CIS 505 Discussion Response

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CIS 505 Discussion post responses.

Respond to the colleagues posts regarding:

Share your thoughts on mainframes and distributed data processing. How do data transmission errors affect your perception of each? In other words, does the possibility of error influence your decision regarding which would be better? What other factors would affect a company’s choice?

IS’s post states the following:Top of Form

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Thoughts on mainframes and distributed data processing.

Whilst Mainframes and DDP are geared to serve the same purpose at different capacity the efficiency of one over the other today lies within the type of organization, size and overall purpose ( accessing, applications, hardware, back-ups, etc). Many parts of any organization have issues accommodating extreme variations in the scale of computer power required within each department. Together with desire / need to facilitate mobile workers has also influence the scalability of both Mainframe and DDP.

Transmission errors affect your perception of each.

Having an error free systems is the ultimate goal for any organization but the reality still stands that at any point in time any part of a system can bring the daily operations to a streaking halt. Therefore proper load balancing is vital for the survival and/or withstanding the overloading of any part of the system at any point in time. Systems administrators / architecture has to foresee the growth of the system in relations to the size of the organizations operations as time passes.

Error influence your decision regarding which would be better? What other factors would affect a company’s choice?

When theres the allocation of resources between mainframes and distributed platforms, and when deciding which platform to use for new applications, security will be one of the several key factors in any organization evaluation. Knowing how well either system would protect sensitive data is vital seeing any potential for accessing it by attackers. Whilst mainframe computers provide for a complete protection pf all data from unauthorized reading and writing. They are usually kept behind locked doors in secured data center. This physical security provides a “secure zone” and within that zone, the mainframe security software permits only authorized users to access data. Unlike DDP the access to it and it storage also has variables that can compromise its security and policies and procedures should be put in-place to curtail these entities where the need be through auditing my the organization auditors when that times comes. 

SG’s post states the following:Top of Form

My thoughts on mainframes and distributed data processing are that they both accomplish the same mission but in a different way. A mainframe is usually located inside a vast single facility that acts as the central location for the users data. This is the equivalent to a centralized form of computing versus that of the distributed form of computing. In distributed data a computer-networking method is used in which a plethora of computers across multiple locations share the processing capabilities. This is definitely the opposite to the functions of a single centralized server managing and  processing capabilities to all connected systems. Computers that make up the distributed data processing network located in different areas are usually interconnected via wireless or satellite means.

“Hardware glitches and software anomalies can cause single-server processing to malfunction and fail, resulting in a complete system breakdown. Distributed data processing is more reliable, since multiple control centers are spread across different machines”.(

). I believe that when it comes to reliability that distributed data has the advantage. In a single server scenario if the location is compromised in anyway the customer is at a loss and the damage can be severe. my perception therefore is that in this head to head comparison mainframes cannot beat distributed data processing.

The possibility of error influence can effect ones decision in regards to deciding which system is better. I believe at the end of the day team members must consult with each other in selecting the most effective system to deliver said project. Both of these systems provide great services yet both have limitations ranging from security, flexibility and reliability to name a few. Not one system is perfect but design to meet the needs of the customer it will serve. Other factors to consider are financial and the scale to which this system will be deploy. Top considerations that should be is how secure that system will be once it is running? 

To my fellow students please don’t hesitate to reply with your thoughts and comments.

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