1000 WORD Min. at least 3 scholarly sources due 11/21


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Discuss the following in an essay format of at least 1,000 words and using at least three scholarly sources:

  • According to tradition, who wrote the Gospel of Mark? Why are modern scholars unable to verify that tradition? What themes in the Gospel suggest that it was composed after the Jewish Revolt against Rome had already begun? 
  • Describe the three different categories Mark assigns the Son of Man concept. How is this concept related to earlier Jewish writings, such as the books of Ezekiel, Daniel, and I Enoch? 
  • Define parable and discuss Jesus’ use of this literary form to describe his vision of God’s kingdom. 
  • Why do scholars believe that it is unlikely that one of the Twelve wrote Matthew’s Gospel? From the content of the Gospel, what can we infer about its author and the time and place of its composition? 
  • Describe some of Luke’s major themes and concerns. 
  • Evaluate the evidence for and against the tradition that Luke, Paul’s traveling companion, wrote the Gospel bearing his name.

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