literature review amie

For this week, you will be submitting the literature review section of your final paper for feedback. There is no explicit word count for this exercise, but you will need to fully develop and explain themes in your research that will provide background information for your topic. You will be typing this section in a Word document, but you do not need a cover page or page numbers. Just make sure that you are using APA formatting when you format in-text citations. You do not need a reference list either. We are just focusing on your writing. We will be participating in a peer review activity on 11/12, and you will be able to get feedback from your fellow classmates on your work. Here are some important tips to keep in mind for your literature review:

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  • Remember that you are not writing about each of your sources separately as you did in the annotated bibliography. You are not focusing on each individual source. Instead, you are focusing on the themes and patterns in the research you have gathered that provide background information on your topic. 
  • Unlike the annotated bibliography, you are not only allowed but encouraged to use quotes or paraphrase your sources. There should be in-text citations in your writing. 
  • Even though your focus is to provide background information to your reader and this section is largely informative, you want to make sure that the sources do not speak for you. Paraphrasing and using quotes is absolutely appropriate, but please make sure that you are relying mostly on your own interpretation of the information. Most of your writing should still be your own and not totally dependent on your sources. 
  • Read! Read! Read! Look at the examples so you can see the literature review in action. 


Poor Access to Healthcare among Immigrants Living in the United States

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Poor Access to Healthcare among Immigrants Living in the United States

Ahmed, S., Lee, S., Shommu, N., Rumana, N., & Turin, T. (2017). Experiences of communication barriers between physicians and immigrant patients: A systematic review and thematic synthesis. Patient Experience Journal, 4(1), 122-140.

This article scrutinizes some of the factors that propagate poor access to healthcare among immigrants. The author analyzes various factors that contribute to healthcare distribution disparities, especially among the immigrant population, including difficulties in communication between healthcare providers and the settlers due to language barriers. Subsequently, the article also examines other significant obstacles that lead to inadequate access to medical services among vulnerable groups. The authors mention poor adherence to medication and treatment regimens by individuals from the groups, financial hardships, and illiteracy as significant causes of poor access to healthcare services among the group members. They also cite factors such as cultural diversity as substantial causes of non-compliance to care plans. The article is significant to the research process because it provides content on current healthcare systems disparities, especially among the immigrants. It helps to conceptualize the trends in abid to determine the strategies used to overcome the alarming tendencies and increase access to the essential services in the vulnerable groups.

Ayón, C., Santiago, J. R., & Torres, A. S. L. (2020). Latinx Undocumented Older Adults, Health Needs, and Access to Healthcare. Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health, 1-14.

The article presents vital statistics concerning the medical needs of the immigrants who do not have the stipulated documentation and ability to access medical services in the U. S. According to the write-up, the illegal settlers do not have access to medical coverage. The lack of health insurance impedes them from prioritizing their medical needs. Instead, they spend the available cash on other requirements such as food and housing. As a result, the number of immigrants who visit the medical institutions to seek medical services is minimal, accounting for the low percentage of those who access healthcare services. The source is a significant addition to the research because it provides content that can help conceptualize the mechanisms contributing to poor access to care among the immigrant communities. It also examines the impact of the lack of healthcare services on the immigrants, such as high rates of fatalities from treatable conditions and the emotional challenge of taking care of the community’s ill members.

Hatzenbuehler, M. L., Prins, S. J., Flake, M., Philbin, M., Frazer, M. S., Hagen, D., & Hirsch, J. (2017). Immigration policies and mental health morbidity among Latinos: A state-level analysis. Social science & medicine, 174, 169-178.

The article explores how extensively the Latino immigrants have access to medical care in the U. S. It indicates that the existing immigration policies hinder foreign settlers from seeking individualized care that suits their needs. The author states that the statutory regulations impede the immigrants from taking medical cover to cater to their healthcare needs. Subsequently, the article scrutinizes the prevalence of mental disorders among members of the ethnic group. According to the publication, more Latino men and women suffer from stress-induced disrupted mental states due to the problems associated with transitions to the new county, such as lack of employment and financial hardships. However, there are insufficient psychiatric institutions to provide them with specialized care for the condition. The source is useful to the research because it shows the indiscriminate use of healthcare services among community members, especially specialized services like psychological interventions.

Hsueh, L., Vrany, E. A., Patel, J. S., Hollingshead, N. A., Hirsh, A. T., de Groot, M., & Stewart, J. C. (2018). Associations between immigrant status and pharmacological treatments for diabetes in US adults. Health Psychology, 37(1), 61.

This article scrutinizes the compliance to care of individuals suffering from a chronic infection, diabetes, among the immigrants. According to the report, diabetes is an ailment that requires constant medication use to regulate the amount of sugar present in the blood. Subsequently, failure to stick to the prescribed treatment schedule poses arisk in the lives of patients. According to the authors, many immigrants do not comply with their treatment plans. The write-up reveals inadequate use of insulin, the medicament typically used to control blood sugar levels, among the vulnerable community. Subsequently, the rate of mortalities from the condition is higher among immigrants than other U. S citizens. The authors attributed the noted differences in access to care to the external factors inherent in the populations, including lack of finances to purchase the needed medications and failure to visit healthcare institutions to access medical services. The source is essential to the research because it provides content on the variations in access to healthcare services to treat a critical ailment that commonly affects the population.

Mohanty, S. A., Woolhandler, S., Himmelstein, D. U., Pati, S., Carrasquillo, O., & Bor, D. H. (2005). Health care expenditures of immigrants in the United States: a nationally representative analysis. American journal of public health, 95(8), 1431-1438.

This article carries out a comparative analysis of the estimates of the immigrants’ medical expenditures and those of U. S born citizens. The analyzed results indicate that the U.S citizens’ hospital visits are more frequent than those of the Immigrants. The individuals who have moved to the country for various reasons recorded fewer visits to healthcare institutions for critical services such as maternal health care services, immunizations, and routine check-ups. According to the write-up, the total amount of money that immigrants spend on treatment and other medical expenses is over 70% lower than that of other citizens of the U. S. The author mentions various factors that contribute to the differences in access to medical services in the two groups, including lack of medical insurance to cater for healthcare needs and lack of expendable cash for the use. The source is a significant addition to the research because it provides data that proves that immigrants have less access to medical care compared to the U. S citizens.

Morey, B. N. (2018). Mechanisms by which anti-immigrant stigma exacerbates racial/ethnic health disparities. American journal of public health, 108(4), 460-463.

The author of the article analyzes the political factors contributing to poor access to healthcare among the immigrants. According to the report, anti-immigrant assertions cause prejudicial treatment of the vulnerable groups and the emergence of inequalities in distributing essential services such as healthcare services to the community members. The author cites utterances and political activities against immigrants as significant causes of stigma among the group members. The differential treatment of the minority group individuals causes fear and insecurity that affects their ability to seek critical services such as medical care. The article is vital to the research because it brings to light the causes of poor access to health care among the settlers in the U. S. The information can e used to advocate for policies that criminalize unjust practices among political leaders and encourage equal treatment of all American citizens.

Moyce, S. C., & Schenker, M. (2018). Migrant workers and their occupational health and safety. Annual review of public health, 39, 351-365.

The article provides statistics on the number of immigrants and their susceptibility to health risks and infections. According to the report, the possibilities of immigrants suffering from conditions requiring medical attention are higher than in America. This is because they work in hazardous environments and under poor conditions. Subsequently, the individuals who reside in the areas with a low social status have a higher likelihood of affectations with microbes and other diseases causing pathogens. Further, the individuals lack the finances to purchase warm clothing; hence, they have a high probability of suffering from pneumonia. According to the authors, despite the increased likelihood of immigrants suffering from medical conditions, they rarely visit medical institutions to seek medical care. The write-up further analyzes the causes of poor access to medical services among the outstanding group members. The research is significant to the study because it brings to light background information on the immigrants and their susceptibility to infection, hence unearthing why they need to investigate why they do not seek medical attention.

Philbin, M. M., Flake, M., Hatzenbuehler, M. L., & Hirsch, J. S. (2018). State-level immigration and immigrant-focused policies as drivers of Latino health disparities in the United States. Social Science & Medicine, 199, 29-38.

The author explores the impact of immigration policies and their implications on healthcare service accessibility among foreign settlers. According to the article, the regulatory tenets have clauses that contribute to the disparities witnessed in healthcare service delivery between the immigrants and U. S born citizens. The statutes promote discriminatory practices by providing better opportunities to the American citizens compared to the immigrants. As a result, the individuals’ inadequate education, housing systems, and income hinder their access to quality care. The author explores strategies that can be used to improve care access among the settlers, including promoting the affordable care act that supports the acquisition of insurance cover in the minority groups. The article is crucial to the research because it analyzes poor healthcare access among immigrants and the corrective strategies applicable to the population.


Ayón, C., Santiago, J. R., & Torres, A. S. L. (2020). Latinx Undocumented Older Adults, Health Needs and Access to Healthcare. Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health, 1-14.

Hatzenbuehler, M. L., Prins, S. J., Flake, M., Philbin, M., Frazer, M. S., Hagen, D., & Hirsch, J. (2017). Immigration policies and mental health morbidity among Latinos: A state-level analysis. Social science & medicine, 174, 169-178.
Hsueh, L., Vrany, E. A., Patel, J. S., Hollingshead, N. A., Hirsh, A. T., de Groot, M., & Stewart, J. C. (2018). Associations between immigrant status and pharmacological treatments for diabetes in US adults. Health Psychology, 37(1), 61.
Mohanty, S. A., Woolhandler, S., Himmelstein, D. U., Pati, S., Carrasquillo, O., & Bor, D. H. (2005). Health care expenditures of immigrants in the United States: a nationally representative analysis. American journal of public health, 95(8), 1431-1438.
Morey, B. N. (2018). Mechanisms by which anti-immigrant stigma exacerbates racial/ethnic health disparities. American journal of public health, 108(4), 460-463.
Moyce, S. C., & Schenker, M. (2018). Migrant workers and their occupational health and safety. Annual review of public health, 39, 351-365.
Philbin, M. M., Flake, M., Hatzenbuehler, M. L., & Hirsch, J. S. (2018). State-level immigration and immigrant-focused policies as drivers of Latino health disparities in the United States. Social Science & Medicine, 199, 29-38.

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