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For this activity, you will practice developing a problem statement, goals, and objectives for a program.

First, read the case outlined below:

As part of its Tobacco Control Program, the State of Utah is interested in preventing youth tobacco use. This is a three-fold initiative involving (1) reducing tobacco sales to minors by educating retailers about Utah tobacco laws, (2) conducting compliance checks to ensure enforcement of the laws, and (3) positively recognizing stores that have a record of not selling tobacco to underage youth.

Prepare a mock-logic model for this program, using the attached template.

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Your logic model should include a name for the program, and a problem statement.

The attached logic model includes an example to help you. Make sure to delete the example, and submit your own logic model.

You are NOT expected to know/search for information about tobacco control, and may use hypothetical information to complete this exercise.

I will post the materiel late

Program: You Can Ride Program

Problem statement: Community members do not have access to public transportation.

Situation: Transportation needs in the community; inadequate capacity to meet needs; inadequate awareness of resources


(What we invest)


(What we do and who we do it to )

Outcomes – Impact

(The incremental events/changes that occur as a result of the outputs)



Short Medium Long








Needs and Resource Assessment

Driver Training

Software Training

Action Planning

Technology Use



Agencies that provide transportation



60% Transportation Providers Trained by January 2012

50% of consumers are aware of the new ride program

70% Increase in Number of Rides provided in coordinated system

80% of consumers reporting greater satisfaction

100% Communities with a simple point of access

Greater ability to participate in all aspects of life through increased access to transportation services

Rev. 7/09

Module Materials:


1. The first reading describes the importance of logic models when applying for grants:

The Importance of Using Logic Models in Grant ProposalsGrant expert Kristal Johnson is an expert in creating logic models for proposals. Here she answers the top 3 questions she gets about logic models.The Nonprofit Academy

2. The second reading outlines the CDC Framework for Evaluation, introducing the various elements of the logic model.

Framework Step 2 Checklist | Program Evaluation | CDCProgram evaluation is an essential organizational practice in public health. At CDC, program evaluation supports our agency priorities. When programs conduct strong, practical evaluations on a routine basis, the findings are better positioned to inform their management and improve program effectiveness.


1. Exploring Program Logic Models(5mins)

2. Developing Logic Models(15mins)

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