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Research indicates children who learn cross-disciplinary content that integrates the arts into instructional activities may develop a deeper understanding of the material, and the concepts may become more ingrained in their knowledge base for a longer period. Children are more invested in such instruction because they are using their experiences and interpretations during their learning, making learning more exciting and personal.

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With permission from your mentor teacher, teach the lesson you created in Topic 3, or an English language arts lesson that integrates creative arts that the teacher provides, to a small group of selected students.

Spend any remaining time observing or assisting the teacher in providing instruction and support to the class.

In a 250-500 word reflection, respond to the following questions:

  • What were the students’ responses to the integration of creative arts during instruction?
  • How did you meet the needs of all students?
  • What information about your learners did you gain from the assessments?
  • What feedback did your mentor teacher provide you on your instruction?
  • How will you use your experience in integrating literacy with creative arts in future lessons?

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Formative assessment

Formative assessment is defined as teachers’ various methods to evaluate student learning needs, comprehension, and learning progress during a course, unit, or lesson. Formative assessment helps teachers establish concepts learners are struggling to get, skills they are encountering hardship acquiring, or standards of learning they are yet to achieve so that lessons, academic support, and instructional techniques can be adjusted (Wiliam, 2019). The goal of formative assessment is gathering information that can help improve student learning and instruction. The most common way for this is to improve teaching methods by teachers—the research work discusses formative assessment.

One component of the process of formative assessment is the adjustment of the ongoing teachers’ instructional activities. Referring to the assessment-based proof of students’ current status, like exam results displaying that students have a weakness in mastering certain cognitive expertise, a teacher may provide different or additional instruction concerning this skill. This situation poses stress considering that the process of formative assessment is concerned with ongoing instruction. Any modifications made by a teacher in instruction must target the mastery of curricular aims by the student, being pursued currently. Therefore, it’s not just having a look at a data test and deciding to make a new trial; it’s about making a different approach (Rokaczy et al., 2019).

Formative assessment significantly increases the academic achievement of students and their attitude towards a lesson. Additionally, it impacts their self-regulatory expertise. Formative assessment focuses on eliminating the students’ deficiencies and emphasizes it as the dominant approach of assessment in teaching. Formative is determined in evaluating students based on their levels of development without comparing each of them. It fosters the students’ academic achievement and attitudes toward the lesson by monitoring their achievements individually in learning outcomes. Students in formative assessment correct their deficiencies by being responsible for their learning rather than getting good grades (Andrade & Heritage, 2017). The assessment assists students in coping with unfavorable factors like grading and high examination levels. All in all, incorporating formative assessment in schools can significantly increase students’ achievements, thus increasing education quality.

In conclusion, based on the formative reading assessment, students should be evaluated based on their development level but not in comparison with each other. Homework or classroom tasks should be evaluated using comments rather than marking them as incorrect and giving out grades. Additionally, collaborative group works should be applied to conduct lessons to enhance communication between students. Furthermore, the formative assessment influence on attitude and academic achievement in classes should be evaluated within different lesson contexts. Moreover, the formative assessment influence on attitudes towards lessons, academic achievements, and self-regulation should be evaluated at various stages. Lastly, there should be examining teachers’ perception of formative assessment (Fabiano, Reddy & Dudek, 2018).


Andrade, H. L., & Heritage, M. (2017). Using formative assessment to enhance learning, achievement, and academic self-regulation. Routledge.

Elmahdi, I., Al-Hattami, A., & Fawzi, H. (2018). Using Technology for Formative Assessment to Improve Students’ Learning. Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology-TOJET, 17(2), 182-188.

Fabiano, G. A., Reddy, L. A., & Dudek, C. M. (2018). Teacher coaching is supported by formative assessment for improving classroom practices: School Psychology Quarterly, 33(2), 293.

Ismail, M. A. A., & Mohammad, J. A. M. (2017). Kahoot: A promising tool for formative assessment in medical education. Education in Medicine Journal, 9(2).

Rakoczy, K., Pinger, P., Hochweber, J., Klieme, E., Schütze, B., & Besser, M. (2019). Formative assessment in mathematics: Mediated by feedback’s perceived usefulness and students’ self-efficacy. Learning and Instruction, 60, 154-165.

Wiliam, D. (2019). Embedding formative assessment. Reading, 500, 510.

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