assay : Living Alone vs. Living with your Family

Fall 2020

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ENGL100_Assignment 1_ Answer sheet (10%)

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Write the topic that you have selected.

Write the name of the prewriting technique that you have selected.

Prewrite in this box.

Write your outline in this box.

Topic sentence:

Major Support 1:

Minor Support:

Major Support 2:

Minor Support:

Major Support 3:

Minor Support:

Concluding sentence:

Fall 2020

ENGL100_Assignment 1_Version O3 (10%)


1. Choose ONE of the given topics.

Topic 1: Exercising

Topic 2: Travelling Abroad

Topic 3: Living Alone vs. Living with your Family

2. Choose one prewriting technique that you will use to generate ideas about the topic.

3. Prewrite on the selected topic using this technique.

4. Write an outline based on your prewriting. The outline should include: complete topic sentence, major and minor supporting details written as complete sentences, concluding sentence.

5. Type your answers in the answer sheet.

6. Submit your work as a file on your course Moodle page by: November 24, 2020 at 17:00.




The submission is original (not copied)


The topic is selected.


Prewriting technique is selected.


Prewriting matches the selected prewriting technique.


Prewriting is sufficient.
Listing: 7-10 items;
Venn diagram: 8-10 items;
Freewriting: 10 lines min.;
Clustering: 1 main topic, min. 3 subtopics with min. 2 ideas each;
Summary: 5 lines min., the source is mentioned



Topic sentence is correct (complete sentence, has topic and controlling idea, not too general or too specific).


3 major supporting details are provided (specific and adequate).


Minimum 1 minor detail for each major one is provided (specific and adequate).


Concluding sentence restates the main idea.


Student demonstrates good sentence skills (for outline only).




In case the outline is off topic, 20% of the grade is deducted.

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