class CTL 3040 science medical technology

Timeline Project Description

The Basics:

  • What – Using web-based timeline software, you will individually create a project that showcases the chronological development of a medical term of your choosing. 
  • When – You can choose when you turn in your project from 3 possible due dates. Due dates cannot be changed (don’t ask!). Go to this page and sign up for whichever due date works best for you if it is still available. You may turn your assignment in at any time before the due date, but NOT after! You will be sent a reminder one week and one day before it is due, so look out for those. A maximum of 35 students may sign up for each group/due date. Erase someone’s else’s name and replacing it with your own is an act of academic dishonesty. The sign-up list is time stamped, so it will record each sign-up, so if you act dishonestly, you will receive a zero for the project. You may not sign up for a list if it has already reached its maximum number of 35.

Possible Due Dates:

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a. Friday, September 18th (Submission Group 1)
b. Friday, October 9th (Submission Group 2)
c. Friday, November 6th (Submission Group 3)

  • Why – Understanding the historical reach and the impact these words have had on our society is an important part of the humanity behind science of medicine!
  • How – Sign up for a free account with Tiki Toki (Links to an external site.). You can view a quick intro video here: 

Link (Links to an external site.)

(Transcript here.)

The Specifics:

  • Choose a word – You may choose any word you find in your textbook! That said, the word, such as a term for a common condition like glaucoma, might yield more detailed information or provide you with an interesting (and more difficult) avenue of research. So choose carefully!
  • Research – 

    You must cite every book, article, or website that you use for the content of your timeline. 
    At least two different sources are required. Citation information below. 
    You must cite every book, article, or website that you use for the content of your timeline. 
    At least two different sources are required. Citation information below. 
    Find and report on 5 different points in time where your term appears in Western European/American history. Pinpoint that time on Tiki-Toki, write about what took place, and explain why you think it is important and/or interesting. A good slide usually contains about paragraph of writing (4-6 sentences) in your own words. Plagiarism, however, is not acceptable (see further directions below). As much of your information may focus on more recent developments, your earliest point in time MUST be before the 20th century (pre-1900)!  
    Find and report on 3 different points in time where your term appears in either Middle Eastern, Asian, or African history. You may focus exclusively on one area (e.g. 3 points concerning glaucoma in Asian medical/cultural history) or any combination you choose. 
    Include multimedia (images, audio, or video) with your timeline that helps to enrich your events.
    With  5 different points in time where your term appears in Western European/American history and 3 different points in time where your term appears in either Middle Eastern, Asian, or African history, your project should have 8 slides in total.

  • Submit – Submit your assignment under “Timeline Assignment” as a link to your timeline from Tiki Toki. Simply copy and paste the link to your timeline once you are finished. See the tutorial for how to do this if you are unsure. Be sure to check that the link works!
  • Rubric:

    5 Historical points         25
    3 Global perspectives   15

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  • Grading Breakdown: 

    Every story:

    You have the potential to earn 5 points for each story. 

    .5 point for the correct dating (remember, the year is fine if no other information exists – just input January 1st as the month and date).
    .5 point for citation (see below). This is essentially a free point for something you should be doing anyway!
    1 point for multimedia.
    3 points for content. Did you actually research your term and demonstrate that you have understood it in your own words? Do you offer an explanation as to why this particular event is significant? Is the content thoughtful and does it show a clear understanding of the articles/texts you cite?

    Note: you cannot earn additional points (or hedge your bets) by creating more than 8 slides. If you go beyond 8 slides, only the first 8 will be graded, so be sure to make them good.

  • Citation – Because you are submitting written work as part of this course, you are bound by the rules of academic integrity set forth by USF and by all universities. Plagiarized material on your timeline will result in an automatic 0 for the assignment and we will not allow you a chance to resubmit. We take academic honesty very seriously and hope that you do, too. 

    Proper citation:

    Are you taking content word for word from a source? 

    YES: then you need to put quotation marks around the exact words and cite the source either in the link box provided on Tiki-Toki or at the end of your event. 

    Example: According to the National Eye Institute, “Glaucoma is a group of diseases that damage the eye’s optic nerve and can result in vision loss and blindness.”

    NO: then this means you are paraphrasing (taking information and putting it into your own words). For this, you need to simply include a link in the box provided or at the end of the event. 

    Example: The National Eye Institute states that those who suffer from glaucoma can eventually lose their vision. (Links to an external site.)

    Citation style:

    If you are using an online source, a link is sufficient.
    If you are using a print source, then a full citation is necessary at the end of your event. MLA is standard, but if you have a preference, then that’s fine – so long as you are consistent!
    Example: Iwase, Aiko, et al. “The prevalence of primary open-angle glaucoma in Japanese: the Tajimi Study.” Ophthalmology 111.9 (2004): 1641-1648.


  • A great way to get started is by checking out the many references available via the USF Library:

    The Oxford English Dictionary, for example, will tell you that glaucoma entered the English language in 1643.

  • will give you free access to Gray’s Anatomy.
  • Don’t shy away from using Google (either Google Scholar or Google Books) to help you find some valuable sources! 

    A quick search on Google Scholar yielded that article I cited above on glaucoma in Japanese – a potential great source that would fulfill your global event requirement. Do give this a try! 

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