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Navigating the Labyrinth Debate

     Although the gender gap in influential leadership positions remains clearly visible, there is evidence that it is starting to close. Understanding the obstacles that make up the labyrinth and tactics to eradicate the inequality will make it easier for women to reach top positions. The labyrinth has many barriers, and the necessary changes occur at many levels, ranging from individual and interpersonal levels to organizational and societal levels (Northouse, 2018, Ch. 15, Sec. 5).  I am only 23 years old and I have already experienced some of the difficulty’s women face in the corporate world.  Although I have experienced this, it is not easy to say what steps should be taken to overcome these obstacles.  Every woman experience this to different degrees and their specific position has an influence on that. For example, I experienced this in an entry-level position, but there are women in executive positions that are faced with this.

     This burden of making changes in the representation of female leadership falls upon businesses and organizations.  The organization instills their beliefs and values in their everyday operations which is why they hold great responsibility in the representation of women. When executives overlook important topics and do not take the time to educate their employees, they allow things like that misrepresentation of women to continue.  Therefore, being an executive comes with more aspects than just making the business run; they need to be aware of the unique challenges their employees face and current events.

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