing processes and procedures, also develop a list of potential
    communication tools — everything from written statements … to real-time updates via Twitter,
    Facebook … or multimedia — and “best practices” to leverage those tools in a crisis. Be sure to
    include a sample Press Conference release in written form.

    Step 5: Brainstorm Possible Scenarios & Responses. Role Play. Repeat.
    Crime. Fire and other natural disasters. Embezzlement. Bankruptcy. Communication perceived
    as inappropriate. In any business, there are dozens — if not more — of potential crisis situations
    that could ruin a brand … especially if poor communication makes the situation even worse.
    Identify these potential situations and develop a “response template” in the crisis communication
    plan. For example, if a major theft occurs, how do you respond? Can you have responses already
    outlined, with blanks to be filled in based on the situational details? If you’re an apartment
    community and a rape occurs on your property, what resources can you offer to help residents
    improve safety? The more preparation you can do ahead of time, the quicker you’ll be able to
    respond if a crisis does strike. Conduct crisis “drills” to get the team used to mobilizing quickly
    and working through the process. These drills should include mock on-camera interviews with
    the spokespeople, too.

    Lastly, be creative and think outside of the box with this assignment!

      Crisis Communication Plan
      Step 1: Establish the Crisis Team.
      Step 2: Identify and Prepare the Spokespeople.
      Step 3: Develop processes and protocols.

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    Crisis Communication Plan
    Retail Store Guidelines

    Compiled and Edited by
    Lauralee Gilkey
    April 30, 201


    We all live downstream.



    Bass Pro Shops

    Crisis Communication Plan 2

    Table of Contents

    Purpose & Objectives


    Possible Crisis


    Internal Communication Roles


    Policies for Crisis Communication


    Pre-Crisis Preparation


    Crisis Management Checklist


    Crisis Management Evaluation


    Phone Chain


    Accident Report


    Fact Sheet


    Positioning Statement


    Bass Pro Shops Crisis Communication Plan 3

    This crisis communication plan will provide policies and procedures for each retail
    store location to follow in order to effectively communicate internally among
    management, team leaders and associates and also externally with the media,
    customers, the community and other stakeholders in a situation that can be defined
    as either an emergency or a threat the Bass Pro Shops.

    A crisis is defined by an emergency or adverse act, either internal or external, that
    poses as a threat to Bass Pro’s reputation or employee, customer or stakeholder
    safety. The crisis must possess the potential to cause long-term effects to the
    corporation’s integrity.

    It is the responsibility of each Bass Pro Shops retail store location to provide factual
    information to the local media. Each location will help the media by providing them
    with the information they need in timely manner that is appropriate for the
    situation at hand. Each retail store must also keep the best interest of the entire
    corporation in mind and position each store as a reliable retail location with an
    image based on strong family values and “world class customer service.”

    It is the goal of the crisis communication plan to provide each retail store with
    guidelines for managing communication in the event of a crisis. This toolkit should
    not be used as an overall plan for crisis management. It is not intended to answer all
    questions, but it does provide a framework to develop a crisis management plan
    that is specific to each store and each crisis. If handled correctly, the damage from
    any crisis can be minimized.

    x Prepare Bass Pro Shops managers to factually evaluate crises and determine

    the plan of action based on the severity of the event.
    x Help managers respond in a professional manner that emphasizes the

    integrity and loyalty of Bass Pro to both internal and external publics.
    x Mold a unified message that is shared with the entire staff of each retail

    location so that each employee understands Bass Pro Shops’ position and
    their role in the crisis.

    x Manage the communication of the message and distribution of crucial
    information to the public.

    Bass Pro Shops Crisis Communication Plan 4

    Possible Crises

    The possible crises that could occur at any Bass Pro Shops retail store location can
    be divided into five basic categories. These categories are defined to anticipate the
    possible crises that could occur and enhance the preparation. These examples are
    not all encompassing but rather are designed to give retail stores an idea of the
    types of situations that will require the use of this crisis communication plan. The
    goal of Bass Pro Shops is to ensure that each retail store is aware of the possible
    crisis that could affect their location specifically.

    I. Natural Disasters
    a. Examples: tornado, flood, hurricane, wildfire, etc.

    II. Criminal and Legal Actions
    a. Examples: employee is charged with a crime, sexual harassment

    lawsuit, wrongful termination lawsuit, failure to comply with ATF
    policies and procedures, failure to meet ??? standards for securing
    personal information and credit card data, customer is injured in a
    retail store

    III. Violent acts and demonstrations
    a. Examples: movements against Bass Pro Shops, employee injured or

    killed during work related activities, hostage situation, robbery by
    external forces

    IV. Perceived crises
    a. Examples: misinterpretation of Bass Pro Shops position the Second

    Amendment and animal rights along with other actions (intentional
    and unintentional) related to political and social issues, failure to
    maintain relationships and gain support from other community
    businesses and other organizations

    V. Financial crises
    a. Examples: embezzlement by any employee, illegitimate merchandise

    returns made by customers, fraudulent cash, credit/debit card or check
    utilized in transactions by customers or employees, profit margins
    decreasing rapidly

    Bass Pro Shops Crisis Communication Plan 5

    Internal Crisis Communication Plan Roles

    The crisis communication plan should be shared with all employees during
    orientation. A majority of the responsibilities will be shared between the General
    Manager, Operations Manager, Merchandising Manager and all General Sales
    Managers (GSMs), but team leaders and sales associates must be informed and
    understand that they represent the Bass Pro Shops’ corporation.

    The Crisis Communication Team
    A Crisis Communication Team is essential to identify the actions that need to be
    taken in the event of each crisis. The Crisis Communication Team will consist of the

    x General Manager
    x Operations Manager
    x Promotions Manager
    x Office administrator
    x At least one other General Sales Manager

    If the crisis is specific to one area of interest, that GSM would be required to join the
    Crisis Communication Team. For example, if the crisis was in result to the gun
    control debate, the Hunting GSM would join the Crisis Communication Team.

    The first and foremost goal of the Crisis Communication Team is to protect to
    integrity and reputation of Bass Pro Shops. To achieve this goal The Crisis
    Communication Team must:

    x Ensure that the staff of the entire is store is consistently informed and
    reminded of their roles in the situation

    x Designate a primary spokesperson that will represent the store and the
    corporation, make official statement and answer media questions and
    address public concerns

    x Determine the retail store’s position and how to mold an appropriate

    x Provide media with information needed to reestablish Bass Pro Shops’

    x Evaluate the crisis plan that was implemented following the event of each

    Bass Pro Shops Crisis Communication Plan 6

    Policies for Crisis Communication
    All crises should be reported to the General Manager, Operations Manager, Merchandising
    Manager, or GSM immediately.

    Only the designated spokesperson from the Crisis Communication Team will speak to the
    media or respond to any external inquiries about the retail store’s position in the event of a
    crisis. All other staff members should professionally direct any media or public inquiries to
    the spokesperson. They are prohibited to providing any information.

    All Bass Pro Shops’ retail stores will respond to media attention with strong statements
    that are composed of factual information in a professional and delicate manner that will
    reestablish the credibility of the store and the entire corporation.

    Retail stores should be proactive in delivering responses to the media. A lack of response
    will only trigger a more adverse reaction from the public.

    Personal information will always remain confidential.

    Relationships with the media are crucial during a time of crisis. Bass Pro Shops’ retail
    stores are required to maintain these valuable relationships to effectively relay messages to
    the public that regain confidence in the Bass Pro Shops’ corporation.

    Bass Pro Shops Crisis Communication Plan 7

    Pre-Crisis Preparation
    x Phone/email list- A phone and email chain should be established to ensure

    that all members of the Crisis Communication Team are made aware of the
    situation (see appendix, page 12)

    x Documentation system: Create means of documenting potential crises and
    an organization system. This system will help retail stores plan potential
    outcomes of a crisis and plan resolutions based on like crises from the past.

    o Accident Report (see appendix, page 13)
    x Identify and train the spokesperson- This will most likely be the retail

    store’s General Manager.
    o Training can be found on Bass Pro Shops’ “Downstream.” Under the

    “Education and Training” tab a series of webinars can be found that
    will train the spokesperson on public speaking techniques, answering
    questions, and the do’s and don’ts of speaking with the media.

    x Update media list and other contacts’ information- Have a media list and
    fact sheet prepared in advance. The media list will make it easier and quicker
    to contact the local media during a crisis. The fact sheet will provide the basic
    information on the organization that the media will need to formulate a story.

    o Examples: television news stations, local publications, local radio
    stations, government officials, landlord (if applicable), law enforcement

    o Fact Sheet (see appendix, page 14)
    x Mission Statement- all key messages and positioning statements should

    reflect Bass Pro Shop’s mission statement. In the event of a crisis, any
    messages formed should be based on strong family values, wildlife
    preservation and the corporation’s dedication to “world class customer

    o Positioning Statement Guidelines (see appendix, page 15)
    x Preapproved Statements- the Crisis Communication Team should prepare

    responses for common media inquiries.
    x Establish Resources and meeting center- acquire and organize materials

    that may be useful in the state of crisis. Determine a location in each retail
    location that can be used for the crisis management center. (i.e. a
    Conservation Room or conference room)

    x Staff Awareness Meetings- the first full week of each month will be
    dedicated to educating the entire staff on a variety of different crisis. The
    topics will include possible incidents, preparation and prevention. Several
    short and efficient meetings will be held each day. Every associate is required
    to attend one meeting.

    o Examples: Tornado safety procedures, associate purchases,
    archery/gun range safety, etc.

    Bass Pro Shops Crisis Communication Plan 8

    Crisis Management Checklist
    This list is a brief overview of the steps for crisis management. Each retail store
    should review these steps and adjust let to meet the needs of their store and the
    crises that occur.

    Ensure safety. Call 911, if needed.

    – Complete accident form if, applicable. (See page 11)

    Notify a member of the Crisis Communication plan immediately. Then, the
    Crisis Communication Team needs to notify all members that are not on site.

    Document crisis and determine fact. The Crisis Communication Team should
    review the facts and predict the potential reaction to the crisis before addressing
    the rest of the staff or the public.

    Inform all staff members of the situation. If necessary, contact base camp to
    inform the corporate managers of the crisis.
    – Determine what information should be shared with the staff and what details

    should not.

    Preparation to address the public:

    Evaluate the situation
    – Determine all of the issues surrounding the crisis
    – Evaluate the media’s level of interest and tone
    – Is the government involved?
    – Create a frequently asked questions sheet to prepare for public

    Determine the audience
    – Identify the groups that are affected by the situation and what concerns

    they have
    Determine appropriate response and action
    – Identify what the retail store plans to achieve through communication
    – Examples: stronger reputation, forgiveness, public awareness, etc.

    Develop a plan of action for internal and external communication
    Construct transparent and detailed key messages that address the severity of
    the crisis and guarantees that the retail store will be proactive in resolving
    the situation
    – Formulate a focused message
    – Address the concerns of the affected publics
    – See positioning Statement Guidelines (appendix, page 15)

    Bass Pro Shops Crisis Communication Plan 9

    Prepare talking points and message system for the phone operator

    Determine specifics of how the message will be communicated to the public
    – Plan a press release, if it is necessary
    – Place the spokesperson in valuable media opportunities
    – Request that base camp update website/page frequently
    – Inform government officials, if necessary

    Addressing the public:
    Contact critical internal audiences (staff, base camp, etc.)
    Begin media outreach

    – Construct a media list of all media outlets you need to contact
    – Make Fact Sheet easily accessible to the media (appendix, page 14)

    Evaluate the message effectiveness
    – Determine how the combination of the message, the spokesperson, and

    the channels used were either success or unsuccessful
    Constantly update staff, stakeholders, and the public as the situation

    Provide examples of solutions and changes that will be implemented in the

    future to prevent further crises and restore the Bass Pro Shops’ image
    – Determine, if community relations efforts are needed
    Continue to communicate post-crisis

    Bass Pro Shops Crisis Communication Plan

    Crisis Management Evaluation

    I. Ensure that crisis is solved completely
    a. Communicate the resolution and plan to move forward with the public
    b. Review all media inquiries. All should be contacted for a final time

    II. Crisis communication review
    a. Determine whether or not the reaction was effective and timely
    b. Determine whether or not the positioning statement appealed the

    public or not and if any support was gained in result to it.
    c. Conclude on what means of communication did not meet expectations

    and why
    d. Make plan for future based on revisions due to the current crisis

    III. Media coverage assessment
    a. Ensure that the message was consistent
    b. Analyze number of media inquiries
    c. Determine the first reaction from the public. Was it positive or

    d. Determine the public’s opinion upon the time of resolution and in the

    aftermath of the crisis
    IV. File and correct errors

    a. File all data from crisis
    b. Revise the crisis plan if necessary
    c. Compose final report and present the crisis management process to

    base camp

    Bass Pro Shops Crisis Communication Plan


    Bass Pro Shops Crisis Communication Plan

    Sample Phone Chain

    This phone chain will be used each time that a crisis occurs. If the crisis is specific to
    a department then the General Manager is required to call that GSM. The general
    manager should notify the other members of the phone change that the particular
    GSM has already been contacted. When each store creates their phone chain, the
    phone numbers of each staff member should be included in their square. This chain
    is only a model and should be adjusted to meet the needs of the store.







    Marine &
    Tracker GSM

    Hunting GSM
    Apparel &

    Footwear GSM




    Support Team



    Bass Pro Shops Crisis Communication Plan

    Accident Report

    Instructions: All store-related accidents require this form to be completed by a member of
    management of the Operations Support team. The injured should NOT complete the report.
    The report must be completed, reviewed for accuracy, and signed within 24 hours of the
    accident. The report will then be filed by the Operations Manager and cannot be obtained
    without his/her authorization.

    Section I:
    Name: Phone Number:

    Parent/Guardian Name (If the injured is a minor):

    Home Address (Include Number/Street, City, State & Zip):

    Employee Customer Other Visitor

    Section II: Accident Data:
    Date: Time: (AM/PM)

    Briefly explain the accident: (If the accident resulted in an injury, explain the following:
    activities happening when the injury occurred, the tools or other equipment being used at
    the time, what caused the injury and what is the injury or illness)

    Briefly describe the action taken: (Indicate whether first aid or other care was
    administered by a Bass Pro Staff member and whether or not 911 was contacted)

    Describe action taken to prevent this accident from occurring again:

    Completed by: Date:
    Print Name


    Bass Pro Shops Crisis Communication Plan

    Sample Fact Sheet

    The sample fact sheet should be distributed to the media and made easily accessible
    during the time of a crisis.

    Retail Store Name

    (Include name as it is known to the public. Do not include store numbers)




    General Manager
    Operations Support Manager
    Merchandising Manager
    Office Administrator
    (Designate one of the Crisis Communication Team members to the contact person for the
    retail store)

    Retail store business hours

    Mission Statement: To be the leading merchant of outdoor recreational products,
    inspiring people to love, enjoy, and conserve the great outdoors

    Boiler Plate: About Bass Pro Shops, [insert retail store name here]:

    Bass Pro Shops Crisis Communication Plan

    Positioning Statement Guidelines

    This worksheet should be used as a means to formulate a positioning statement
    during a crisis. The rhetorical strategies are to be chosen based on the crisis at hand.
    Always include facts, do not falsify information and reflect on the wrong-doing of
    the retail store or corporation. Give the public hope by promising to improve
    conditions to prevent future crises.

    Date: Time:

    I. Describe incident
    o Only present facts
    o Do not share any personal information

    II. Explain primary concern
    o Examples: Safety, Accountability, transparency, community member,

    wildlife preservation, family values, etc.
    III. Reassure that the issue is being addressed

    o If possible, tell the public what the actual plan is to resolve the issue, fix
    the damage, and prevent the crisis from occurring again.

    IV. Confirm details and add any other essential information
    o Reassure public that the details are true.

    V. Conclusion
    o Promise that the retail store will stay in contact with the public and

    keep the media updated.
    o Provide contact information

    Rhetorical Strategies:

    x Bolstering
    o Compare to other similar organizations

    � Example- Cabela’s, Gander Mountain, Dick’s Sporting Goods
    o Redefine problem and support with facts
    o Focus on the good that has emerged throughout the crisis

    � Example: Customer fell in a retail store and the staff reacted
    quickly, assuring his/her well-being and calling professional

    Bass Pro Shops Crisis Communication Plan

    x Identification

    o State that the retail store was acting on behalf of the public
    � Example: Bass Pro Shops produced a controversial

    advertisement featuring the Second Amendment to show their
    support of the customers’ right to bear arms

    o Refer to partners in good standing
    � Examples: Kevin Van Dam, Boy Scouts of America, Ducks

    Unlimited, Bank of America, etc.
    x Transcendence

    o Stress the importance of one area over the other
    � Example: The importance of safety over quick service in the

    archery range.
    x Victim

    o Examples:
    � Of Media
    � Of vandalism, burglary or other deviant behavior
    � Of Changing times

    x Corrective Action
    o New programs
    o New commitments and priorities
    o Refunds/discounts

    x Expressed Regret
    o Humiliation, shame, distress
    o Sorrow for circumstances beyond control

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