Annotated Bibliography


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Complete an annotated bibliography utilizing credible sources.

  • Find, read and analyze at least three professional articles in addition to the assigned readings related to good decision making and the process to be used to make good decisions
  • Create an Annotated Bibliography using APA formatting for that research.  See the section above about the OWL website and other sources to learn how to create and APA formatted bibliography

Develop a three paragraph response for each resource: 

  • The first paragraph provides a brief summary of the author’s project in the book, covering the main points of the work.
  • The second paragraph points out the project’s strengths and evaluates its methods and presentation.
  • The third reflects on how the source could be used for further projects.

These should be from credible sources, which can include scholarly articles or citations from professional journals. Use of the Herzing University Library is strongly encouraged.

Once you have complete your bibliography, include it with a title page formatted in APA style (See page 41 of the APA Manual, 6th Edition), and submit it through the assignment link. 

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Assignment Purpose

  • Practice research and evaluation techniques.

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