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Doan: 2

Addressing social service needs in COVID-19 era

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Texas Policy Report Proposal

Khanh Doan

GOVT-2306-21002 GOVT 2306 Fall 2020

Dr. Mark Skorick

Word Count (621)

Covid has been the most recent pandemic that is affecting so many people, and it is still affecting so many people. The pandemic started late last when people least expected. Many people never knew that was going to cause a global impact whereby many things would get affected. The key thing with the virus is the fact that once it attacks someone, it will get to affect their respiratory system and in the sense that they will not be able to perform various activities within the society. Everything was affected, including social services. It was an indication that things had got out of hand since the virus was a killer disease. The only option that people were left with was to lock themselves in their houses and never to get out for some time. Everything was closed, including school, some hospitals that were not developed enough to handle the disease, some community healthcare’s that were not qualified to handle such rising cases of Covid-19, jobs were closed, many of the people lost their lives; as a result, the housing sector was greatly affected, and community management was also affected as a result of the pandemic (Ranganathan, Priya, et al. 112).

To start with the schools, all schools within the borders of the united states were closed, including those of other countries. The reason for this is the fact students would not learn amid the pandemic as they would all end up contracting the virus. The other thing with this virus is the fact that it can spread through the air and which makes it more difficult for people to congregate in a public place. Learning systems across the world were mostly affected, and one of the key things that were done in this case was taking studies on online platforms. Most students need to take their studies as they build to be provided with the right educational equipment. The key thing from this was to ensure that most of these students have the opportunity of continuing with their students despite the pandemic. The other thing is that most of the school administration should come up with teachers who helped take the students through and come up with the right education framework on what they should do to ensure that the students are ever kept busy (Sharma, Shreela V., et al. 7). It can also be stated that most of these students can be very stubborn, which at home as others can engage in bad companies. The need for a learning system was, therefore, to keep the students busy in the manner that they would be occupied all day without having to get out.

The other need for social service was for health care and also determined how to handle community management. The first thing, in this case, is to ensure that most of the members of the public have access to health care. Most of the healthcare’s were able to go home to home to check whether the people had the right health. Most of the people, in this case, would get complications and the only way was to call medical assistance who would check their progress to reduce congestion in health care facilities. The aim of this is to ensure that the cases are reduced, and the health care practitioner needs to be free from corvid 19. The final social service needs, in this case, is community management, whereby some of the community activities came to a halt. There was, therefore, a need to come up with the right to some of the activities such as community empowerment and also ensure they get to conduct their activities online through their mobile phones (Joseph, Bobby, and Mia George Kallumkal. 257).

Work Cited

Ranganathan, Priya, et al. “Addressing Challenges Due to the COVID-19 Pandemic – A Site and Investigator Perspective.” Perspectives in Clinical Research, vol. 11, no. 3, July 2020, pp. 111–114. EBSCOhost, doi:10.4103/picr.PICR_165_20.

Sharma, Shreela V., et al. “Using a Rapid Assessment Methodology to Identify and Address Immediate Needs among Low-Income Households with Children during COVID-19.” PLoS ONE, vol. 15, no. 10, Oct. 2020, pp. 1–11. EBSCOhost, doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0240009.

Joseph, Bobby, and Mia George Kallumkal. “COVID-19 in Occupational Settings: Lessons from 100 Years Ago and Addressing the Disease Today.” Indian Journal of Community Health, vol. 32, Jan. 2020, pp. 255–260. EBSCOhost, doi:10.47203/ijch.2020.v32i02supp.016.

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