Assignment (500 WORDS MINIMUM)

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Project Instructions:

1. Go to your food pantry or refrigerator and select a food product of your choice. This can be can food, a box food or a product within your refrigerator or even your favorite candy bar. Select only one food item.

2. Record the item name, look on the item packaging for the website for that product, for example, I selected a box food of Kraft Velveeta Cheesy Potatoes Hash Browns and the web link ( is displayed on the box to the product website.

3. Research your selected products website and answer the following in a Word Document Report of your selected food product.

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a. Identify and explain your selected product in your report.

b. Locate the JavaScript tracking tag on the main page (view the page source code) it may look similar to this if they are using Google Analytics: ga.src = (‘https:’ == document.location.protocol ? ‘https://ssl’ : ‘http://www’) + ‘’;

Once you find the JavaScript tracking script identify which tool the company is using. Why do you believe they are using this tool? Be sure to place this tracking code in your report.

c. Review and drill down into your selected products website, imagine that you are a visitor to the product website and you are looking for information, critique the site for navigation, theme, look and feel, user-friendliness and any other information to assist you in your synopsis.

d. Did the product site benefit the product; was it confusing or helpful explain?

f. Was there too much or too little information on the product site?

g. How well did the product site meet any proposed web analytics goals, be sure to use terminology learned in this course. Put on your web analytics professional thinking cap and analyze the product site. Try to focus your report, as if you were presenting it the CEO or Head of Marketing. Explain and describe in as much detail as you can what you discovered.

Please submit a Word Doc with your answers, in 500 words or more, and use references in support of your answers.

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