Unit 1 Assignment – Building a Consumer Psychological and Cultural Profile


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In the NewShoes simulation you will be marketing to three different target markets (home, domestic, and foreign). It becomes important to understand the consumer psychological and cultural profile for each market. 

Create a PowerPoint presentation to present to the marketing team of your New Shoes company to present a profile for your New Shoes consumer for the domestic and foreign markets using the criteria below.

  1. When Creating your Cultural Profile include the following elements:

    Cultural Types 
    Social class
    Communication (verbal and non verbal) that can impact the Marketing process
    Social ( networks, family, roles and status)
    Personal (age and life cycle stage, occupation, economics, lifestyle, personality)

  2. When Creating Your Psychological Profile include the following elements:

    Consumer Perception of the product/service
    Why do consumers purchase this particular product/service? (motivation)
    What are your consumers’ needs, wants, desires, and fears?
    What are your consumers’ beliefs and values that may influence the purchase?

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Your PowerPoint presentation should be at least 8 slides in length (not including the Title page and Reference page). Ensure that your sources are properly cited using APA formatted guidelines and include professional graphics.


Herzing CMD. (2015, Apr 28). Understanding Marketing (Unit 1 Lecture 1). Retrieved from https://youtu.be/AFcGaaibwiU

Principles of Marketing. (2010). 1.1 Defining Marketing. University of Minnesota licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0. Retrieved from https://open.lib.umn.edu/principlesmarketing/chapter/1-1-defining-marketing/

Principles of Marketing. (2010). 1.2 Who Does Marketing? University of Minnesota licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0. Retrieved from https://open.lib.umn.edu/principlesmarketing/chapter/1-2-who-does-marketing/

Principles of Marketing. (2010). 1.3 Why Study Marketing? University of Minnesota licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0. Retrieved from https://open.lib.umn.edu/principlesmarketing/chapter/1-3-why-study-marketing/

Principles of Marketing. (2010). 1.4 Themes and Organization of This Book. University of Minnesota licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0. Retrieved from https://open.lib.umn.edu/principlesmarketing/chapter/1-4-themes-and-organization-of-this-book/


Consumer Profiles

Student Name


BU 220: Principles of Marketing

Instructor Name

Table of Contents
Domestic Consumer –Country: USA
Foreign Consumer- Country: Of Your Choice

Domestic – Cultural Profile for the USA Consumer
Cultural Type –

Social Class

Domestic Consumer – Cultural Profile
Verbal Communication in the USA
Non Verbal Communication in the USA
Social (networks, family, roles and status)

Domestic Consumer – Psychological Profile
Age of the selected American Consumer

Domestic Consumer – Psychological Profile
American Consumer Perception of the product/service
Why will American consumers purchase this particular product/service? (motivation)

Domestic Consumer – Psychological Profile
What are your consumers’ needs, wants, desires, and fears?

What are your consumers’ beliefs and values that may influence the purchase?

Foreign– Cultural Profile for the XYZ Consumer
Cultural Type –

Social Class

Foreign Consumer – Cultural Profile
Verbal Communication in XYZ country
Non Verbal Communication in XYZ country
Social (networks, family, roles and status)

Foreign Consumer – Psychological Profile
Age of the selected American Consumer

Foreign Consumer – Psychological Profile
XYZ Consumer Perception of the product/service
Why will XYZ consumers purchase this particular product/service? (motivation)

Foreign Consumer – Psychological Profile
What are your consumers’ needs, wants, desires, and fears?

What are your consumers’ beliefs and values that may influence the purchase?


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