
 Topic: “Would a public health approach to immigration policy decrease metal trauma for children separated in America?” 

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This week, you will find three scholarly, peer-reviewed research articles on “Would a public health approach to immigration policy decrease metal trauma for children separated in America?” . Remember that next week you will submit a paper on Scientific and/or Mathematical/Analytical perspectives of inquiry, so use this week’s assignment to prepare materials and collect information for that purpose.

Use articles that will help you explain and describe scientific issues and/or statistical data or economic information related to your topic. You will analyze and evaluate these articles in your submission, which should include:

  • Three separate paragraphs, one for each of the three articles, each presenting:

    A brief 3–4 sentence summary of the article (use in-text citations)
    An explanation of why the article will be useful in addressing your problem or issue

  • An APA Style reference list on a separate page

Your paper should be 1–3 pages in length (including the References page). Adhere to APA Style throughout.

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  • Establish your topic is a problem (establish link between health issue and medical condition in your population) 
  • Which body systems are affected? Or Which medical conditions are related 


  • What are the economic issues involved?

*** total of 3 articles scholarly or peer reviewed articles, First article should be about 

Mental health trauma and the separation of the population from parents 

PTSD and its population (which is caused due to trauma)

 You need to choose an article on the body system affected or another medical condition caused by trauma 

*I’ve attached an example template, all articles are to be scholarly and peer reviewed  

Article One:
Effects of decreases of animal pollinators on human nutrition and global health: A modelling analysis

An article published in the Lancet investigated the consequences of the loss of pollinator populations at 50 percent, 75 percent and 100 percent. A database of 224 types of foods from 156 countries was used to quantify nutrient composition and pollinator dependence. This compilation was used to estimate the reductions of micronutrient intake and the health burden that would result at each percentage of decline. The results suggested that individuals living in poor countries would experience the decline of produce differently that those living in developed countries. Areas such as the Sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia would be more likely to experience an increase in diseases related to deficiencies of vitamin A and folic acid leading to more night blindness and neural tube defects. Wealthier countries, such as the North America and Europe, would see an increase in chronic diseases such as cardiovascular disease, stroke and cancers (Smith, Singh, Mozaffarian, & Myers, 2015).

This article is a reliable source because it was published in The Lancet, an international medical journal. All articles published in this journal are submitted for peer review. Also, the head author as well as one of the coauthors are senior research scientists at the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health. The other two contributing authors are affiliated with Tufts University’s Friedman School of Nutrition Science & Policy. Both of these are prestigious research institutes.

This article will be helpful in composing the Scientific Perspective paper because it will help to establish that there is a connection between a decline in the honeybee population and disease preventative food. In the first paragraph of my paper I need to include evidence in the form of data to support this claim which is included in this article. There are also estimations related to the economic devastation that will be discussed in the mathematical perspective section of the CAPS paper.

Article 2:
Contribution of Pollinator-Mediated Crops to Nutrients in the Human Food Supply

An article published in PLOS One was a cross collaboration between pollination experts from Germany and nutritional experts from California. The researchers analyzed nutrients found in crops that require pollination and their percentage in the diet using FOA and USDA databases. They found that 90% of vitamin C, lycopene, β-cryptoxanthin and β-tocopherol, carotenoids, calcium, fluoride, and a most folic acid come from pollinated crops. They concluded that the decline in pollinator populations could make it challenging to meet the populations’ nutrient needs.

This article is reliable because it was published in PloS One. This journal is an international multidisciplinary academic journal that evaluates submissions’ methodologies and ethical standards. The peer reviewers all hold PhDs in various scientific fields. Their information can be viewed on the website. This article can also be found on PubMed, the largest academic journal database in the world.

This article will be beneficial in the writing of the transition from the first paragraph into the biological systems portion the Scientific Perspectives part of the paper. The paper includes the specific nutrients that will be deficient in the diet if foods are not pollinated. Not all disease preventative foods are dependent on pollination and still would be available. (Liu, Manson, Lee, Cole, Hennekens, Willett et al., 2000). It will be important to focus on these specific nutrients and their role in chronic disease prevention on a biological level for the next three paragraphs for the Scientific Perspectives paper.

Article 3:
Cardiometabolic disease costs associated with suboptimal diet in the United States: A cost analysis based on a microsimulation model

An article published in PloS One analyzed the impact of 10 dietary factors, including fruits and vegetables, to estimate the summative total of a diets that do not include adequate intake of nutrients. Their study found that the cost of a poor diet was approximately $50 billion per year for cardiometabolic diseases (CMD) including as heart disease, stroke and type 2 diabetes. The researchers estimate that $9.552 billion and $10.055 billion dollars are spent on healthcare costs related to CMD due to suboptimal intake of fruits and vegetables respectively (Jardim et al, 2019).

This article is reliable because it was published in PloS One. This journal is an international multidisciplinary academic journal that evaluates submissions’ methodologies and ethical standards. The peer reviewers all hold PhDs in various scientific fields. Their information can be viewed on the website. This article can also be found on PubMed, the largest academic journal database in the world.

In the economic portion of the Mathematical Perspectives paper this article with help to establish the economic burden inadequate fruit and vegetables intake that already exists. This article provides the estimated healthcare costs which I need to support my argument that the decline in bee population would create an even greater public health crisis. Because my topic has two tiers, crops production on health, I will also need to find an article about the contribution that bees play in the agricultural economy as well to make this section comprehensive.


Eilers, E. J., Kremen, C., Smith Greenleaf, S., Garber, A. K., & Klein, A. M. (2011). Contribution of pollinator-mediated crops to nutrients in the human food supply. PloS one, 6(6), e21363. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0021363

Jardim, T. V., Mozaffarian, D., Abrahams-Gessel, S., Sy, S., Lee, Y., Liu, J., Huang, Y., Rehm, C., Wilde, P., Micha, R., & Gaziano, T. A. (2019). Cardiometabolic disease costs associated with suboptimal diet in the United States: A cost analysis based on a microsimulation model. PLoS medicine, 16(12), e1002981. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pmed.1002981

Liu, S., Manson, J. E., Lee, I. M., Cole, S. R., Hennekens, C. H., Willett, W. C., & Buring, J. E. (2000). Fruit and vegetable intake and risk of cardiovascular disease: the Women’s Health Study. The American journal of clinical nutrition, 72(4), 922–928.


Smith, M. R., Singh, G. M., Mozaffarian, D., & Myers, S. S. (2015). Effects of decreases of animal pollinators on human nutrition and global health: A modelling analysis. The Lancet, 386(10007), 1964-1972. doi:10.1016/s0140-6736(15)61085-6

Would a public health approach to immigration policy decrease metal trauma for children separated in America?”

From a Future Nurse’s Prospective



Article One Insert title of the paper

An article published in Insert the name of the Journal the article was published in (NCBI and Pubmed are not journals they are data bases) In this paragraph you will summarize the findings of the paper. The best way to continue this sentence is by using the word analyzed or investigated. You can also state what type of study it was (see my article two in assignment 2 example). You do not want to use the words summarize or discusses to continue the sentence because you will be using what you write in this section in the paper. The point is to use this article as evidence to back up a point you are trying to make. This is how evidence based-science works. Because you are using this paragraph in your paper you need to write formally. Review my handout of formal writing if you do not know what that means.(Insert in text citation)

In this paragraph you will discuss how you know this is a scholarly source. If you do not know what that means you have not watched the videos I posted in the announcements for this week. You will need to review those before you proceed. Go to the Journal’s website and find the About Us tab. Here you can read about the journal. You are looking for the term “peer-reviewed” to know for sure it is a reliable source among others. The purpose of this assignment is to also assess if you know what a scholarly journal is and if you know how to find articles published in them. This means that you cannot use .orgs or governmental websites for this assignment. You can use them in your paper but just not here. If you come across a good source that is not from a journal hang on to it and use it when you write the paper along with the scholarly articles you find for this assignment.

In this paragraph you will discuss in at least three sentences where in the paper you will be using this article. The purpose of this assignment is to save you time in writing your paper as well. You will need to review the outline for the section of the paper that is posted in the announcement for this week and emailed to your WCU account. It is important to reflect on this because the composing a paper should be intentional and planned. Scientific papers need to have fluidity and logical sequencing of information that relent.

Article Two Insert title of the paper

An article published in Insert the name of the Journal the article was published in (NCBI and Pubmed are not journals they are data bases) In this paragraph you will summarize the findings of the paper. The best way to continue this sentence is by using the word analyzed or investigated. You can also state what type of study it was (see my article two in assignment 2 example). You do not want to use the words summarize or discusses to continue the sentence because you will be using what you write in this section in the paper. The point is to use this article as evidence to back up a point you are trying to make. This is how evidence based-science works. Because you are using this paragraph in your paper you need to write formally. Review my handout of formal writing if you do not know what that means.(Insert in text citation)
In this paragraph you will discuss how you know this is a scholarly source. If you do not know what that means you have not watched the videos I posted in the announcements for this week. You will need to review those before you proceed. Go to the Journal’s website and find the About Us tab. Here you can read about the journal. You are looking for the term “peer-reviewed” to know for sure it is a reliable source among others. The purpose of this assignment is to also assess if you know what a scholarly journal is and if you know how to find articles published in them. This means that you cannot use .orgs or governmental websites for this assignment. You can use them in your paper but just not here. If you come across a good source that is not from a journal hang on to it and use it when you write the paper along with the scholarly articles you find for this assignment.
In this paragraph you will discuss in at least three sentences where in the paper you will be using this article. The purpose of this assignment is to save you time in writing your paper as well. You will need to review the outline for the section of the paper that is posted in the announcement for this week and emailed to your WCU account. It is important to reflect on this because the composing a paper should be intentional and planned. Scientific papers need to have fluidity and logical sequencing of information that relent.

Article Three Insert title of the paper

An article published in Insert the name of the Journal the article was published in (NCBI and Pubmed are not journals they are data bases) In this paragraph you will summarize the findings of the paper. The best way to continue this sentence is by using the word analyzed or investigated. You can also state what type of study it was (see my article two in assignment 2 example). You do not want to use the words summarize or discusses to continue the sentence because you will be using what you write in this section in the paper. The point is to use this article as evidence to back up a point you are trying to make. This is how evidence based-science works. Because you are using this paragraph in your paper you need to write formally. Review my handout of formal writing if you do not know what that means.(Insert in text citation)
In this paragraph you will discuss how you know this is a scholarly source. If you do not know what that means you have not watched the videos I posted in the announcements for this week. You will need to review those before you proceed. Go to the Journal’s website and find the About Us tab. Here you can read about the journal. You are looking for the term “peer-reviewed” to know for sure it is a reliable source among others. The purpose of this assignment is to also assess if you know what a scholarly journal is and if you know how to find articles published in them. This means that you cannot use .orgs or governmental websites for this assignment. You can use them in your paper but just not here. If you come across a good source that is not from a journal hang on to it and use it when you write the paper along with the scholarly articles you find for this assignment.
In this paragraph you will discuss in at least three sentences where in the paper you will be using this article. The purpose of this assignment is to save you time in writing your paper as well. You will need to review the outline for the section of the paper that is posted in the announcement for this week and emailed to your WCU account. It is important to reflect on this because the composing a paper should be intentional and planned. Scientific papers need to have fluidity and logical sequencing of information that relent.

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