Research paper

Research Paper

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Bhandari 1

Bhandari 5

Nikki Poudel Bhandari Comment by Dodson, Dianna: These lines should match the rest of the paper: double spaced, 2 not 3

Professor Westover

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ENGL 1302-71014


Food and nNutrition

This chapter presents a literature review on the importance of food and nutrition, as mentioned below. The research is a structure based on research questions. The first section reviews the literature on the importance of food and nutrition, food and nutrition components, and the outcomes of lack of proper food and nutrition in the body. Later are solutions to the problems raised as a result of lack of nutrients are discussed. The importance of food and nutrition is the main aspect being researched. The several environments and settings that implement the use of food and nutrition were the targeted points. Comment by Dodson, Dianna: This chapter? Is this a research paper or a chapter of something???
Unless this kind of intro to the paper overall is part of your teacher’s instructions for this assignment, this is not the accepted way a research paper begins.

INDENT Nutrition is the process of having good health due to proper digestion of food, absorption of minerals in the body, organism ingestion, and proper utilization of nutrients. A balanced and healthy diet that contains the required nutrients varies depending on issues such as age, gender, and lifestyle, among others . (Health). It is essential to maintain a nutritious diet to maintain a healthy weight and obtain the required nutrients for the body’s proper functioning. Young people like dwelling on junk foods more than the foods with nutrients, which is harmful to the body system. Healthy nutrition helps to maintain good health in the body. Since older people have a week body, they are most likely to maintain their energy by having nutritious diets to have a healthy body and systems to function without complications. Comment by Dodson, Dianna: In MLA format, paragraphing is shown by indenting the first line of each new paragraph. You are using block-style here. Indent the 1st line instead and do NOT use any extra spaces between paragraphs. It’s double-space all the way in MLA Comment by Dodson, Dianna: When citing something in a sentence, the period at the end of the sentence BOUNCES to behind the (citation). To show that the ( ) goes with that sentence Comment by Dodson, Dianna: THIS second paragraph could be your actual introductory paragraph and the green highlighted sentence might be your thesis statement? Comment by Dodson, Dianna: Young people like more than thinking about junk food, right? That’s what “dwelling on” means. Comment by Dodson, Dianna: Wrong word (spelled correctly so spell check missed it)

Nutrients are essential in the body since they help in the mental well being of an individual and prevent one from suffering from mental health issues. (Health)Eating healthy foods with nutrients is vital for mental support as the human brain’s activeness gains its energy from the nutritious foods eaten by an individual. When one maintains a diet with proper nutrients, it is most likely that they have a delay of aging as the body is well nourished and has enough energy to provide strength to the body organs. Most of the time, the older people go through the challenge of having a hearing and also sight. However, with the maintenance of a healthy diet with the required nutrients, people grow old and maintain their ability to hear and see clearly for a long time without challenges.

INDENTMost people have been exposed to the importance of eating foods rich in nutrients and have observed the role; hence there are records of minimum cases of poor health or challenges during the aging stage where the body is weak. For the body’s immune system to function effectively, eating a wholesome and varied diet containing nutrients is vital for the performance. Nutritious foods provide strength to the immune system, and thus it acts as a guard to fight against illnesses. Young children are most likely affected when they lack enough nutrients in their diet, which leads to slow growth and other challenges, as discussed later in the chapter. To avoid challenges that can easily be eliminated in the body, it is advisable to observe eating foods that contain nutrients. Nutrition is proved to be an essential aspect of living a healthy life. Comment by Dodson, Dianna: Observed the role… Unclear
They have observed what role???

There are several components of nutrients that are required and are beneficial in the body. Such components include carbohydrates, protein, fats, vitamins, water, and roughage. For a healthy diet, one should include all of the components in their food or a minimum of three. Everyone needs to know what they eat and the components present in the foods we eat. This helps avoid taking food without the required nutrients and ending up getting complications in the body system. Most foods, mostly the already cooked foods made to be delivered door to door or even bought by people, tend to contain chemicals used to make the foods look more attractive. (“6 Essential Nutrients: What They Are And Why You Need Them”)As a result, this leads to causing diseases in the body as the body’s internal systems are sensitive to any disorder in foods. According to the information on heath living from the World Health Organization, the nutrients must be obtained from the food we eat to prevent diseases, enhance growth, and live a healthy life.

I’m going to stop here. “We need to talk,” as the saying goes.

You’ve done great research on your topic and have a lot of information to work with. GOOD. But it is not organized into blocks of information presenting one idea at a time. BAD.

I’m not sure what your “first chapter” beginning paragraph is about BUT I AM sure that it contains the information you need to organize your research into a good research paper.

A good introductory paragraph PRESENTS THE TOPIC. Your topic is Food and Nutrition.

Using this topic, come up with a first sentence to your first/INTRO paragraph that presents it simply and clearly. EX: Much research has been done on the importance of food and nutrition.

Now you go on and give a bit more detail about your topic. EX: ). It is essential to maintain a nutritious diet to maintain a healthy weight and obtain the required nutrients for the body’s proper functioning. (ignore highlighting). Presenting your topic is JOB 1 of your INTRO paragraph. Ending the paragraph with a good THESIS STATEMENT is JOB 2.

You indicate in that “this chapter” paragraph all kinds of things ABOUT food and nutrition that you’ve found in your research. Here is where you think about your research and decide WHAT SPECIFIC AREAS you can talk about from your research. Here’s a sample list of things you may have to talk about:

1.Nutrients = their components, their jobs

2.Different nutrition needs at different ages = growing children, older persons, etc.

3.Outcomes of poor nutrition

4.Solutions for correcting poor nutrition outcomes

Once you have a list like the one above based on specific areas you can write about based on what you’ve found out in your research, THEN you can put together an organized, easy to follow, effective THESIS STATEMENT which will set up the rest of your paper.

For the sample list above, some example thesis statements might be:

The right nutrients at the right age can help people avoid poor health or solve health problems if they arise. (Very specific)

Good health results from good nutrition for a person’s needs. (More general)


Because what you have written does NOT have a thesis statement, you don’t have any way to present your research in an organized way. You are just moving from one thing to another and back and forth among them. With no THESIS STATEMENT you have research – but no paper.

Here is an example of how to set up a research paper using the examples above:

INTRO: Much research has been done on the importance of food and nutrition. It is essential to maintain a healthy weight and obtain the required nutrients for the body’s proper functioning. The right nutrients at the right age can help people avoid poor health or solve health problems if they arise.

BODY PARAGRAPH #1: Talk about nutrients, their components, their jobs

BODY PARAGRAPH #2: Explain different nutrition needs at different ages

BODY PARAGRAPH #3: Discuss outcomes of poor nutrition

BODY PARAGRAPH #4: Give solutions for correcting poor nutrition outcomes

CONCLUDING PARAGRAPH: Summarize main points and end with a concluding sentence that tells the reader the paper is done.

I hope this is helpful. You have all you need in what you have put together to organize it into a good research paper. Prof Dodson

Proteins are essential for the good health of an individual. They are bodybuilding nutrients that enhance the growth of body cells. All the body hormones, antibodies, and other body substances are made of proteins, as they provide different amino acids for the body. For proper functioning of the body, a variety of amino acids is needed in the body cells. However, one does not need to eat all the amino acids since the body also creates proteins from the food eaten by an individual. The amount of protein a body needs depends on the work or activity done by the individual in a day or a person’s age. Foods such as animals, meat, and eggs are the best sources of proteins as they provide enough amino acid to the body.

Carbohydrates are essential in the body since they provide energy to the body cells and a healthy body. The amount of carbohydrates required in the body varies with the energy one uses in doing their activities. For example, a person doing manual work like digging requires a lot of energy than working in the office. Foodstuffs such as maize, wheat bread, rice, and other carbohydrates are essential for the body. Some food substances sold as carbohydrates in the market contain additives such as sugars. Such foods are not advisable for a fair and healthy body.

Vitamins are essential for fighting diseases in the human body. To provide the body with nutrients that support the body function, one must eat foods with vitamins. There are several types of vitamins needed in the body for proper functioning, including vitamin A and vitamin C, among others. Each vitamin provides an essential role in the body on different measures. A good example is that vitamin C is essential as it supports the immune system and helps the body heal faster in case of illness. This makes them vital for the provision of healthy vision, smooth skin and also strengthens bones. Foods that contain vitamins and minerals include all the green leafy vegetables like kales, milk products, all the fruits, among others. Foods containing vitamins also help in the process of digestion.

Lack of nutrients in diet causes nutritional deficiency. Poor eating habits such as having less food or eating a lot of food, or taking healthy food, which is not enough for the body, may result in complications. These poor eating habits affect the normal functioning of the body, and in most cases, people end up suffering from diseases caused by poor eating habits. If one does not eat enough food, they will most likely not obtain the nutrients required for healthy living. Lack of proper food and nutrition in the body can also lead to stress and tiredness in the body, and hence one lacks the energy to do the respective daily duties. Poor nutrition in the human body can lead to the risk of contracting illness and health problems.

Iron deficiency is the most widespread result of a lack of enough low blood in the body. Foods such as red meat and egg yolk contain iron, which is vital for the body. (“Nutritional Deficiencies (Malnutrition): Symptoms And Treatment”) If an individual is a vegetarian, green leafy vegetables are advisable since they also contain iron. When one does not have enough iron in the body, they are most likely to have few red blood cells as the blood cannot produce enough red blood cells. The fewer blood cells produced are less effective at delivering oxygen to the body tissues and other organs. The red blood cells appear to be pale compared to healthy blood, and they appear to be small in size. Lack of enough vitamin A causes eye challenges such that one does not have healthy eyesight. Likely, vitamin A deficiency causes a weak immune system in the body. According to the World Health Organization, lack of vitamin A in the body can lead to blindness in young people. It is also argued that pregnant women with vitamin A have a high chance of maternal mortality rate. Substances such as eggs and milk contain vitamin A and are advisable to be fed to children to avoid eye problems.

Another common nutrition deficiency is most likely to occur with the thiamine. It is a vital part of the nervous system, which helps the body to create energy from carbohydrates as part of metabolism. Lack of thiamine in the human body can cause weight loss, the fatigue of the body even without activities done, confusion at times, and shorter memory loss. Nerve and memory can also be damaged as a result of a lack of thiamine in the body. It is risky as there are cases that record a lack of thiamine affects the heart. (“The Risks Of Poor Nutrition | SA Health”) This situation occurs mostly to people who tend to use excess alcohol as it reduces the body’s ability to absorb thiamine and store it in the liver. Good sources of thiamine include some breakfast cereals, legumes, seeds, and wheat germ.

To have good nutrition content in the body, it is a must to ensure eating of nutritious foods or include a nutrient in the food one is taking. It is advisable by health professionals that the body requires the nutrients in fruits and vegetables as they are natural and are not compromised by adding chemicals in the food industry. Foods with sugars, fats, and salts should be eaten occasionally and not as the main diet. (staff) To make digestion of food more effective, one must drink sufficient fresh, clean water and avoid sugary drinks as most of them are not naturally made. Switching meals from time to time are essential as an individual gains body nutrients from different sources, which leads to a healthy life. The habit of eating bought foodstuffs is likely to make one eat food without nutrients; therefore, it is advisable to eat food that one has prepared by observing to use substances with nutrients.

Excellent and proper nutrition is vital for a healthy life. To improve an individual’s health, one must eat a balanced diet to obtain the nutrients in the foods. People with health problems are most likely to improve their condition after taking nutritious foods for some time. Health professionals advise that taking balanced nutrition is essential for good health and helps to maintain body weight. Finding strengths and weaknesses in a current diet can help identify whether the food is best for providing nutrients in the body. It is not simple to change and adapt to a new diet. It is advisable to ensure that the diet one is taking contains nutrients. Seeking medical attention is necessary for a condition where one suffers from any nutritional deficiency.

In conclusion, food and nutrition are essential for long healthy life. The body requires food components to provide energy, build body organs, and support the immune system in fighting diseases. A balanced diet with all the nutrition components, such as proteins, vitamins, carbohydrates, and minerals, is essential to keep the body out of the risk of getting deficiency diseases. Expectant mothers should ensure that they maintain eating that contains nutrients to avoid losing the unborn. Children are expected to be fed with a balanced diet to enhance their growth and build their immune system. Common diseases caused by a lack of nutrients in the body can be cured by maintaining nutritional foods. Excessive use of drug substances such as alcohol may affect the body organs, which are responsible for converting nutrients to energy for the body, such as the liver. Therefore, people should observe healthy living by avoiding harmful substances to the body.


Health, Active. “What Is Good Nutrition And Why Is It Important?”. Vibrant health.Sg, 2020,


“6 Essential Nutrients: What They Are And Why You Need Them”. Healthline, 2020,

“Nutritional Deficiencies (Malnutrition): Symptoms And Treatment.” Healthline, 2020,–term-outlook.

“The Risks Of Poor Nutrition | SA Health.” Sahealth.Sa.Gov.Au, 2020,


staff, “Nutrition: Tips For Improving Your Health – Familydoctor.Org.” Familydoctor.Org, 2020,

Bhandari 1

Bhandari 5

Professor Westover

ENGL 1302-71014


Food and nutrition

This chapter presents a literature review on the importance of food and nutrition, as mentioned below. The research is a structure based on research questions. The first section reviews the literature on the importance of food and nutrition, food and nutrition components, and the outcomes of lack of proper food and nutrition in the body. Later solutions to the problems raised as a result of lack of nutrients are discussed. The importance of food and nutrition is the main aspect being researched. The several environments and settings that implement the use of food and nutrition were the targeted points.

Nutrition is the process of having good health due to proper digestion of food, absorption of minerals in the body, organism ingestion, and proper utilization of nutrients. A balanced and healthy diet that contains the required nutrients varies depending on issues such as age, gender, lifestyle, among others. (Health) It is essential to maintain a nutritious diet to maintain a healthy weight and obtain the required nutrients for the body’s proper functioning. Young people like dwelling on junk foods more than the foods with nutrients, which is harmful to the body system. Healthy nutrition helps to maintain good health in the body. Since older people have a week body, they are most likely to maintain their energy by having nutritious diets to have a healthy body and systems to function without complications.

Nutrients are essential in the body since they help in the mental well being of an individual and prevent one from suffering from mental health issues. (Health)Eating healthy foods with nutrients is vital for mental support as the human brain’s activeness gains its energy from the nutritious foods eaten by an individual. When one maintains a diet with proper nutrients, it is most likely that they have a delay of aging as the body is well nourished and has enough energy to provide strength to the body organs. Most of the time, the older people go through the challenge of having a hearing and also sight. However, with the maintenance of a healthy diet with the required nutrients, people grow old and maintain their ability to hear and see clearly for a long time without challenges.

Most people have been exposed to the importance of eating foods rich in nutrients and have observed the role; hence there are records of minimum cases of poor health or challenges during the aging stage where the body is weak. For the body’s immune system to function effectively, eating a wholesome and varied diet containing nutrients is vital for the performance. Nutritious foods provide strength to the immune system, and thus it acts as a guard to fight against illnesses. Young children are most likely affected when they lack enough nutrients in their diet, which leads to slow growth and other challenges, as discussed later in the chapter. To avoid challenges that can easily be eliminated in the body, it is advisable to observe eating foods that contain nutrients. Nutrition is proved to be an essential aspect of living a healthy life.

There are several components of nutrients that are required and are beneficial in the body. Such components include carbohydrates, protein, fats, vitamins, water, and roughage. For a healthy diet, one should include all of the components in their food or a minimum of three. Everyone needs to know what they eat and the components present in the foods we eat. This helps avoid taking food without the required nutrients and ending up getting complications in the body system. Most foods, mostly the already cooked foods made to be delivered door to door or even bought by people, tend to contain chemicals used to make the foods look more attractive. (“6 Essential Nutrients: What They Are And Why You Need Them”)As a result, this leads to causing diseases in the body as the body’s internal systems are sensitive to any disorder in foods. According to the information on heath living from the World Health Organization, the nutrients must be obtained from the food we eat to prevent diseases, enhance growth, and live a healthy life.

Proteins are essential for the good health of an individual. They are bodybuilding nutrients that enhance the growth of body cells. All the body hormones, antibodies, and other body substances are made of proteins, as they provide different amino acids for the body. For proper functioning of the body, a variety of amino acids is needed in the body cells. However, one does not need to eat all the amino acids since the body also creates proteins from the food eaten by an individual. The amount of protein a body needs depends on the work or activity done by the individual in a day or a person’s age. Foods such as animals, meat, and eggs are the best sources of proteins as they provide enough amino acid to the body.

Carbohydrates are essential in the body since they provide energy to the body cells and a healthy body. The amount of carbohydrates required in the body varies with the energy one uses in doing their activities. For example, a person doing manual work like digging requires a lot of energy than working in the office. Foodstuffs such as maize, wheat bread, rice, and other carbohydrates are essential for the body. Some food substances sold as carbohydrates in the market contain additives such as sugars. Such foods are not advisable for a fair and healthy body.

Vitamins are essential for fighting diseases in the human body. To provide the body with nutrients that support the body function, one must eat foods with vitamins. There are several types of vitamins needed in the body for proper functioning, including vitamin A and vitamin C, among others. Each vitamin provides an essential role in the body on different measures. A good example is that vitamin C is essential as it supports the immune system and helps the body heal faster in case of illness. This makes them vital for the provision of healthy vision, smooth skin and also strengthens bones. Foods that contain vitamins and minerals include all the green leafy vegetables like kales, milk products, all the fruits, among others. Foods containing vitamins also help in the process of digestion.

Lack of nutrients in diet causes nutritional deficiency. Poor eating habits such as having less food or eating a lot of food, or taking healthy food, which is not enough for the body, may result in complications. These poor eating habits affect the normal functioning of the body, and in most cases, people end up suffering from diseases caused by poor eating habits. If one does not eat enough food, they will most likely not obtain the nutrients required for healthy living. Lack of proper food and nutrition in the body can also lead to stress and tiredness in the body, and hence one lacks the energy to do the respective daily duties. Poor nutrition in the human body can lead to the risk of contracting illness and health problems.

Iron deficiency is the most widespread result of a lack of enough low blood in the body. Foods such as red meat and egg yolk contain iron, which is vital for the body. (“Nutritional Deficiencies (Malnutrition): Symptoms And Treatment”) If an individual is a vegetarian, green leafy vegetables are advisable since they also contain iron. When one does not have enough iron in the body, they are most likely to have few red blood cells as the blood cannot produce enough red blood cells. The fewer blood cells produced are less effective at delivering oxygen to the body tissues and other organs. The red blood cells appear to be pale compared to healthy blood, and they appear to be small in size. Lack of enough vitamin A causes eye challenges such that one does not have healthy eyesight. Likely, vitamin A deficiency causes a weak immune system in the body. According to the World Health Organization, lack of vitamin A in the body can lead to blindness in young people. It is also argued that pregnant women with vitamin A have a high chance of maternal mortality rate. Substances such as eggs and milk contain vitamin A and are advisable to be fed to children to avoid eye problems.

Another common nutrition deficiency is most likely to occur with the thiamine. It is a vital part of the nervous system, which helps the body to create energy from carbohydrates as part of metabolism. Lack of thiamine in the human body can cause weight loss, the fatigue of the body even without activities done, confusion at times, and shorter memory loss. Nerve and memory can also be damaged as a result of a lack of thiamine in the body. It is risky as there are cases that record a lack of thiamine affects the heart. (“The Risks Of Poor Nutrition | SA Health”) This situation occurs mostly to people who tend to use excess alcohol as it reduces the body’s ability to absorb thiamine and store it in the liver. Good sources of thiamine include some breakfast cereals, legumes, seeds, and wheat germ.

To have good nutrition content in the body, it is a must to ensure eating of nutritious foods or include a nutrient in the food one is taking. It is advisable by health professionals that the body requires the nutrients in fruits and vegetables as they are natural and are not compromised by adding chemicals in the food industry. Foods with sugars, fats, and salts should be eaten occasionally and not as the main diet. (staff) To make digestion of food more effective, one must drink sufficient fresh, clean water and avoid sugary drinks as most of them are not naturally made. Switching meals from time to time are essential as an individual gains body nutrients from different sources, which leads to a healthy life. The habit of eating bought foodstuffs is likely to make one eat food without nutrients; therefore, it is advisable to eat food that one has prepared by observing to use substances with nutrients.

Excellent and proper nutrition is vital for a healthy life. To improve an individual’s health, one must eat a balanced diet to obtain the nutrients in the foods. People with health problems are most likely to improve their condition after taking nutritious foods for some time. Health professionals advise that taking balanced nutrition is essential for good health and helps to maintain body weight. Finding strengths and weaknesses in a current diet can help identify whether the food is best for providing nutrients in the body. It is not simple to change and adapt to a new diet. It is advisable to ensure that the diet one is taking contains nutrients. Seeking medical attention is necessary for a condition where one suffers from any nutritional deficiency.

In conclusion, food and nutrition are essential for long healthy life. The body requires food components to provide energy, build body organs, and support the immune system in fighting diseases. A balanced diet with all the nutrition components, such as proteins, vitamins, carbohydrates, and minerals, is essential to keep the body out of the risk of getting deficiency diseases. Expectant mothers should ensure that they maintain eating that contains nutrients to avoid losing the unborn. Children are expected to be fed with a balanced diet to enhance their growth and build their immune system. Common diseases caused by a lack of nutrients in the body can be cured by maintaining nutritional foods. Excessive use of drug substances such as alcohol may affect the body organs, which are responsible for converting nutrients to energy for the body, such as the liver. Therefore, people should observe healthy living by avoiding harmful substances to the body.


Health, Active. “What Is Good Nutrition And Why Is It Important?”. Vibrant health.Sg, 2020,


“6 Essential Nutrients: What They Are And Why You Need Them”. Healthline, 2020,

“Nutritional Deficiencies (Malnutrition): Symptoms And Treatment.” Healthline, 2020,–term-outlook.

“The Risks Of Poor Nutrition | SA Health.” Sahealth.Sa.Gov.Au, 2020,


staff, “Nutrition: Tips For Improving Your Health – Familydoctor.Org.” Familydoctor.Org, 2020,

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