Style guide 3


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STYLE GUIDE WHICH IS 75 WORDS EACH. (10 total topics ) 




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Style Guide Assignment Criteria
Each week you will create a Style Guide. Topic to be covered will be indicated on
each week’s Style Guide Assignment Sheet.

For each period style you will need to complete the the following:

1. Include image of an artwork/structure for each period style with full identifying

artist(s) name(s) if known, title, date when made, media, dimensions, and
current location

2. Using formal analysis write an explanation of original artwork that identifies and
explains which significant aspects of style, context, and subject were used and
how – minimum 75 words.

3. Utilize reliable, scholarly sources and cite them properly according the Chicago
Manual of Style.

Your Style Guides will be graded according to the following criteria:

Style Guide Assignment Scoring

Criteria Points
Demonstrated understanding of weekly material by choosing
appropriate artworks for style guide.


Included art images with accurate, identifying information as


Utilized reliable, scholarly sources cited properly /5
Written explanation of original artwork identifies and explains
which significant aspects of style, context, and subject were used
and how with a minimum of 75 words.


Completed style guide is organized includes images, and has
minimal or no typos or grammatical errors.


Total Points /40


By Melynda Seaton

Italian High Renaissance

Leonardo da Vinci, Mona Lisa
ca. 1503–1505

oil on wood
approx. 2’ 6” x 1’ 9”

Louvre, Paris

The Mona Lisa includes several visual characteristics indicative the of the Italian High
• Leonardo da Vinci was an Italian born artist working during the 16th century in Italy with an

interest in scientific innovation.
• Typical of Renaissance design, the composition follows pyramidal organization creating a

symmetrically balanced image. The pyramidal shape is created by the figure’s body, her head
marks the top tip and her elbows form the bottom portion of the triangle.

• The portrait is rendered with correct anatomical proportions adhering to a Renaissance
interest in the classical human form.

• To create spatial depth da Vinci used linear perspective by placing a single vanishing point
behind the woman’s head and atmospheric perspective by making the background more
hazy in appearance.

• The use of oil paint made it possible for the artist to create thin transparent layers such as in
the transparency of the veil.

• Oil paint also allowed for da Vinci’s signature technique of sfumato, where he creates soft
blurry lines.

• Commissioned by her husband, the painting is a portrait of wealthy Florentine noble woman
demonstrating the new commercial class of patronage that developed at the time.

Text and image source:
Fred S. Kleiner, “Gardner’s Art Through the Ages,” Cengage Learning, accessed May 25, 2020,

Things to consider when making your
style guides:
■ Submit your style guide as a PDF file.

– Only assignments submitted as a PDF will be graded.

■ Use Microsoft PowerPoint, Keynote, Google Slides, or similar program to create your presentation.
– Save as PDF to insure that fonts/styles are maintained correctly.

■ Write in complete sentences and proofread your text.

■ Use formal analysis and relevant vocabulary in your explanations.

■ Be creative and employ good craftsmanship in your guides design.

■ Use reliable and appropriate sources for images and research.

■ Insure images are clear and good quality.

■ Cite all sources include those for images.

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