us history 1865-present

In a short paragraph (three to four sentences) in your own words, identify each term fully and explain its significance: 

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1. The Lavender Scare 2. Fair Employment Practices Commission 3. Buck v. Bell 4. Bisbee Deportation

Respond to ONE of the following essay prompts: 

1. The decades between the end of World War I and the entry of the United States into World War II witnessed profound transformations in how Americans lived and worked. Identify the most important economic, political, and social developments of these decades, and explain how these changes affected Americans’ lives. 

2. During the first half of the twentieth century the United States emerged as a global leader in international affairs. What primary concerns influenced American foreign policy between 1898 and 1950, and how did these motivations change over time? Specifically, what ideas and interests drove the United States into conflict with other countries during these decades?

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Your essay should be roughly 750-1000 words in length. The essay must be written in your own words. Do not rely on internet sources. Do not rely on books or articles from outside this course. You must cite the information you draw from lectures and course readings.

HIST 1493-030

NOTE: This is an exam. You should complete all parts of the exam on your own. Do not
collaborate with other students. Do not use sources from outside the course. Students will only
get credit for responses that are based on course material. Any evidence of unauthorized
collaboration on the exam will result in an automatic zero for the exam and a referral to the
Office of Academic Integrity. By turning in an exam, you are certifying that this work is your
own and is not plagiarized from any other person or source.

The exam is worth up to 120 points. You must respond to each of the four terms AND the essay
question in full. The exam is due in the appropriate online dropbox folder in your discussion
section Canvas page by 11:59 p.m. on Monday, November 9.

Students who require an extension due to a documented illness, family emergency, or other
unforeseeable and unavoidable situation should contact their TA and Dr. Schumaker as
soon as possible.

Your entire exam should be completed in a single document that is double-spaced with twelve-
point font and one-inch margins. Acceptable formats include MS Word documents (
or x) or PDF files. Do not submit Pages files—instead, convert them to a Microsoft Word
or PDF format before uploading.

SECTION 1: TERMS (10 points each)

In a short paragraph (three to four sentences) in your own words, identify each term fully (5
points) and explain its significance as it relates to the course based on course lectures (5 points).
You should write a short paragraph for EACH individual term. Write in complete sentences and
cite the lecture from which you draw your information in parentheses (for example: Lecture,
“Reconstruction”). The work MUST BE YOUR OWN. Do not use outside sources. Do not
copy from lecture. You must be able to identify and explain the significance of each term in
your own words to receive any credit for the term.

1. The Lavender Scare
2. Fair Employment Practices Commission
3. Buck v. Bell
4. Bisbee Deportation

SECTION 2: ESSAY (80 points)

Respond to the following prompt with a clear and persuasive essay that answers the question
directly and uses good evidence, examples, and quotes from course lectures and the readings
assigned for discussion section. Your essay should be roughly 750-1000 words in length. The

essay will be graded 1) on the extent to which the essay fully responds to the prompt and 2) on
the quality and amount of evidence used to support the essay’s claims.

The essay must be written in your own words. Do not rely on internet sources. Do not rely on
books or articles from outside this course. The essay should demonstrate the student’s ability to
synthesize information from across course lectures and integrate evidence from readings,
particularly from the readings that were assigned for section. Do not rely primarily on the
textbook—use information from the textbook sparingly and only when necessary.

You must cite the information you draw from lecture and course readings. All direct quotes must
be clearly labelled with quotation marks and cited properly. It is acceptable to put this
information in parentheses, with the title and author’s name and page number (if appropriate) or
the title of the lecture. For example: (Parsons, “Why I am an Anarchist”) or (Lecture, “The Rise
of Jim Crow”) are both acceptable forms of citation for the exam. Information that is offered
without citation will not be counted toward the exam grade.

Respond to ONE of the following essay prompts:

1. The decades between the end of World War I and the entry of the United States into

World War II witnessed profound transformations in how Americans lived and
worked. Identify the most important economic, political, and social developments of
these decades, and explain how these changes affected Americans’ lives.

2. During the first half of the twentieth century the United States emerged as a global

leader in international affairs. What primary concerns influenced American foreign
policy between 1898 and 1950, and how did these motivations change over time?
Specifically, what ideas and interests drove the United States into conflict with other
countries during these decades?

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