A letter to an officail

For this assignment, write a letter to someone related to the local issue you highlighted in the week 8 forum. This issue must be relevant to this course’s topics. 

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 Please do not just copy your discussion answers. Your letter needs to be more developed – including your problem’s explanation and proposed solutions. Please spend as much time as possible researching both the problem’s explanation and solution. You don’t need to provide your return address for the assignment, but you’ll need to include it if you decide to send your letter. Provide the name and mailing address of one person you could contact regarding the local issue at the top of your submission. Then write a three-paragraph letter using this format:

Paragraph 1: introduce yourself and explain the problem;

Paragraph 2: explain the relevant history of the problem (cite your sources);

Paragraph 3: explain concepts and theories (think of IR theories if applicable) related to the problem (cite your sources and relate to course materials if possible); and,

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Paragraph 4: propose possible solutions and explain what you want this person to do.

Your letter should have a professional tone and look and follow the standard letter format. Add legitimacy to your claims by providing citations using the Turabian style and include a list of your references (required). Use 12 pitch, Times New Roman font and 1-inch margins. Include your last name in your file name and upload your work in a or x file by Sunday of week 8. lastnamefirstnamefinalclasssectionumber example: GonzalesJose final IRLS21001 A template is attached for your convenience. 

It is up to you whether or not you send the letter, but you are encouraged to do so. Civic engagement is crucial in democratic societies.

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