Criminal Justice

Assignment No. 4 Importance of Research in Criminal Justice (Due December 2, 2020) – Part 1

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Assignment No. 4 Importance of Research in Criminal Justice (Due December 2, 2020)

a research article related to the Criminal Justice field. Prepare a (10 to 12) page assessment (not including title, abstract and reference page) that evaluates the following categories

1.      Assess the importance and benefits of the research and how it is intimately related to the field of criminal justice. (Use left margin sub-topic heading to begin your review)

2.      Examine how the research may determine which strategies, interventions and experiments may be effectively demonstrated in the field of criminal justice. (Use left margin sub-topic heading to begin your review)

3.      Validate how research studies are used to help prevent and reduce crime and disorder, and provide service to the local City and County communities, as well as State and Federal government agencies and organizations (Use left margin sub-topic heading to begin your review)  

4.      Include no less than (8) different research article references and no more than (2) different book references for a total of (10) twelve references. 

Prepare the assignment using the following APA writing guidelines

         Title page (Centered) 

·         Abstract page (no more than half page – brief summary of entire presentation) (Centered)

·         Introduction of topic (Center this heading) should be no more than 2 paragraph(s)

·         Literature Review Discussion (Center this heading)

·         Conclusion (Center this heading)

·         Reference page (Center this heading) 

*Your paper must comply with and meet APA standards for format, citation and documentation of references etc. 

*Attach plagiarism and optional receipt to your completed assignment before submitting.

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