
I have created an outline to follow that requires you to specifically reflect on the evolution of the injustice in a comprehensive way. In the Origin of Injustice section, you will be including a background and discussing several causes of your injustice. In the Money Power and Control section you need to find an organization that benefits from maintain policies that contribute to the injustice. In the cultural section you need to focus on one societal norm that prevents changes. You will also need to find a specific bill or law that impacts your population. Finally, in the ethics section you will need to include concrete evidence that the profession of nursing has an obligation to be active patient advocate in protecting your population from the injustice that goes beyond bedside care. In this discussion board I would like you to come up with an outline that includes the specific topic you will discuss for each section.  

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Topic: Would a public health approach to immigration policy decrease mental trauma for children separated from their parents in America?

  • Origin of Injustice: Immigration policy

    Background: what you will focus on here
    Causes: list out the causes you will discuss (you may have more than 1)

  • Money power and control: what organization are you going to focus on and how do they maintain power?
  • Legislation: what bill will you discuss?
  • Culture: what social norm will you discuss?
  • Ethical Obligation: what is concrete evidence you will use to support the claim nurses have an obligation to help your population related to this injustice  

Example for the bees

  • Origin of Injustice: Decline in 

    Background: history of the decline in bee populations
    Cause: Nutritional stress
    Cause: Loss of biodiversity
    Cause: Intensive farming practices

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  • Money power and control: Big Agribusiness 

    Consolidation of power
    Revolving door
    Industry funded research

  • Legislation: pollinator protection act
  • Culture: Standard American diet
  • Ethical Obligation: Dietitian 

    Including dietary recommendations that consider the envirmental is recognized by 

    The AND – professionals in field
    The CDR – curriculum for students in dietetics programs
    Collective grassroot movement within the profession

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