Expanded Definition


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Expanded Definitions—due November 22

Start by picking a term (short phrases are fine). You may choose a term that you know well or want to understand better. Feel free to be creative. Generally, if you pick a subject you know a lot about—you don’t have to do much research, which is a real plus. Here are some suggestions for how to choose a term.

· from your field or a hobby.

· from the Urban Dictionary online (or another slang word or a word you made up), but the document will still need to have some kind of serious point to it.

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· from another language defined for an English speaker (words or concepts that lose meaning in translation)

Follow the examples on pages in Chapter 17 404-405 and 406-407(the best example because of the headings). Combine research with your own knowledge to define your term, using at least 5 expansion methods (398-402). Remember you must use expansion methods that are well-suited for giving your audience the information they need, not just random methods that are easier to use (such as a clip art visuals). Do not label the expansion methods because they should be seamlessly integrated, but headings are quite helpful (see example 406-407). You will need at least 3 sources: one source may be the Urban Dictionary or Wikipedia, but the other 2 must be a more legitimate sources. Do not cut and paste. That’s plagiarism. Cite your sources according to MLA format with in-text citations and a Works Cited. 

These definitions should be one and a half to two pages

Expanded Definitions—due November 22

Start by picking a term (short phrases are fine). You may choose a term that you know well or want to understand better. Feel free to be creative. Generally, if you pick a subject you know a lot about—you don’t have to do much research, which is a real plus. Here are some suggestions for how to choose a term.

· from your field or a hobby.

· from the Urban Dictionary online (or another slang word or a word you made up), but the document will still need to have some kind of serious point to it.

· from another language defined for an English speaker (words or concepts that lose meaning in translation)

Follow the examples on pages in Chapter 17 404-405 and 406-407(the best example because of the headings). Combine research with your own knowledge to define your term, using at least 5 expansion methods (398-402). Remember you must use expansion methods that are well-suited for giving your audience the information they need, not just random methods that are easier to use (such as a clip art visuals). Do not label the expansion methods because they should be seamlessly integrated, but headings are quite helpful (see example 406-407). You will need at least 3 sources: one source may be the Urban Dictionary or Wikipedia, but the other 2 must be a more legitimate sources. Do not cut and paste. That’s plagiarism. Cite your sources according to MLA format with in-text citations and a Works Cited.

These definitions should be one and a half to two pages

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