Assignment 49

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Course Title

Electrical and Computer Engineering

Sophomore Seminar

Course Code


Exam Version


(Includes names of all instructors teaching this course)


Submission date

02/12/2020 at 23:59

Exam Duration

No. of Pages :


(includes cover page)

(Student Must Verify)

To be completed by the student

Student Name

Student ID






Grading Scheme


Earned Points

Max. Points



Earned Points

Max. Points






Total Earned Points

Total Available Points

Instructor Signature



In case of plagiarism, you will receive an email to resubmit your work, with the following rule:

· Resubmission within 24h from email notification: 40% deduction

· Resubmission within 48h from email notification: 60% deduction.

· Failing to resubmit within two days after notification means that the assessment will be awarded 0.

Late Submission:
After the submission deadline, students have a maximum 2-days grace period for late submissions with the following penalty (excluding Fridays):

· first day, within 24h from the deadline, 40% deduction

· Second day, within 48h from the deadline, 60% deduction.

· Failing to submit within two days after notification means that the assessment will be awarded 0.

Wrong Submission: Students have the full responsibility of:

· submitting the required documents within the deadline

· verifying that the correct files are submitted

· Verifying that the submitted files are not corrupted.

· Resubmission of student’s work falls under late submission policy.

Important Information

· This is an individual assignment.

· The assignment should be prepare in words only.

· Save the assignment as pdf and submit the pdf file using Moodle.

· Each question should use only one page.

· Each answer should be provided on separate page.

Question 1 [20 points].

Suppose you are looking for an internship job. Use the google search engine, any other career websites, or other line resources and find a job opportunity that suits your career interests. Carefully read the job description and write down the qualifications and skills required for this job.

Question 2 [40 points].

Create a one page resume for the applying for above job. The resume must contain the details about the following four fields:

· Personal Information

· Objective /Personal Statement

· Education

· Computer skills

Your resume must also contain at least two of the following fields:

· Work Experience

· Awards and honors

· Membership / Professional associations

· Language skills

· Licenses and certifications

· Grants and scholarships.

Make sure that resume is properly structured and formatted. Follow the samples and guidelines provided in the lecture slides for preparing a quality resume.

Question 3 [40 points].

Prepare a one page cover letter to be attached to the resume as part of your application when applying for the above job. Your resume should be tailored according to the job requirements mentioned in the job advertisement given in the Question 1.

Make sure that cover letter is properly structured and formatted. Follow the samples and guidelines provided in the lecture slides for preparing a professional cover letter.

If the name of the person whom you are sending the job application is not given, you can assume the name as well as job designation.

Best of luck!

Course Title: Electrical and Computer Engineering Seminar Course Code: EE/CE 200 5 | Page

Cover Letter Writing
EE & CE 200 Fall 2020

Resume basics

Formatting tips
for Resume

Tips for

Preparations for
the career fair

Cover letter



Cover Letter

• One-page document that you submit as part of your job

• Submitted alongside your CV or Resume.

• Purpose
• Introduce you

• Briefly summarize your professional background.

• On average, 250 to 400 words long.

• Tailored for each job you are applying for.

Cover letter

Explain why
you are

sending a


Tell specifically
how you

learned about
the position or


Call attention
to elements of


Convince the reader
to look at your


Reflect your

Make the reader
guess what you
are asking for.

Don’t send a
resume without a

cover letter.

Basic Elements of a Cover Letter

• Greeting:
• Address your cover letter to the proper person.

• Opening:
• Write a personable, inviting opening paragraph that highlights how your skills are a

perfect fit to the job.

• Hook:
• Highlight your past achievements as they relate to the job you’re applying for.

• Skills:
• Highlight additional relevant skills, such as computer languages or certifications.

• Close:
• Briefly recap your strengths as a candidate, and include your contact information.

• A cover letter shouldn’t be more than one page

Cover Letter

What to include

• Your name and contact details
• at the top of your cover letter. Postal address is not necessary, email and phone number are.

• Their name and contact details

• The name of the job you’re going for

• A list of your relevant skills
• a brief summary of your skills and experiences that match the job description

• A summary of why you’re right for the job

• Say when you’re available to start work

• Ask them to check out your resume & contact you

If you haven’t heard back in a couple of weeks, it’s okay for you to contact them to ask for a response – try emailing them or calling.

What NOT to include
• Typos

• factual errors

• Your entire resume

• Using “I” too much

• Don’t mention your other job applications

Keep it clear

Always Sign off your cover letter with ‘Yours sincerely’ and your

Don’t make
the employer
work to read
your letter!

Try not to go
over one side

of A4

Answer the

“Why should
I see you?”

Internship Opportunity
Engineer Internship positions at Honeywell provide university
students or recent graduates an opportunity to gain real-world
experience in the engineering field. Interested candidates must have
a willingness to perform general engineering tasks under close
supervision. Engineering internships are expected to be for
approximately a three-month duration but may be extended based
on workload and interest.

• Working toward a BS or MS in Electrical / Computer Engineering.

• Strong organizational skills and aptitude for detail.

• Excellent oral and written communication skills.

• Never use a long word where a short one will do.

• Never use the passive voice* where you can use the
active voice**

The writing rules

• Never use jargon if you can think of an everyday

• If it is possible to cut a word out, always cut it out.

* “Bones are liked by dogs“
** “Dogs like bones”

Suggested structure :
First Paragraph

•Introduce yourself and state the job you’re applying for.
•Where you found out about it (advert in The Guardian newspaper etc. – organizations like to know which

of their advertising sources are being successful)
•When you’re available to start work (and end if it’s a placement)

Second Paragraph
•Why you’re interested in that type of work

•Why the company attracts you (if it’s a small company say you prefer to work for a small friendly

Third Paragraph
•Summarize your strengths and how they might be an advantage to the organization.

•Relate your skills to the competencies required in the job.

Last Paragraph
•Mention any dates that you won’t be available for interview

•Thank the employer and say you look forward to hearing from them soon.

If you start with a name (e.g. “Dear Mr Bloggs”) you should end with “Yours sincerely”. If you start with
“Dear Sir or Madam” you should end with “Yours faithfully”.

PS: Cover letter are personals, feel free to use your own style.

Quick tips

Bad examples

Bad examples

Resume Writing Checklist

• Verify everyone’s contact information.

• Confirm that you’re using the right greeting.

• Make sure you’re sending the right letter.

• Pick your keywords wisely.

• Choose the right file format.

• Check length requirements.

• Proofread and proofread again.


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