The Prompt


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The Prompt
Respond to the following discussion question for this module. 

Chapter 30 covers a very turbulent time in western art.  In Europe, it was a time that the aristocratic rulers lost power through revolutions and social change challenged long-held beliefs and living conditions and ways of life.  This was not a time of calm, successive movements but a time when counter points of view coexisted and clashed.  Specifically, the ideas of the Enlightenment and of Romanticism.  For this prompt, please choose one piece of work from either style and discuss it using the four types of art historical analysis.  Please include what aspects of the piece show Enlightenment ideas or Romantic characteristics. 

Please support your opinion with other examples of art from this chapter.  Remember to include an image of the work of art you are discussing.


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30.d  Apply the vocabulary and concepts relevant to eighteenth- and early nineteenth-century European and American art, artists, and art history.

30.e  Interpret a work of eighteenth- or early nineteenth-century European or American art using appropriate art historical methods of observation, comparison, and inductive reasoning.

30.f  Select visual and textual evidence in various media to support an argument or an interpretation of a work of eighteenth- or early nineteenth-century European and American art.

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    Module Introduction Chapter 30

    Module Introduction Chapter 30

    European and American Art, 1715-1840


    Industrial, Intellectual, and Political Revolutions |
    Rococo | Rococo Salons | Painting | Sculpture and Architecture
    The Grand Tour and Neoclassicism in Italy |
    Grand Tour Portraits and Views | Neoclassicism in Rome
    Neoclassicism and Early Romanticism in Britain |
    The Classical Revival in Architecture and Design |
    The Gothic Revival in Architecture and Design | Iron as a Building Material | Trends in British Painting

    A Closer Look: Georgian Silver

    Later Eighteenth-Century Art in France | Architecture | Painting | Sculpture
    Spain and Spanish America | Goya | Art of the Americas under Spain
    The Development of Neoclassicism and Romanticism into the Nineteenth Century | Developments in France |
    Romantic Landscape Painting | British and American Architecture

    Technique: Lithography

    Module Assignment Summary

    Module Assignment Summary

     Revel Chapter 30, First half: Due Date 11/10
     Revel Chapter 30, second half: Due Date 11/13
     Discussion Board Module 7: Due Date 11/17
     Chapter Quiz on Bbd: Due Date 11/20

    Module Outcomes

    Module Outcomes

    Learning Objectives

    By the end of this chapter, the student will be able to:

    30.a  Identify the visual hallmarks of eighteenth- and early nineteenth-century European and American art for formal, technical, and expressive qualities.

    30.b  Interpret the meaning of eighteenth- and early nineteenth-century European and American works of art based on their themes, subjects, and symbols.

    30.c  Relate eighteenth- and early nineteenth-century European and American art and artists to their cultural, economic, and political contexts.

    30.d  Apply the vocabulary and concepts relevant to eighteenth- and early nineteenth-century European and American art, artists, and art history.

    30.e  Interpret a work of eighteenth- or early nineteenth-century European or American art using appropriate art historical methods of observation, comparison, and inductive reasoning.

    30.f  Select visual and textual evidence in various media to support an argument or an interpretation of a work of eighteenth- or early nineteenth-century European and American art

    Content and Resources

    Content and Resources

    Attached Files:

    0134484592_CH30.pptx – Alternative Formats

    (35.97 MB)

    This is the Power Point with notes for Chapter 30.  I suggest you view this before going to Revel.

    Module 7 Discussion Board

    Module 7 Discussion Board

    This assignment fulfills/supports


    30.d  Apply the vocabulary and concepts relevant to eighteenth- and early nineteenth-century European and American art, artists, and art history.

    30.e  Interpret a work of eighteenth- or early nineteenth-century European or American art using appropriate art historical methods of observation, comparison, and inductive reasoning.

    30.f  Select visual and textual evidence in various media to support an argument or an interpretation of a work of eighteenth- or early nineteenth-century European and American art.



    Resources Using Discussion Boards – Blackboard Student Tutorial
    Grading Criteria- there is a rubric on the DB page to help guide your entry.

    For a top score, you must respond constructively to at least two other students. More extensive participation will be noted.

    Post your opening response to the question early in the assignment period so that others have time to respond to you.

    A thoughtful opening response will be relevant to the prompt and have evidence of direct observation.

    The Prompt
    Respond to the following discussion question for this module. 

    Chapter 30 covers a very turbulent time in western art.  In Europe, it was a time that the aristocratic rulers lost power through revolutions and social change challenged long-held beliefs and living conditions and ways of life.  This was not a time of calm, successive movements but a time when counter points of view coexisted and clashed.  Specifically, the ideas of the Enlightenment and of Romanticism.  For this prompt, please choose one piece of work from either style and discuss it using the four types of art historical analysis.  Please include what aspects of the piece show Enlightenment ideas or Romantic characteristics. 


    Please support your opinion with other examples of art from this chapter.  Remember to include an image of the work of art you are discussing.


    Please go to the DB menu button on the course menu to the left to proceed.

    Module Quiz information

    Module Quiz information

    Important Quiz Information
    There is a quiz on this module.  You will receive notification from your instructor about how to access the quiz. 


     The Quiz Will Cover: 

    Chapter 30, European and American Art, 1715-1840

    This assignment fulfills/supports


    30.a  Identify the visual hallmarks of eighteenth- and early nineteenth-century European and American art for formal, technical, and expressive qualities.

    30.b  Interpret the meaning of eighteenth- and early nineteenth-century European and American works of art based on their themes, subjects, and symbols.

    30.c  Relate eighteenth- and early nineteenth-century European and American art and artists to their cultural, economic, and political contexts.

    30.d  Apply the vocabulary and concepts relevant to eighteenth- and early nineteenth-century European and American art, artists, and art history.

    The Quiz Format: 

    This Quiz covers the information from Chapter 30 of your text in Revel. 

    The test could include the following question formats: multiple choice, multiple answer, matching, fill in the blank and true/false and short answer.

    The quiz will have 25 questions or less.

    You will have 30 minutes to complete the quiz.  This is not the time to look up answers as you take the quiz, this quiz is timed to make sure that you know the answers.

    Module 7

    Alternative formats

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