An empirical study on vulnerabilities in progressive web applications.


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An empirical study on vulnerabilities in progressive web applications

I have attached 2 attachments below. please go through them to get an idea . If you do the project based on the 2 attachments, I will be satisfied

Project Title


Briefly explain what is the general domain of this project.
Use as few text as possible in all slides and only if needed.

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Problem Statement
A clear, single-sentence expression of the central argument.
What do you propose to implement or demonstrate in your project?

Related Work
What are existing tools/techniques/studies related to your project?
Use some bullet points or tabular presentation with reference to the related work such as:
Pattern-based intrusion detection [1,2,4,7]
Statistical approaches [2,3,5,6]

Project Overview
A brief technical overview that explains what your project is supposed to do.
You may use block diagrams, flow charts, or pictures.

List objectives and activities to be performed such as research, coding, simulation, analysis.
Be explicit about your hypotheses or underlying assumptions.
Explain the methodological approaches to achieve your objectives.

Project Plan
Project schedule and milestone
A timeline/table that shows what has been done and what is on your TODO list.

Project demonstration
Present your project demo/findings

[1] Reference 1
[2] Reference 2
[3] Reference 3
[4] Reference 4

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