#3 ASSIGN-entrepreneur and small business-“MGT402”

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Case 2
Able Planet

How can a small company find capital to finance an innovative new product?

Venture capitalist Kevin Semcken discovered Able Planet,
a small startup in Wheat Ridge, Colorado, that produces head-
phones with an imbedded magnetic coil to enhance sound quality,
at a technology conference in Denver, Colorado. Semcken, who
suffers from a hearing loss in one ear, was intrigued and tested
the small company’s product by listening to Dean Martin’s “You’re
Nobody ’Til Somebody Loves You.” “I was instantly a fan,” he
says. Semcken invested in Able Planet and soon became the com-
pany’s CEO and chairman. Two years later, the company’s unique
noise-cancelling Linx headphones won an award for innovation at
the Consumer Electronics Show, and orders began pouring in. In no
time, the company’s annual revenue reached $2 million.

Semcken was pleased with Able Planet’s progress, but he
had a bigger vision for the company. Inspired by stents, balloon-
like devices used in medical procedures to clear blocked arteries,
Semcken came up with the idea of earphones that incorporated an
inflatable disk that could conform perfectly to the size and shape
of a person’s ear canal. The result would be a set of earphones that
fit snugly into the ear canal, stay in place even during strenuous
activity, and block out ambient noise. He even had a great name
for the product: Sound Fit. Semcken saw the potential for Sound
Fit not only to improve substantially the performance of ear-
phones, but also to revolutionize the design of other products,
such as Bluetooth headsets and hearing aids. He had lined up
30 potential customers who were interested in learning more about
the innovative earphones and had convinced them to sign non-
disclosure agreements. What Semcken needed now was financing
so that Able Planet could manufacture production-quality proto-
types of the Sound Fit earphones and generate orders.

Then Able Planet’s banker called with bad news. The bank
was changing the terms of Able Planet’s $2.5 million line of
credit. Under the new terms, the bank would no longer finance
the upfront cost of raw materials and manufacturing. Semcken
was stunned because even though Able Planet was not yet cash
flow positive, the company had always made its payments to the
bank on time for the last 3 years. Without a flexible line of
credit, Able Planet would not be able to purchase the materials
and manufacture the headphones that its retail customers,

including Costco and Walmart, demanded. The credit line
restriction came at the worst possible time. Able Planet was
gearing up for the late-spring graduation season, its second
biggest sales period of the year after Christmas. The company
normally cranked up production for the crucial back-to-school
and Christmas seasons (which account for 60 percent of its
sales) during the summer, but the bank’s new restrictions on its
line of credit put its most lucrative sales seasons in jeopardy.

Semcken met with Able Planet’s two board members, Rob
Cascella and Steve Parker, both of whom are investors in the
company. They advised him to put the Sound Fit earphones on
hold for the time being and to focus on increasing sales of Linx
headphones. Without a way to finance production of the head-
phones, however, Semcken knew that opening new retail
accounts and increasing production would be impossible. He
needed $1.5 million to finance current operations for Linx,
build the Sound Fit prototypes, and market both products to
new and existing customers. Semcken traveled around the
country to call on 15 different banks, but none of them was
interested in making a loan. A crisis in the financial markets
had all but slammed shut the lending window at most commer-
cial banks. Semcken pondered his options.


1. Experts say that entrepreneurs who need between
$100,000 and $3 million often face the greatest obstacles
when raising capital for their businesses. Why?

2. How should Kevin Semcken raise the $1.5 million in
capital that Able Planet needs? Be sure to consider
sources of both debt and equity financing.

3. Write a short memo to Kevin Semcken explaining what he
should do before he approaches potential lenders and
investors to maximize his chances of getting the capital
that Able Planet needs.

Sources: Based on Jamie Kripke, “Case Study: Able Planet,” Inc.,
July–August 2009, pp. 58–61; “About Us,” Able Planet, www.ableplanet.com/




  • Cover
  • Title Page
  • Copyright Page
  • Contents
  • Preface
  • Acknowledgments
  • SECTION 1 The Challenge of Entrepreneurship
  • Chapter 1 Entrepreneurs: The Driving Force Behind Small Business
    What Is an Entrepreneur?
    How to Spot Entrepreneurial Opportunities
    The Benefits of Owning a Small Business
    The Potential Drawbacks of Entrepreneurship
    Why the Boom: The Fuel Feeding the Entrepreneurial Fire
    The Cultural Diversity of Entrepreneurship
    The Contributions of Small Businesses
    Putting Failure into Perspective
    How to Avoid the Pitfalls
    Chapter Review
    Discussion Questions

  • SECTION 2 Building the Business Plan: Beginning Considerations
  • Chapter 2 Strategic Management and the Entrepreneur
    Building a Competitive Advantage
    The Strategic Management Process
    Chapter Review
    Discussion Questions
    Chapter 3 Choosing a Form of Ownership
    The Sole Proprietorship
    The Partnership
    The Corporation
    Alternative Forms of Ownership
    Chapter Review
    Discussion Questions
    Chapter 4 Franchising and the Entrepreneur
    What Is a Franchise?
    Types of Franchising
    The Benefits of Buying a Franchise
    Drawbacks of Buying a Franchise
    Franchising and the Law
    The Right Way to Buy a Franchise
    Franchise Contracts
    Trends in Franchising
    Franchising as a Growth Strategy
    Chapter Review
    Discussion Questions
    Chapter 5 Buying an Existing Business
    Buying an Existing Business
    How to Buy a Business
    Methods for Determining the Value of a Business
    Negotiating the Deal
    Chapter Review
    Discussion Questions
    Chapter 6 Conducting a Feasibility Analysis and Crafting a Winning Business Plan
    Conducting a Feasibility Analysis
    The Elements of a Business Plan
    What Lenders and Investors Look for in a Business Plan
    The Pitch: Making the Business Plan Presentation
    Chapter Review
    Discussion Questions

  • SECTION 3 Building a Business Plan: Financial Issues
  • Chapter 7 Creating a Solid Financial Plan
    Basic Financial Reports
    Creating Projected Financial Statements
    Ratio Analysis
    Interpreting Business Ratios
    Break-Even Analysis
    Chapter Review
    Discussion Questions
    Chapter 8 Managing Cash Flow
    Cash Management
    Cash and Profits Are Not the Same
    Preparing a Cash Budget
    The “Big Three” of Cash Management
    Avoiding the Cash Crunch
    Chapter Review
    Discussion Questions

  • SECTION 4 Building a Business Plan: Marketing Your Company
  • Chapter 9 Building a Guerrilla Marketing Plan
    Creating a Guerrilla Marketing Plan
    Market Diversity: Pinpointing the Target Market
    Determining Customer Needs and Wants Through Market Research
    How to Conduct Market Research
    Plotting a Guerrilla Marketing Strategy: Building a Competitive Edge
    The Marketing Mix
    Chapter Review
    Discussion Questions
    Chapter 10 Creative Use of Advertising and Promotion
    Define Your Company’s Unique Selling Proposition (USP)
    Creating a Promotional Strategy
    Selecting Advertising Media
    How to Prepare an Advertising Budget
    How to Advertise Big on a Small Budget
    Chapter Review
    Discussion Questions
    Chapter 11 Pricing and Credit Strategies
    Pricing: A Creative Blend of Art and Science
    Three Powerful Pricing Forces: Image, Competition, and Value
    Pricing Strategies and Tactics
    Pricing Techniques for Retailers
    Pricing Techniques for Manufacturers
    Pricing Techniques for Service Businesses
    The Impact of Credit on Pricing
    Chapter Review
    Discussion Questions
    Chapter 12 Global Marketing Strategies
    Why Go Global?
    Going Global: Strategies for Small Businesses
    Barriers to International Trade
    International Trade Agreements
    Chapter Review
    Discussion Questions
    Chapter 13 E-Commerce and Entrepreneurship
    Benefits of Selling on the Web
    Factors to Consider Before Launching into E-Commerce
    Ten Myths of E-Commerce
    Strategies for E-Success
    Designing a Killer Web Site
    Tracking Web Results
    Ensuring Web Privacy and Security
    Chapter Review
    Discussion Questions

  • SECTION 5 Putting the Business Plan to Work: Sources of Funds
  • Chapter 14 Sources of Equity Financing
    Planning for Capital Needs
    Sources of Equity Financing
    Chapter Review
    Discussion Questions
    Chapter 15 Sources of Debt Financing
    Sources of Debt Capital
    Nonbank Sources of Debt Capital
    Federally Sponsored Programs
    Small Business Administration (SBA)
    State and Local Loan Development Programs
    Internal Methods of Financing
    Where Not to Seek Funds
    Chapter Review
    Discussion Questions

  • SECTION 6 Location and Layout
  • Chapter 16 Location, Layout, and Physical Facilities
    Location Criteria for Retail and Service Businesses
    Location Options for Retail and Service Businesses
    The Location Decision for Manufacturers
    Layout and Design Considerations
    Layout: Maximizing Revenues, Increasing Efficiency, and Reducing Costs
    Chapter Review
    Discussion Questions

  • SECTION 7 Managing a Small Business: Techniques for Enhancing Profitability
  • Chapter 17 Supply Chain Management
    Creating a Purchasing Plan
    Legal Issues Affecting Purchasing
    Chapter Review
    Discussion Questions
    Chapter 18 Managing Inventory
    Inventory Control Systems
    Just-In-Time Inventory Control Techniques
    Turning Slow-Moving Inventory into Cash
    Protecting Inventory from Theft
    Chapter Review
    Discussion Questions

  • SECTION 8 Managing People: A Company’s Most Valuable Resource
  • Chapter 19 Staffing and Leading a Growing Company
    The Entrepreneur’s Role as Leader
    Hiring the Right Employees: The Company’s Future Depends on It
    Building the Right Culture and Organizational Structure
    Communicating Effectively
    The Challenge of Motivating Workers
    Chapter Review
    Discussion Questions

  • SECTION 9 Legal Aspects of Small Business: Succession, Ethics, and Government Regulation
  • Chapter 20 Management Succession and Risk Management Strategies in the Family Business
    Family Businesses
    Exit Strategies
    Management Succession
    Developing a Management Succession Plan
    Risk Management Strategies
    The Basics of Insurance
    Chapter Review
    Discussion Questions
    Chapter 21 Ethics and Social Responsibility: Doing the Right Thing
    An Ethical Perspective
    Who Is Responsible for Ethical Behavior?
    Establishing Ethical Standards
    Social Responsibility and Social Entrepreneurship
    Putting Social Responsibility into Practice
    Chapter Review
    Discussion Questions
    Chapter 22 The Legal Environment: Business Law and Government Regulation
    The Law of Contracts
    The Uniform Commercial Code (UCC)
    Protection of Intellectual Property Rights
    The Law of Agency
    Government Regulation
    Chapter Review
    Discussion Questions

  • Appendix: Sample Business Plan: My Friends’ Bookstore
  • Cases
  • Endnotes
  • Index
  • A

College of Administrative and Financial Sciences

Assignment 3

Deadline: 28/11/2020 @ 23:59

Course Name: Entrepreneurship and Small Business

Student’s Name:

Course Code: – MGT 402

Student’s ID Number:

Semester: I


Academic Year: 1440/1441 H

For Instructor’s Use only

Instructor’s Name: Ziyad Alhomaid

Students’ Grade: Marks Obtained/Out of

Level of Marks: High/Middle/Low

· The Assignment must be submitted on Blackboard (WORD format only) via allocated folder.
· Assignments submitted through email will not be accepted.
· Students are advised to make their work clear and well presented, marks may be reduced for poor presentation. This includes filling your information on the cover page.
· Students must mention question number clearly in their answer.
· Late submission will NOT be accepted.
· Avoid plagiarism, the work should be in your own words, copying from students or other resources without proper referencing will result in ZERO marks. No exceptions.
· All answered must be typed using Times New Roman (size 12, double-spaced) font. No pictures containing text will be accepted and will be considered plagiarism).
· Submissions without this cover page will NOT be accepted.

Department of Business Administration

Entrepreneurship and Small Business – MGT 402

Marks: 5
Course Learning Outcomes:
1. Demonstrate a solid understanding of the potential of entrepreneur in today’s competitive business world. (Lo 1.2).
2. Design a solid projected financial Plan and conduct a breakeven analysis for a small company. (Lo 2.5).
3. Demonstrate a thorough understanding regarding the importance of cash management for the success of a small business. (Lo 2.8).
Assignment – 3
Students are supposed to read the Case 2- Able Planet from the textbook, page number:812
“How can a small company find capital to finance an innovative new product?”
Textbook: (Scarborough, N.M. & Cornwall, J. (2012). Effective small business management: An Entrepreneurial approach (10th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall.
Based on your understanding of the case and concepts, answer the following question in 200-350 words each.
Assignment Questions:
1. Experts say that entrepreneurs who need between $100,000 and $3 million often face the greatest obstacles when raising capital for their businesses. Why? (1.5 marks)
2. How should Kevin Semcken raise the $1.5 million in capital that Able Planet needs? Be sure to consider sources of both debt and equity financing. (1.5 marks)
3. Write a short memo to Kevin Semcken explaining what he should do before he approaches potential lenders and investors to maximize his chances of getting the capital that Able Planet needs. (2 marks)



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