week 5 homework

The following table lists country code and the order to remittance (OTR) time for a firm’s software installations for the last 76 installations (from first to last). OTR is the time it takes after an order is received until the system is installed and payment is received (remittance). Because this company does business internationally, it also notes the country of installation using a country code. This code is listed in the first column.

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Country Code and OTR Cycle Time for Software Systems Installation

Country CodeCycle TimeCountry CodeCycle Time120529124640146715712681914385241151811157531723726131128131134664134529750544152132119115144711141507147291891723174167974117131366328437611721842828846718788847142462677647133595129742174155174362714426271442133753744753121748122521150119

Using the data in the table above, answer the following questions in a Word document and submit:

  1. Does the OTR time appear to be stable? Why or why not?`
  2. If you were to use a control chart to evaluate stability, which chart would you use? Why?
  3. What can you learn about the distribution of the installation process?
  4. Does it appear that the country has an impact on installation time? Why or why not?

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