Finish Organization Profile on Military

    This assignment is designed to track your progress in developing your Baldrige Organizational Assessment.  

     Phase 2 addresses the seven categories;

Category 1 – Leadership

Category 2 – Strategy

Category 3 – Customer

Category 4 – Measurements, Analysis, and Knowledge Management

Category 5 – Workforce

Category 6 – Operations

Category 7 – Results

Additionally, it includes the your recommendations related to the assessment. 

     This assignment includes the Title Page, Organizational Profile (completed), Seven Categories (completed), Recommendation (completed), Self-Analysis Worksheet, Consent Form, and References.

2019–2020 Baldrige Excellence Framework:

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  • Criteria Commentary
  • A-1

  • 2019–2020 Baldrige Performance Excellence Framework
  • Criteria Commentary

    This commentary provides brief summaries of the Baldrige Criteria for Performance Excellence categories and items. It also
    includes examples and guidance to supplement the notes that follow each Criteria item in the Baldrige Excellence
    Framework booklet. For additional free content, and to purchase the booklet, see

    Organizational Profile
    Your Organizational Profile provides a framework for understanding your organization. It also helps you guide and
    prioritize the information you present in response to the Criteria items in categories 1–7.

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    The Organizational Profile gives you critical insight into the key internal and external factors that shape your operating
    environment. These factors, such as your organization’s vision, culture and values, mission, core competencies,
    competitive environment, and strategic challenges and advantages, impact the way your organization is run and the
    decisions you make. As such, the Organizational Profile helps you better understand the context in which you operate;
    the key requirements for current and future business success; and the needs, opportunities, and constraints placed on
    your management systems.

    P.1 Organizational Description

    This item addresses the key characteristics and relationships that shape your organizational environment. The aim is to
    set the context for your organization.

    Understand your organization. The use of such terms as vision, values, culture, mission, and core competencies varies
    depending on the organization, and you may not use one or more of these terms. Nevertheless, you should have a clear
    understanding of the essence of your organization, why it exists, and where your senior leaders want to take it in the
    future. This clarity enables you to make and implement strategic decisions affecting your organization’s future.

    Understand your core competencies. A clear identification and thorough understanding of your organization’s core
    competencies are central to success now and in the future and to competitive performance. Executing your core
    competencies well is frequently a marketplace differentiator. Keeping your core competencies current with your strategic
    directions can provide a strategic advantage, and protecting intellectual property contained in your core competencies
    can support your organization’s future success.

    Understand your regulatory environment. The regulatory environment in which you operate places requirements on
    your organization and affects how you run it. Understanding this environment is key to making effective operational and
    strategic decisions. Furthermore, it allows you to identify whether you are merely complying with the minimum
    requirements of applicable laws, regulations, and standards of practice or exceeding them, a hallmark of leading
    organizations and a potential source of competitive advantage.

    Identify governance roles and relationships. Role-model organizations—whether they are publicly or privately held, or
    are government or nonprofit organizations—have well-defined governance systems with clear reporting relationships. It
    is important to clearly identify which functions are performed by your senior leaders and, as applicable, by your
    governance board and parent organization. Board independence and accountability are frequently key considerations in
    the governance structure.

    Understand your customers’ requirements. The requirements of your customer groups and market segments might
    include on-time delivery; low defect levels; safety; security, including cybersecurity; ongoing price reductions; the
    leveraging of technology; rapid response; after-sales service; and multilingual services. The requirements of your
    stakeholder groups might include socially responsible behavior and community service. For some nonprofit (including
    government) organizations, these requirements might also include administrative cost reductions, at-home services, and
    rapid response to emergencies.

    2019–2020 Baldrige Excellence Framework: Criteria Commentary A-2

    Understand the role of suppliers. In most organizations, suppliers play critical roles in processes that are important to
    running the business and to maintaining or achieving a sustainable competitive advantage. Supply-network
    requirements might include on-time or just-in-time delivery, flexibility, variable staffing, research and design capability,
    process and product innovation, and customized manufacturing or services.

    Understand your ecosystem. With the increase in multidisciplinary products and services, as well as globalization, many
    organizations rely ever more heavily on a business ecosystem—a network of suppliers, partners, collaborators, and even
    customers and competitors, with these roles shifting as necessary. Taking advantage of these ecosystems may result in
    new business models, new customers, new talent pools, and much greater efficiency in meeting customer expectations. In
    some cases, the organization’s growth may depend on the collective growth of the ecosystem and its ability to prepare for
    the future. And as competition comes from organizations in different industries, organizations may be able to stand out
    from their competitors through new and novel offerings, possibly through the ecosystem.

    P.2 Organizational Situation

    This item asks about the competitive environment in which your organization operates, including your key strategic
    challenges and advantages. It also asks how you approach performance improvement and learning. The aim is to help
    you understand your key organizational challenges and your system for establishing and preserving your competitive

    Know your competitors. Understanding who your competitors are, how many you have, and their key characteristics is
    essential for determining your competitive advantage in your industry and marketplace. Leading organizations have an
    in-depth understanding of their current competitive environment, including key changes taking place.

    Sources of comparative and competitive data might include industry publications, benchmarking activities, annual
    reports for publicly traded companies and public organizations, conferences, local networks, and industry associations.

    Strategic challenges and advantages. Operating in today’s highly competitive marketplace means facing strategic
    challenges that can affect your ability to sustain performance and maintain your competitive position. Understanding
    your strategic advantages is as important as understanding your strategic challenges. They are the sources of competitive
    advantage to capitalize on and grow while you continue to address key challenges. Strategic challenges and advantages
    might relate to technology, products, finances, operations, organizational structure and culture, your parent
    organization’s capabilities, customers and markets, brand recognition and reputation, your industry, globalization, your
    value network, and people.

    Know your strategic challenges. These challenges might include the following:

    • Your operational costs (e.g., materials, labor, or geographic location)
    • Expanding or decreasing markets
    • Mergers or acquisitions by your organization and your competitors
    • Economic conditions, including fluctuating demand and local and global economic downturns
    • The cyclical nature of your industry
    • The introduction of new or substitute products
    • Rapid technological changes
    • Data and information security, including cybersecurity
    • New competitors entering the market
    • The availability of skilled labor
    • The retirement of an aging workforce

    Know your strategic advantages. These advantages might include the following:

    • Industry innovation leadership
    • Customer service recognition
    • Brand recognition
    • Agility
    • Supply-network integration
    • Price leadership

    2019–2020 Baldrige Excellence Framework: Criteria Commentary A-3

    • Reputation for quality and reliability
    • Environmental (“green”) stewardship
    • Social responsibility and community involvement
    • Geographic proximity
    • Accessibility
    • Warranty and product options

    For some nonprofit (including government) organizations, differentiators might also include relative influence with
    decision makers, ratio of administrative costs to programmatic contributions, reputation for program or service delivery,
    and wait times for service.

    Prepare for disruptive technologies. A particularly significant challenge is being prepared for a disruptive technology
    that threatens your competitive position or your marketplace. Recently, such technologies have included smart phones
    challenging traditional forms of communication, computing, and commerce of all types; online stores challenging brick-
    and-mortar establishments; email, messaging, and social media challenging all other means of communication; and app-
    based ride services challenging traditional transportation services. Today, organizations need to be scanning the
    environment inside and outside their immediate industry to detect such challenges at the earliest possible point in time.

    Four emerging technologies that continue to drive change in many industries are mobile solutions, cognitive computing
    (or artificial intelligence), cloud computing, and the Internet of Things. Organizations need to be aware of the potential
    for these technologies to create challenges and opportunities in their own marketplace.

    Leadership (Category 1)
    This category asks how senior leaders’ personal actions and your governance system guide and sustain your

    1.1 Senior Leadership

    This item asks about the key aspects of your senior leaders’ responsibilities, with the aim of creating an organization that
    is successful now and in the future.

    The role of senior leaders. Senior leaders play a central role in setting values and directions, creating and reinforcing an
    organizational culture, communicating, creating and balancing value for all stakeholders, and creating an organizational
    focus on action, including transformational change in the organization’s structure and culture, when needed. Success
    requires a strong orientation to the future; an understanding that risk is a part of planning and conducting operations; a
    commitment to improvement, innovation, and intelligent risk taking; and a focus on organizational sustainability.
    Increasingly, this requires creating an environment for empowerment, agility, change, and learning.

    Role‐model senior leaders. In highly respected organizations, senior leaders are committed to establishing a culture of
    customer engagement, developing the organization’s future leaders, and recognizing and rewarding contributions by
    workforce members. They personally engage with key customers. Senior leaders enhance their personal leadership skills.
    They participate in organizational learning, the development of future leaders, succession planning, and recognition
    opportunities and events that celebrate the workforce. Development of future leaders might include personal mentoring,
    coaching, or participation in leadership development courses. Role-model leaders recognize the need for
    transformational change when warranted and then lead the effort through to full fruition. They demonstrate authenticity,
    admit to missteps, and demonstrate accountability for the organization’s actions.

    Legal and ethical behavior. In modeling ethical behavior, leaders must often balance the demand for delivery of short-
    term results with setting the tone for an ethical climate and a policy of integrity first.

    Creating an environment for innovation. Leading for innovation starts by setting a clear direction. Leaders need to
    communicate about the problems or opportunities the organization is trying to address, and then create a supportive
    environment and clear process that will encourage and approve intelligent risk taking.

    2019–2020 Baldrige Excellence Framework: Criteria Commentary A-4

    1.2 Governance and Societal Contributions

    This item asks about key aspects of your governance system, including the improvement of leaders and the leadership
    system. It also asks how the organization ensures that everyone in the organization behaves legally and ethically, how it
    fulfills its societal contributions, and how it supports its key communities.

    Organizational governance. This item addresses the need for a responsible, informed, transparent, and accountable
    governance or advisory body that can protect the interests of key stakeholders (including stockholders) in publicly
    traded, private, and nonprofit organizations. This body should have independence in review and audit functions, as well
    as a function that monitors organizational and CEOs’ or chief administrators’ performance.

    Legal compliance, ethics, and risks. An integral part of performance management and improvement is proactively
    addressing (1) the need for ethical behavior, (2) all legal and regulatory requirements, and (3) risk factors. Ensuring high
    performance in these areas requires establishing appropriate measures or indicators that senior leaders track. You should
    be sensitive to issues of public concern, whether or not these issues are currently embodied in laws and regulations. Role-
    model organizations look for opportunities to excel in areas of legal and ethical behavior. Role-model organizations also
    recognize the need to accept risk, identify appropriate levels of risk for the organization, and make and communicate
    policy decisions on risk.

    Public concerns. Public concerns that charitable and government organizations should anticipate might include the cost
    of programs and operations, timely and equitable access to their offerings, and perceptions about their stewardship of

    Conservation of natural resources. Conservation might be achieved through the use of “green” technologies, reduction
    of your carbon footprint, replacement of hazardous chemicals with water-based chemicals, energy conservation, use of
    cleaner energy sources, or recycling of by-products or wastes.

    Societal contributions. As the concept of corporate social responsibility has become accepted, high-performing
    organizations see contributing to society as more than something they must do. Going above and beyond their
    responsibilities in contributing to society can be a driver of customer and workforce engagement and a market
    differentiator. Societal contributions imply going beyond a compliance orientation. Opportunities to contribute to the
    well-being of environmental, social, and economic systems and opportunities to support key communities are available
    to organizations of all sizes. The level and breadth of these contributions will depend on the size of your organization and
    your ability to contribute. Increasingly, decisions to engage with an organization include consideration of its societal

    Community support. Examples of organizational community involvement include

    • partnering with schools and school boards to improve education;
    • partnering with health care providers to improve health in the local community by providing education and

    volunteer services to address public health issues; and
    • partnering to influence trade, business, and professional associations to engage in beneficial, cooperative

    activities, such as voluntary standards activities or sharing best practices to improve overall U.S. global
    competitiveness and ethical and societal well-being.

    Some nonprofits may contribute to society and support their key communities totally through their mission-related
    activities. In such cases, community support includes any “extra efforts,” such as partnering with other nonprofit
    organizations or businesses to improve the overall performance and stewardship of public and charitable resources.

    Strategy (Category 2)
    This category asks how you develop strategic objectives and action plans, implement them, change them if circumstances
    require, and measure progress.

    The category stresses that your organization’s long-term organizational success and competitive environment are key
    strategic issues that need to be integral parts of your overall planning. Making decisions about your organization’s core

    2019–2020 Baldrige Excellence Framework: Criteria Commentary A-5

    competencies and work systems is an integral part of ensuring your organization’s success now and in the future, and
    these decisions are therefore key strategic decisions.

    While many organizations are increasingly adept at strategic planning, executing plans is still a significant challenge. This
    is especially true given market demands to be agile and be prepared for unexpected change, such as volatile economic
    conditions or disruptive technologies that can upset an otherwise fast-paced but more predictable marketplace. This
    category highlights the need to focus not only on developing your plans, but also on your capability to execute them.

    The Baldrige framework emphasizes three key aspects of organizational excellence that are important to strategic

    • Customer‐focused excellence is a strategic view of excellence. The focus is on the drivers of customer
    engagement, new markets, and market share—key factors in competitiveness, profitability, and long-term
    organizational success.

    • Operational performance improvement and innovation contribute to short- and longer-term productivity
    growth and cost/price competitiveness. Building operational capability—including speed, responsiveness, and
    flexibility—is an investment in strengthening your organizational fitness.

    • Organizational learning and learning by workforce members are necessary strategic considerations in today’s
    fast-paced environment. The Criteria emphasize that improvement and learning need to be embedded in work
    processes. The special role of strategic planning is to align work systems and learning initiatives with your
    organization’s strategic directions, thereby ensuring that improvement and learning prepare you for and
    reinforce organizational priorities.

    This category asks how you

    • consider key elements of risk in your strategic planning process, including strategic opportunities, challenges,
    and advantages, and the potential need for transformational change in organizational structure or culture;

    • optimize the use of resources, ensure the availability of a skilled workforce, and bridge short- and longer-term
    requirements that may entail capital expenditures, technology development or acquisition, supplier
    development, and new partnerships or collaborations; and

    • ensure that implementation will be effective—that there are mechanisms to communicate requirements and
    achieve alignment on three levels: (1) the organization and executive level, (2) the key work system and work
    process level, and (3) the work unit and individual job level.

    The questions in this category encourage strategic thinking and acting in order to develop a basis for a distinct
    competitive position in the marketplace. These questions do not imply the need for formal planning departments, specific
    planning cycles, or a specified way of visualizing the future. They do not imply that all your improvements could or
    should be planned in advance. An effective improvement system combines improvements of many types and degrees of
    involvement. This requires clear strategic guidance, particularly when improvement alternatives, including major change
    or innovation, compete for limited resources. In most cases, setting priorities depends heavily on a cost, opportunity, and
    threat rationale. However, you might also have critical requirements, such as societal contributions, that are not driven by
    cost considerations alone.

    2.1 Strategy Development

    This item asks how you establish a strategy to address your organization’s challenges and leverage its advantages and
    how you make decisions about key work systems and core competencies. It also asks about your key strategic objectives
    and their related goals. The aim is to strengthen your overall performance, competitiveness, and future success.

    A context for strategy development. This item calls for basic information on the planning process and for information on
    all key influences, risks, challenges, and other requirements that might affect your organization’s future opportunities
    and directions—taking as long term a view as appropriate and possible from the perspectives of your organization and
    your industry or marketplace. This approach is intended to provide a thorough and realistic context for developing a
    customer- and market-focused strategy to guide ongoing decision making, resource allocation, and overall management.

    A future‐oriented basis for action. This item is intended to cover all types of businesses, for-profit, and nonprofit
    (including government) organizations, competitive situations, strategic issues, planning approaches, and plans. The

    2019–2020 Baldrige Excellence Framework: Criteria Commentary A-6

    questions explicitly call for a future-oriented basis for action. Even if your organization is seeking to create an entirely
    new business, you still need to set and test the objectives that define and guide critical actions and performance.

    Competitive leadership. This item emphasizes competitive leadership, which usually depends on revenue growth and
    operational effectiveness. Competitive leadership requires a view of the future that includes not only the markets or
    segments in which you compete but also how you compete. How to compete presents many options. Deciding how to
    compete requires that you understand your and your competitors’ strengths and weaknesses and also involves decisions
    on taking intelligent risks in order to gain or retain market leadership. Although no specific time horizons are included,
    the thrust of this item is sustained competitive leadership.

    Data and information for strategic planning. Data and information may come from a variety of internal and external
    sources and in a variety of forms, and they are available in increasingly greater volumes and at greater speeds. The ability
    to capitalize on data and information, including large datasets (“big data”), is based on the ability to analyze the data,
    draw conclusions, and pursue actions, including intelligent risks.

    Blind spots. Blind spots arise from incorrect, incomplete, obsolete, or biased assumptions or conclusions that cause gaps,
    vulnerabilities, risks, or weaknesses in your understanding of the competitive environment and strategic challenges your
    organization faces. Blind spots may arise from new or replacement offerings or business models coming from inside or
    outside your industry.

    Managing strategic risk. Your decisions about addressing strategic challenges, changes in your regulatory and external
    business environment, blind spots in your strategic planning, and gaps in your ability to execute the strategic plan may
    give rise to organizational risk. Analysis of these factors is the basis for managing strategic risk in your organization.

    Work systems. Efficient and effective work systems require

    • effective design;
    • a prevention orientation;
    • linkage to customers, suppliers, partners, and collaborators;
    • a focus on value creation for all key stakeholders; operational performance improvement; cycle time reduction;

    and evaluation, continuous improvement, innovation, and organizational learning; and
    • regular review to evaluate the need for fundamental changes in the way work is accomplished.

    Work systems must also be designed in a way that allows your organization to be agile and protect intellectual property.
    In the simplest terms, agility is the ability to adapt quickly, flexibly, and effectively to changing requirements. Depending
    on the nature of your strategy and markets, agility might mean the ability to change rapidly from one product to another,
    respond rapidly to changing demands or market conditions, or produce a wide range of customized services. Agility and
    protection of intellectual property also increasingly involve decisions to outsource, agreements with key suppliers, and
    novel partnering arrangements.

    Work systems and ecosystems. Organizations should view the ecosystem strategically. They need to be open to new
    partnership arrangements, consortia, value webs, and business models that support the organization’s vision and goals.
    The organization’s growth may depend on the collective growth of the ecosystem and its ability to prepare for the future.
    And as competition comes from organizations in different industries, organizations may be able to stand out from their
    competitors through new and novel offerings, possibly through the ecosystem. Your strategy should take into account
    your role and your desired role within the ecosystem (as a partner, collaborator, supplier, competitor, or customer—or
    several of these).

    Strategic objectives. Strategic objectives might address product and service quality enhancements, workforce capability
    and capacity, rapid response, customization, co-location with major customers or partners, specific joint ventures, virtual
    manufacturing, rapid or market-changing innovation, ISO quality or environmental systems registration, and societal
    contribution actions or leadership.

    2.2 Strategy Implementation

    This item asks how you convert your strategic objectives into action plans to accomplish the objectives and how you
    assess progress relative to these action plans. The aim is to ensure that you deploy your strategies successfully and
    achieve your goals.

    2019–2020 Baldrige Excellence Framework: Criteria Commentary A-7

    Developing and deploying action plans. Accomplishing action plans requires resources and performance measures, as
    well as alignment among the plans of your work units, suppliers, and partners. Of central importance is how you achieve
    alignment and consistency—for example, via work systems, work processes, and key measurements. Also, alignment and
    consistency provide a basis for setting and communicating priorities for ongoing improvement activities—part of the
    daily work of all work units. In addition, performance measures are critical for tracking performance. Action plan
    implementation and deployment may require modifications in organizational structures and operating modes. The
    success of action plans benefits from visible short-term wins as well as long-term actions.

    Performing analyses to support resource allocation. You can perform many types of analyses to ensure that financial
    resources are available to support the accomplishment of your action plans while you meet current obligations. For
    current operations, these efforts might include the analysis of cash flows, net income statements, and current liabilities
    versus current assets. For investments to accomplish action plans, the efforts might include analysis of discounted cash
    flows, return on investment, or return on invested capital.

    Analyses also should evaluate the availability of people and other resources to accomplish your action plans while
    continuing to meet current obligations. Financial resources must be supplemented by capable people and the necessary
    facilities and support.

    The specific types of analyses performed will vary from organization to organization. These analyses should help you
    assess the financial viability of your current operations and the potential viability of and risks associated with your action
    plan initiatives.

    Creating workforce plans. Action plans should include human resource or workforce plans that are aligned with and
    support your overall strategy. Examples of possible plan elements are

    • a redesign of your work organization and jobs to increase workforce empowerment and decision making;
    • initiatives to promote greater labor-management cooperation, such as union partnerships;
    • consideration of the impacts of outsourcing on your current workforce and initiatives;
    • initiatives to prepare for future workforce capability and capacity needs;
    • initiatives to foster knowledge sharing and organizational learning;
    • modification of your compensation and recognition systems to recognize team, organizational, stock market,

    customer, or other performance attributes; and
    • education and training initiatives, such as developmental programs for future leaders, partnerships with

    universities to help ensure the availability of an educated and skilled workforce, and training programs on new
    technologies important to the future success of your workforce and organization.

    Projecting your future environment. An increasingly important part of strategic planning is projecting the future
    competitive and collaborative environment. This includes the ability to project your own future performance, as well as
    that of your competitors. Such projections help you detect and reduce competitive threats, shorten reaction time, and
    identify opportunities. Depending on your organization’s size and type, the potential need for new core competencies,
    the maturity of markets, the pace of change, and competitive parameters (e.g., price, costs, or the innovation rate), you
    might use a variety of modeling, scenarios, or other techniques and judgments to anticipate the competitive and
    collaborative environment.

    Projecting and comparing your performance. Projections and comparisons in this item are intended to improve your
    organization’s ability to understand and track dynamic, competitive performance factors. Projected performance might
    include changes resulting from new business ventures, entry into new markets, the introduction of new technologies,
    product innovations, or other strategic thrusts that might involve a degree of intelligent risk.

    Through this tracking, you should be better prepared to take into account your organization’s rate of improvement and
    change relative to that of competitors or comparable organizations and relative to your own targets or stretch goals. Such
    tracking serves as a key diagnostic tool for you to use in deciding to start, accelerate, or discontinue initiatives and to
    implement needed organizational change.

    2019–2020 Baldrige Excellence Framework: Criteria Commentary A-8

    Customers (Category 3)
    This category asks how you engage customers for long-term marketplace success, including how you listen to customers,
    serve and exceed customers’ expectations, and build customer relationships.

    The category stresses customer engagement as an important outcome of an overall learning and performance excellence
    strategy. Your customer satisfaction and dissatisfaction results provide vital information for understanding your
    customers and the marketplace. In many cases, the voice of the customer provides meaningful information not only on
    your customers’ views but also on their marketplace behaviors and on how these views and behaviors may contribute to
    your organization’s current and future success in the marketplace.

    3.1 Customer Listening

    This item asks about your processes for listening to your customers and determining customer groups and segments. It
    also asks about your processes for determining and customizing product offerings that serve your customers and
    markets. The aim is to capture meaningful information in order to exceed your customers’ expectations and improve

    Customer listening. Selection of voice-of-the-customer strategies depends on your organization’s key business factors.
    Most organizations listen to the voice of the customer via multiple modes. Some frequently used modes include focus
    groups with key customers, close integration with key customers, interviews with lost and potential customers about
    their purchasing or relationship decisions, customer comments posted on social media, win/loss analysis relative to
    competitors and other organizations providing similar products, and survey or feedback information.

    Actionable information. This item emphasizes how you obtain actionable information from customers. Information is
    actionable if you can tie it to key product offerings and business processes and use it to determine the cost and revenue
    implications of setting particular improvement goals and priorities for change.

    Listening/learning and business strategy. In a rapidly changing technological, competitive, economic, and social
    environment, many factors may affect customer expectations and loyalty and your interface with customers in the
    marketplace. This makes it necessary to continually listen and learn. To be effective, listening and learning need to be
    closely linked with your overall business strategy.

    Social media. Customers are increasingly turning to social media to voice their impressions of your products and
    customer support. They may provide this information through social interactions you mediate or through independent or
    customer-initiated means. All of these can be valuable sources of information for your organization. Negative
    commentary can be a valuable source for improvement, innovation, and immediate service recovery. Organizations need
    to become familiar with vehicles for monitoring and tracking this information.

    Social media is both a means of listening to customers and a means of communication, outreach, and engagement.
    Effective use of social media has become a significant factor in customer engagement, and ineffective use can be a driver
    of disengagement and relationship deterioration or destruction.

    Customer and market knowledge. Knowledge of customers, customer groups, market segments, former customers, and
    potential customers allows you to tailor product offerings, support and tailor your marketing strategies, develop a more
    customer-focused workforce culture, develop new business, evolve your brand image, and ensure long-term
    organizational success.

    3.2 Customer Engagement

    This item asks about your processes for building relationships with customers; enabling them to seek information and
    support; and managing complaints. The item also asks how you determine customer satisfaction and dissatisfaction, and
    how you use the voice-of-the-customer data that you collect. The aim of these efforts is to build a more customer-focused
    culture and enhance customer loyalty.

    2019–2020 Baldrige Excellence Framework: Criteria Commentary A-9

    Engagement as a strategic action. Customer engagement is a strategic action aimed at achieving such a degree of loyalty
    that the customer will advocate for your brand and product offerings. Achieving such loyalty requires a customer-
    focused culture in your workforce based on a thorough understanding of your business strategy and your customers’
    behaviors and preferences.

    Customer relationship strategies. A relationship strategy may be possible with some customers but not with others. The
    relationship strategies you do have may need to be distinctly different for each customer, customer group, and market
    segment. They may also need to be distinctly different during various stages of the customer life cycle. Building customer
    relationships might include developing partnerships or alliances with customers.

    Brand management. Brand management is aimed at positioning your product offerings in the marketplace. Effective
    brand management leads to improved brand recognition and customer loyalty. Brand management is intended to build
    the customer’s emotional attachment for the purpose of differentiating yourself from the competition and building

    Customer support. The goal of customer support is to make your organization easy to do business with and responsive
    to your customers’ expectations.

    Determining customer satisfaction and dissatisfaction. You might use any or all of the following to determine customer
    satisfaction and dissatisfaction: surveys, formal and informal feedback, customer account histories, complaints, field
    reports, win/loss analysis, customer referral rates, and transaction completion rates. You might gather information on the
    web, through personal contact or a third party, or by mail.

    Complaint management. Complaint aggregation, analysis, and root-cause determination should lead to effective
    elimination of the causes of complaints and to the setting of priorities for process and product improvements. Successful
    outcomes require effective deployment of information throughout your organization.

    Customers’ satisfaction with competitors. A key aspect of determining customers’ satisfaction and dissatisfaction is
    determining their comparative satisfaction with competitors, competing or alternative offerings, and/or organizations
    providing similar products. Such information might be derived from win/loss analyses, your own comparative studies, or
    independent studies. The factors that lead to customer preference are critically important in understanding factors that
    drive markets and potentially affect your organization’s longer-term competitiveness and success.

    Measurement, Analysis, and Knowledge Management (Category 4)
    In the simplest terms, category 4 is the “brain center” for the alignment of your operations with your strategic objectives.
    It is the main point within the Criteria for all key information on effectively measuring, analyzing, and improving
    performance and managing organizational knowledge to drive improvement, innovation, and organizational
    competitiveness. Central to this use of data and information are their quality and availability. Furthermore, since
    information, analysis, and knowledge management might themselves be primary sources of competitive advantage and
    productivity growth, this category also includes such strategic considerations.

    4.1 Measurement, Analysis, and Improvement of Organizational Performance

    This item asks how you select and use data and information for performance measurement, analysis, and review in
    support of organizational planning and performance improvement. The item serves as a central collection and analysis
    point in an integrated performance measurement and management system that relies on financial and nonfinancial data
    and information. The aim of performance measurement, analysis, review, and improvement is to guide your process
    management toward the achievement of key organizational results and strategic objectives, anticipate and respond to
    rapid or unexpected organizational or external changes, and identify best practices to share.

    Aligning and integrating your performance management system. Alignment and integration are key concepts for
    successfully implementing and using your performance measurement system. The Criteria view alignment and
    integration in terms of how widely and how effectively you use that system to meet your needs for organizational
    performance assessment and improvement and to develop and execute your strategy.

    2019–2020 Baldrige Excellence Framework: Criteria Commentary A-10

    Alignment and integration include how measures are aligned throughout your organization and how they are integrated
    to yield organization-wide data and information. Organization-wide data and information are key inputs to
    organizational performance reviews and strategic decision making. Alignment and integration also include how your
    senior leaders deploy performance measurement requirements to track work group and process-level performance on
    key measures that are targeted for their organization-wide significance or for improvement.

    Big data. The challenge, and the potential, of ever-increasing amounts of and modalities for data lies in choosing,
    synthesizing, analyzing, and interpreting both quantitative and qualitative data, turning them into useful information,
    and then acting operationally and strategically. This requires not just data, but knowledge, insight, and a mindset for
    intelligent risk taking and innovation.

    Information analytics. For operational improvement, analysis of data comparing two important measurement
    dimensions (e.g., productivity, profitability, ROI, customer satisfaction characteristics and their relative importance) is
    usually sufficient. A third dimension, such as time or segmentation (e.g., by customer segments), might be added. In the
    strategic domain, more advanced information analytics can provide a three-dimensional image, with a fourth dimension
    of current state and desired or predicted future states of organizational performance, technologies, people, and markets
    served. From those data-based, fact-based pictures, organizations need to develop strategy or strategic scenarios.

    The case for comparative data. The use of comparative data and information is important to all organizations. The major
    premises for their use are the following:

    • Your organization needs to know where it stands relative to competitors and to best practices.
    • Comparative information and information obtained from benchmarking often provide the impetus for

    significant (“breakthrough”) improvement or transformational change.
    • Comparing performance information frequently leads to a better understanding of your processes and their

    • Comparative performance projections and competitors’ performance may reveal organizational advantages as

    well as challenge areas where innovation is needed.

    Comparative information may also support business analysis and decisions relating to core competencies, partnering,
    and outsourcing.

    Selecting comparative data. Effective selection of comparative data and information requires you to determine needs and
    priorities and establish criteria for seeking appropriate sources for comparisons—from within and outside your industry
    and markets.

    Reviewing performance. The organizational review called for in this item is intended to cover all areas of performance.
    This includes not only current performance but also how you project your future performance. The expectation is that the
    review findings will provide a reliable means to guide both improvements and opportunities for innovation that are tied
    to your key objectives, core competencies, and measures of success. Review findings may also alert you to the need for
    transformational change in your organization’s structure and work systems. Therefore, an important component of your
    organizational review is the translation of the review findings into actions that are deployed throughout your
    organization and to appropriate suppliers, partners, collaborators, and key customers. Use of comparative data in
    reviews. Effective use of comparative data and information allows you to set stretch goals and to promote major
    nonincremental (“breakthrough”) improvements in areas most critical to your competitive strategy.

    Analyzing performance. Analyses that you conduct to gain an understanding of performance and needed actions may
    vary widely depending on your organization’s type, size, competitive environment, and other factors. Here are some
    examples of possible analyses:

    • How product improvements or new products correlate with key customer indicators, such as satisfaction,
    loyalty, and market share

    • Return on investment for intelligent risks that you pursue
    • Cost and revenue implications of customer-related problems and effective problem resolution
    • Interpretation of market share changes in terms of customer gains and losses and changes in customer

    • Trends in key operational performance indicators, such as productivity, cycle time, defect levels, waste

    reduction, carbon footprint, and new product introduction

    2019–2020 Baldrige Excellence Framework: Criteria Commentary A-11

    • Relationships among learning by workforce members, organizational learning, and the value added per

    • Financial benefits derived from improvements in workforce capacity, safety, absenteeism, and turnover
    • Benefits and costs associated with education and training
    • Benefits and costs associated with improved organizational knowledge management and sharing
    • The relationship between knowledge management and innovation
    • How the ability to identify and meet workforce capability and capacity needs correlates with retention,

    motivation, and productivity
    • Cost and revenue implications of workforce-related problems and effective problem resolution
    • Individual or aggregate measures of productivity and quality relative to competitors’ performance
    • Cost trends relative to competitors’ trends
    • Relationships among product quality, operational performance indicators, and overall financial performance

    trends as reflected in indicators such as operating costs, revenues, asset utilization, and value added per

    • Allocation of resources among alternative improvement projects based on cost/benefit implications or
    environmental and societal impact

    • Net earnings or savings derived from improvements in quality, operational, and workforce performance
    • Comparisons among business units showing how quality and operational performance affect financial

    • Contributions of improvement activities to cash flow, working capital use, and shareholder value
    • Impacts of customer loyalty on profit
    • Cost and revenue implications of new market entry, including product-line and geographic expansion
    • Market share versus profits
    • Trends in economic, market, and stakeholder indicators of value and the impact of these trends on long-term

    organizational success

    Aligning analysis, performance review, and planning. Individual facts and data do not usually provide an effective
    basis for setting organizational priorities. This item emphasizes the need for close alignment between your analysis and
    your organizational performance review and between your performance review and your organizational planning. This
    ensures that analysis and review are relevant to decision making and that decisions are based on relevant data and
    information. In addition, your historical performance, combined with assumptions about future internal and external
    changes, allows you to develop performance projections. These projections may serve as a key planning tool.

    Understanding causality. Action depends on understanding causality among processes and between processes and
    results. Process actions and their results may have many resource implications. Organizations have a critical need to
    provide an effective analytical basis for decisions because resources for innovation and improvement are limited.

    4.2 Information and Knowledge Management

    This item asks how you build and manage your organization’s knowledge assets and ensure the quality and availability
    of data and information. The aim of this item is to improve organizational efficiency and effectiveness and stimulate

    Information management. Managing information can require a significant commitment of resources as the sources of
    data and information grow dramatically. The continued growth of information within organizations’ operations—as part
    of organizational knowledge networks; through the web and social media; and in business-to-business, organization-to-
    organization, and business-to-consumer communications—challenges organizations’ ability to ensure reliability and
    availability in a user-friendly format. The ability to blend and correlate disparate types of data, such as video, text, and
    numbers, provides opportunities for a competitive advantage.

    Data and information availability. Data and information are especially important in business or organizational
    networks, partnerships, and supply networks. You should take into account this use of data and information and
    recognize the need for rapid data validation, reliability assurance, and security, given the frequency and magnitude of
    electronic data transfer and the challenges of cybersecurity.

    2019–2020 Baldrige Excellence Framework: Criteria Commentary A-12

    Knowledge management. The focus of your knowledge management is on the knowledge that your people need to do
    their work; improve processes, products, and services; and innovate to add value for the customer and your organization.

    Your organization’s knowledge management system should provide the mechanism for sharing your people’s and your
    organization’s knowledge to ensure that high performance is maintained through transitions. You should determine
    what knowledge is critical for your operations and then implement systematic processes for sharing this information.
    This is particularly important for implicit knowledge (i.e., knowledge personally retained by workforce members)

    Organizational learning. One of the many issues facing organizations today is how to manage, use, evaluate, and share
    their ever-increasing organizational knowledge. Leading organizations benefit from the knowledge assets of their
    workforce, customers, suppliers, collaborators, and partners, who together drive organizational learning and innovation.

    Workforce (Category 5)
    This category addresses key workforce practices—those directed toward creating and maintaining a high-performance
    environment and toward engaging your workforce to enable it and your organization to adapt to change and succeed.

    To reinforce the basic alignment of workforce management with overall strategy, the Criteria also cover workforce
    planning as part of overall strategic planning in category 2.

    5.1 Workforce Environment

    This item asks about your workforce capability and capacity needs, how you meet those needs to accomplish your
    organization’s work, and how you ensure a supportive work climate. The aim is to build an effective environment for
    accomplishing your work and supporting your workforce.

    Workforce capability and capacity. Many organizations confuse the concepts of capability and capacity by adding more
    people with incorrect skills to compensate for skill shortages or by assuming that fewer highly skilled workers can meet
    capacity needs for processes requiring less skill or different skills but more people to accomplish. Having the right
    number of workforce contributors with the right skill set is critical to success. Looking ahead to predict those needs for
    the future allows for adequate training, hiring, relocation times, and preparation for work system changes.

    Change management. Change management is a process that involves transformational organizational change controlled
    and sustained by leaders. It requires dedication, involvement of employees at all levels, and constant communication.
    Transformational change is strategy-driven and stems from the top of the organization. Its origin may be needs identified
    within the organization, and it requires the active engagement of the whole organization.

    Workforce support. Most organizations, regardless of size, have many opportunities to support their workforce. Some
    examples of services, facilities, activities, and other opportunities are personal and career counseling; career development
    and employability services; recreational or cultural activities; on-site health care and other assistance; formal and
    informal recognition; non-work-related education; child and elder care; special leave for family responsibilities and
    community service; flexible work hours and benefits packages; outplacement services; and retiree benefits, including
    ongoing access to services.

    5.2 Workforce Engagement

    This item asks about your systems for managing workforce performance and developing your workforce members to
    enable and encourage all of them to contribute effectively and to the best of their ability. These systems are intended to
    foster high performance, to address your core competencies, and to help accomplish your action plans and ensure your
    organization’s success now and in the future.

    High performance. The focus of this item is on a workforce capable of achieving high performance. Understanding the
    characteristics of high-performance work environments, in which people do their utmost for their customers’ benefit and
    the organization’s success, is key to understanding and building an engaged workforce. High performance is

    2019–2020 Baldrige Excellence Framework: Criteria Commentary A-13

    characterized by flexibility, innovation, empowerment and personal accountability, knowledge and skill sharing, good
    communication and information flow, alignment with organizational objectives, customer focus, and rapid response to
    changing business needs and marketplace requirements.

    Workforce engagement and performance. Many studies have shown that high levels of workforce engagement have a
    significant, positive impact on organizational performance. Research has indicated that engagement is characterized by
    performing meaningful work; having clear organizational direction and accountability for performance; and having a
    safe, trusting, effective, and cooperative work environment. In many organizations, employees and volunteers are drawn
    to and derive meaning from their work because it is aligned with their personal values.

    Drivers of workforce engagement. Although satisfaction with pay and pay increases are important, these two factors
    generally are not sufficient to ensure workforce engagement and high performance. Some examples of other factors to
    consider are effective problem and grievance resolution; development and career opportunities; the work environment
    and management support; workplace safety and security; the workload; effective communication, cooperation, and
    teamwork; the degree of empowerment; job security; appreciation of the differing needs of diverse workforce groups;
    and organizational support for serving customers.

    Factors inhibiting engagement. It is equally important to understand and address factors inhibiting engagement. You
    could develop an understanding of these factors through workforce surveys, focus groups, blogs, or exit interviews with
    departing workforce members.

    Compensation and recognition. Compensation and recognition systems should be matched to your work systems.
    Recognition can include monetary and nonmonetary, formal and informal, and individual and group mechanisms. To be
    effective, compensation and recognition might include promotions and bonuses tied to performance, demonstrated skills,
    skills acquired, adaptation to new work systems and culture, and other factors. Approaches might also include profit
    sharing; mechanisms for expressing simple “thank yous”; rewards for exemplary team or unit performance; and linkage
    to customer engagement measures, achievement of organizational strategic objectives, or other key organizational

    Other indicators of workforce engagement. In addition to direct measures of workforce engagement through formal or
    informal surveys, other indicators include absenteeism, turnover, grievances, and strikes.

    Performance development. Organizations today need employees who are versatile and who can continually upgrade
    their work skills. High-performing organizations address this need by meeting employees’ rising expectations for career-
    relevant learning and development. In performance development, employees pursue personal growth and growth in the
    organization through both internal and external learning. This learning involves engaging work assignments,
    opportunities, and personal learning to reach the next level of organizational and personal performance.

    Performance development needs. Depending on the nature of your organization’s work, workforce responsibilities, and
    stage of organizational and personal development, performance development needs might vary greatly. These needs
    might include gaining skills for knowledge sharing, communication, teamwork, and problem solving; interpreting and
    using data; exceeding customer requirements; analyzing and simplifying processes; reducing waste and cycle time;
    working with and motivating volunteers; and setting priorities based on strategic alignment or cost-benefit analysis.

    Education needs might also include advanced skills in new technologies or basic skills, such as reading, writing,
    language, arithmetic, and computer skills.

    Learning and development locations and formats. Learning and development opportunities might occur inside or
    outside your organization and could involve on-the-job, classroom, e-learning, or distance learning, as well as
    developmental assignments, coaching, or mentoring.

    Individual learning and development needs. To help people realize their full potential, many organizations prepare an
    individual development plan with each person that addresses his or her career and learning objectives and desires.

    Customer contact training. Although this item does not specifically ask you about training for customer contact
    employees, such training is important and common. It frequently includes gaining critical skills and knowledge about
    your products and customers, how to listen to customers, how to recover from problems or failures, and how to
    effectively manage and exceed customer expectations.

    2019–2020 Baldrige Excellence Framework: Criteria Commentary A-14

    Learning and development effectiveness. Measures to evaluate the effectiveness and efficiency of your workforce and
    leader development and learning systems might address the impact on individual, unit, and organizational performance;
    the impact on customer-related performance; and costs versus benefits.

    Operations (Category 6)
    This category asks how you focus on your organization’s work, product design and delivery, innovation, and operational
    effectiveness to achieve organizational success now and in the future.

    6.1 Work Processes

    This item asks about the management of your key products, your key work processes, and innovation, with the aim of
    creating value for your customers and achieving current and future organizational success.

    Work process requirements. Your design approaches could differ appreciably depending on the nature of your product
    or service offerings—whether the products and services are entirely new, are variants, are customized, or involve major
    or minor work process changes. Your design approaches should consider the key requirements for your products and
    services. Factors that you might need to consider in work process design include safety, long-term performance,
    environmental impact, your carbon footprint and “green” manufacturing, measurement capability, process capability,
    manufacturability, maintainability, variability in customer expectations requiring product or support options, supplier
    capability, and documentation.

    Effective design must also consider the cycle time and productivity of production and delivery processes. This might
    involve detailed mapping of manufacturing or service processes and the redesign (“reengineering”) of those processes to
    achieve efficiency, as well as to meet changing customer requirements.

    Key product‐related and business processes. Your key work processes include your product- and service-related
    processes and those nonproduct business processes that your senior leaders consider important to organizational success
    and growth. These processes frequently relate to your organization’s core competencies, strategic objectives, and critical
    success factors. Key business processes might include technology acquisition, information and knowledge management,
    mergers and acquisitions, global expansion, project management, and sales and marketing. For some nonprofit
    organizations, key business processes might include fundraising, media relations, and public policy advocacy. Given the
    diverse nature of these processes, the requirements and performance characteristics might vary significantly for different

    Work process design. Many organizations need to consider requirements for suppliers, partners, and collaborators at the
    work process design stage. Overall, effective design must take into account all stakeholders in the value chain. If many
    design projects are carried out in parallel or if your products utilize parts or supplies, equipment, personnel, and facilities
    that are used for other products or processes, coordination of resources might be a major concern, but it might also offer a
    means to significantly reduce unit costs and time to market.

    In‐process measures. This item refers specifically to in-process measurements. These measurements require you to
    identify critical points in processes for measurement and observation. These points should occur as early as possible in
    processes to minimize problems and costs that may result from deviations from expected performance.

    Process performance. Achieving expected process performance frequently requires setting in-process performance levels
    or standards to guide decision making. When deviations occur, corrective action is required to restore the performance of
    the process to its design specifications. Depending on the nature of the process, the corrective action could involve
    technology, people, or both. Proper corrective action involves changes at the source (root cause) of the deviation and
    should minimize the likelihood of this type of variation occurring again or elsewhere in your organization.

    When customer interactions are involved, evaluation of how well the process is performing must consider differences
    among customers. This is especially true of professional and personal services. In some organizations, cycle times for key
    processes may be a year or longer, which may create special challenges in measuring day-to-day progress and identifying
    opportunities for reducing cycle times, when appropriate.

    2019–2020 Baldrige Excellence Framework: Criteria Commentary A-15

    Key support processes. Your key work processes include those processes that support your daily operations and your
    product and service delivery but are not usually designed in detail with the products. Support process requirements do
    not usually depend significantly on product characteristics. Such requirements usually depend significantly on internal
    requirements, and they must be coordinated and integrated to ensure efficient and effective linkage and performance.
    Support processes might include processes for finance and accounting, facilities management, legal services, human
    resource services, public relations, and other administrative services.

    Process improvement. This item calls for information on how you improve processes to achieve better performance.
    Better performance means not only better quality from your customers’ perspectives, but also better financial and
    operational performance—such as productivity—from your other stakeholders’ perspectives. A variety of process
    improvement approaches are commonly used. Examples include

    • using the results of organizational performance reviews;
    • sharing successful strategies across your organization to drive learning and innovation;
    • performing process analysis and research (e.g., process mapping, optimization experiments, error proofing);
    • conducting technical and business research and development;
    • using quality improvement tools like Lean, Six Sigma, and Plan-Do-Check-Act (PDCA);
    • benchmarking;
    • using alternative technology; and
    • using information from customers of the processes—within and outside your organization.

    Process improvement approaches might use financial data to evaluate alternatives and set priorities. Together, these
    approaches offer a wide range of possibilities, including a complete redesign (“reengineering”) of processes.

    Supply networks. Rather than a one-to-one-to-one supply chain, organizations must increasingly rely on a supply
    network to manage assets outside traditional organizational boundaries. Suppliers, partners, and collaborators are
    receiving increasing strategic attention as organizations reevaluate their core competencies and their place within their
    business ecosystem. To optimize the value of its supply network, organizations need to position themselves to take
    advantage of an agile, interdependent network of suppliers.

    Supply‐network management. For many organizations, supply-network management has become a key factor in
    achieving productivity and profitability goals and overall organizational success. Supplier processes should fulfill two
    purposes: to help improve the performance of suppliers and partners and to help them contribute to improving your
    overall operations. Supply-network management might include processes for selecting suppliers, with the aim of
    reducing the total number of suppliers and increasing preferred supplier and partner agreements.

    Supply‐network communication. Mechanisms for communicating with suppliers should use understandable language.
    They might involve in-person contact; email, social media, or other electronic means; or the telephone. For many
    organizations, these mechanisms may change as marketplace, customer, or stakeholder requirements change.

    Innovation management. In an organization that has a supportive environment for innovation, there are likely to be
    many more ideas than the organization has resources to pursue. This leads to two critical decision points in the
    innovation cycle: (1) commensurate with resources, prioritizing opportunities to pursue those opportunities with the
    highest likelihood of a return on investment (intelligent risks) and (2) knowing when to discontinue projects and
    reallocate the resources either to further development of successful projects or to new projects.

    6.2 Operational Effectiveness

    This item asks how you ensure effective operations in order to have a safe workplace environment and deliver customer
    value. Effective operations frequently depend on controlling the overall costs of your operations and maintaining the
    reliability, security, and cybersecurity of your information systems.

    Cost control. Cost and cycle-time reduction may be achieved through Lean process management strategies. Defect
    reduction and improved product yield may involve Six Sigma projects. It is crucial to utilize key measures for tracking all
    aspects of your operations management.

    2019–2020 Baldrige Excellence Framework: Criteria Commentary A-16

    Security and cybersecurity. Given the frequency and magnitude of electronic data transfer and storage, the prevalence of
    cybersecurity attacks, and customer and business requirements around securing assets and information, managing
    cybersecurity is an essential component of operational effectiveness. Proper management of cybersecurity requires a
    systems approach that focuses on using key business factors to guide cybersecurity activities and integrating
    cybersecurity with your overall leadership and management approaches. In a dynamic and challenging environment of
    new threats, risks, and solutions, managing cybersecurity means taking into account your organization’s unique threats,
    vulnerabilities, and risk tolerances. It means determining activities that are important to critical service delivery and to
    your customers, and prioritizing investments to protect them. Cybersecurity may involve training workforce members
    not directly involved in information technology matters and educating customers, suppliers, and partners. It may also
    involve communicating with these stakeholders to inform them of potential cyber threats, inform them of breaches, and
    report recovery efforts in order to maintain their confidence in your organization.

    Workplace safety. All organizations, regardless of size, are required to meet minimum regulatory standards for
    workplace and workforce safety; however, high-performing organizations have processes in place to ensure that they not
    only meet these minimum standards but also go beyond a compliance orientation to a safety-first commitment. This
    includes designing proactive processes, with input from people directly involved in the work, to ensure a safe working

    Business continuity. Efforts to ensure the continuity of operations in an emergency should consider all facets of your
    operations that are needed to provide your products and services to customers, including supply-network availability.
    The specific level of operations that you will need to provide will be guided by your mission and your customers’ needs
    and requirements. For example, a public utility is likely to have a higher need for services than organizations that do not
    provide an essential function. Nonprofit (including government) organizations whose mission is to respond to
    emergencies will have a high need for service readiness. You should also coordinate your continuity-of-operations efforts
    with your efforts to ensure the availability of data and information (item 4.2).

    You should carefully plan how you will continue to provide an information technology infrastructure, data, and
    information in the event of either a natural or human-caused disaster. These plans should consider the needs of all your
    stakeholders, including the workforce, customers, suppliers, partners, and collaborators. The plans should be coordinated
    with your overall plan for business continuity and cybersecurity.

    Results (Category 7)
    This category provides a systems focus that encompasses all results necessary to sustaining an enterprise: your key
    process and product results, your customer-focused results, your workforce results, your leadership and governance
    system results, and your overall financial and market performance.

    This systems focus maintains the purposes of the Baldrige Excellence Framework—superior value of offerings as viewed
    by your customers and the marketplace, superior organizational performance as reflected in your operational indicators,
    organizational learning, and learning by workforce members. Category 7 thus provides “real-time” information
    (measures of progress) for evaluating, improving, and innovating processes and products, in alignment with your overall
    organizational strategy. While category 7 asks about results broadly, you should place a premium on monitoring
    outcomes that are the consequence of your operational performance and serve as predictors of future performance.

    7.1 Product and Process Results

    This item asks about your key product and operational performance results, which demonstrate product and service
    quality and value that lead to customer satisfaction and engagement.

    Measures of product performance. This item emphasizes measures of product performance that serve as indicators of
    customers’ views and decisions relative to future purchases, interactions and relationships. These measures of product
    performance are derived from customer-related information gathered in category 3.

    Examples of product measures. Product and service measures appropriate for inclusion might be based on the following:
    internal quality measurements, field performance of products, defect levels, service errors, response times, and data

    2019–2020 Baldrige Excellence Framework: Criteria Commentary A-17

    collected from your customers by other organizations on ease of use or other attributes, as well as customer surveys on
    product and service performance.

    Product performance and customer indicators. The correlation between product and service performance and customer
    indicators is a critical management tool with multiple uses: (1) defining and focusing on key quality and customer
    requirements, (2) identifying product and service differentiators in the marketplace, and (3) determining cause-effect
    relationships between your product or service attributes and evidence of customer satisfaction and engagement. The
    correlation might reveal emerging or changing market segments, the changing importance of requirements, or even the
    potential obsolescence of offerings.

    Process effectiveness and efficiency measures. Measures and indicators of process effectiveness and efficiency might
    include the following:

    • Work system performance that demonstrates improved cost savings or higher productivity by using internal
    and/or external resources

    • Reduced emission levels, carbon footprint, or energy consumption
    • Waste-stream reductions, by-product use, and recycling
    • Internal responsiveness indicators, such as cycle times, production flexibility, lead times, setup times, and time to

    • Improved performance of administrative and other support functions
    • Indicators of the effectiveness of security and cybersecurity approaches
    • Business-specific indicators, such as innovation rates and increased product and process yields, Six Sigma

    initiative results, and acceptable product performance at the time of delivery
    • Supply-network indicators, such as reductions in inventory and incoming inspections, increases in quality and

    productivity, improvements in electronic data exchange, and reductions in supply-network management costs
    • Third-party assessment results, such as ISO 9001 audits

    Measures of organizational and operational performance. This item encourages you to develop and include unique and
    innovative measures to track key processes and operational improvement. Unique measures should consider cause-effect
    relationships between operational performance and product quality or performance. All key areas of organizational and
    operational performance, including your organization’s readiness for emergencies, should be evaluated by measures that
    are relevant and important to your organization.

    7.2 Customer-Focused Results

    This item asks about your customer-focused performance results, which demonstrate how well you have been satisfying
    your customers and engaging them in loyalty-building relationships.

    Your performance as viewed by your customers. This item focuses on all relevant data to determine and help predict
    your performance as viewed by your customers. Relevant data and information include the following:

    • Customer satisfaction and dissatisfaction
    • Retention, gains, and losses of customers and customer accounts
    • Customer complaints, complaint management, effective complaint resolution, and warranty claims
    • Customer-perceived value based on quality and price
    • Customer assessment of access and ease of use (including courtesy in service interactions)
    • Customer advocacy for your brand and product offerings
    • Awards, ratings, and recognition from customers and independent rating organizations

    Relative satisfaction. For customers’ satisfaction with your products relative to satisfaction with those of competitors and
    comparable organizations, measures and indicators might include information and data from your customers, from
    competitors’ customers, and from independent organizations.

    Results that go beyond satisfaction. This item places an emphasis on customer-focused results that go beyond
    satisfaction measurements, because customer engagement and relationships are better indicators and measures of future
    success in the marketplace and of organizational sustainability.

    2019–2020 Baldrige Excellence Framework: Criteria Commentary A-18

    7.3 Workforce-Focused Results

    This item asks about your workforce-focused performance results, which demonstrate how well you have been creating
    and maintaining a productive, caring, engaging, and learning environment for all members of your workforce.

    Workforce results factors. Results reported might include generic or organization-specific factors. Generic factors might
    include safety, absenteeism, turnover, satisfaction, and complaints (grievances). For some measures, such as absenteeism
    and turnover, local or regional comparisons might be appropriate. Organization-specific factors are those you assess to
    determine workforce climate and engagement. These factors might include the extent of training, retraining, or cross-
    training to meet capability and capacity needs; the extent and success of workforce empowerment; the extent of union-
    management partnering; or the extent of volunteer involvement in process and program activities.

    Workforce capacity and capability. Results reported for indicators of workforce capacity and capability might include
    staffing levels across organizational units and certifications to meet skill needs. Additional factors may include
    organizational restructuring, as well as job rotations designed to meet strategic directions or customer requirements.
    Backlogs or reductions in backlogs could be indicators of capacity or capability challenges or improvements, respectively.

    Workforce engagement. Results measures reported for indicators of workforce engagement and satisfaction might
    include improvement in local decision making, organizational culture, and workforce knowledge sharing. Input data,
    such as the number of cash awards, might be included, but the main emphasis should be on data that show effectiveness
    or outcomes. For example, an outcome measure might be increased workforce retention resulting from establishing a
    peer recognition program or the number of promotions into leadership positions that have resulted from the
    organization’s leadership development program.

    7.4 Leadership and Governance Results

    This item asks about your key results in the areas of senior leadership and governance, which demonstrate the extent to
    which your organization is fiscally sound, ethical, and socially responsible.

    Importance of high ethical standards. Independent of an increased national focus on issues of governance and fiscal
    accountability, ethics, and leadership accountability, it is important for organizations to practice and demonstrate high
    standards of overall conduct. Governance bodies and senior leaders should track relevant performance measures
    regularly and emphasize this performance in stakeholder communications.

    Results to report. Your results should include environmental, legal, and regulatory compliance; results of oversight
    audits by government or funding agencies; noteworthy achievements in these areas, as appropriate; and organizational
    contributions to societal well-being and support for key communities.

    Sanctions or adverse actions. If your organization has received sanctions or adverse actions under law, regulation, or
    contract during the past five years, you should summarize the incidents, their current status, and actions to prevent

    7.5 Financial, Market, and Strategy Results

    This item asks about your key financial and market results, which demonstrate your financial sustainability and your
    marketplace achievements. It also asks about the achievement of your strategy.

    Senior leaders’ role. Measures to report in this item are those that senior leaders track on an ongoing basis to assess your
    organization’s financial performance and viability.

    Appropriate measures. In addition to the measures included in the note to 7.5a(1), appropriate financial measures and
    indicators might include revenues, budgets, profits or losses, cash position, net assets, debt leverage, cash-to-cash cycle
    time, earnings per share, financial operations efficiency (collections, billing, receivables), and financial returns.

    2019–2020 Baldrige Excellence Framework: Criteria Commentary A-19

    Marketplace performance measures might include measures of business growth, new products and markets entered, or
    the percentage of revenues derived from new products.

    Measures of strategy implementation. Because many organizations have difficulty determining appropriate measures,
    measuring progress in accomplishing their strategy is a key challenge. Frequently, organizations can discern these
    progress measures by first defining the results that would indicate end-goal success in achieving a strategic objective and
    then using that end-goal to define intermediate measures.

      2019–2020 Baldrige Performance Excellence Framework
      Criteria Commentary
      This commentary provides brief summaries of the Baldrige Criteria for Performance Excellence categories and items. It also includes examples and guidance to supplement the notes that follow each Criteria item in the Baldrige Excellence Framework bookl…
      Organizational Profile
      P.1 Organizational Description
      P.2 Organizational Situation

      Leadership (Category 1)
      1.1 Senior Leadership
      1.2 Governance and Societal Contributions

      Strategy (Category 2)
      2.1 Strategy Development
      2.2 Strategy Implementation

      Customers (Category 3)
      3.1  Customer Listening
      3.2 Customer Engagement

      Measurement, Analysis, and Knowledge Management (Category 4)
      4.1 Measurement, Analysis, and Improvement of Organizational Performance
      4.2  Information and Knowledge Management

      Workforce (Category 5)
      5.1 Workforce Environment
      5.2 Workforce Engagement

      Operations (Category 6)
      6.1 Work Processes
      6.2 Operational Effectiveness

      Results (Category 7)
      7.1 Product and Process Results
      7.2 Customer-Focused Results
      7.3 Workforce-Focused Results
      7.4 Leadership and Governance Results
      7.5 Financial, Market, and Strategy Results


    Running head.

    Organizational Assessment


    Organizational Assessment
    Organizational Assessment

    U.S. Navy
    Organizational Assessment
    Tywon Petty
    University of Charleston, WV
    GSL-690: Capstone


    Organizational Profile
    Popularly abbreviated as USN, the United States Navy is a unit within the U.S.’ department of defense (DoD) and a branch of the country’s armed forces. The nation has about eight uniformed services, including the navy, established to defend her and protect her giant economy from aggressors or threats emanating from sources unconstrained by her territorial borders. The USN’s mission has often been “to maintain, train and equip combat-ready naval forces capable of winning wars, deterring aggression and maintaining freedom of the seas.” For effective accomplishment of its mission, the navy – as assigned by the DoD, conducts operations (defensive and offensive) to attain and maintain control of the sea. Additionally, it performs other key functions such as providing close air support for ground troops, sea-based power projection, conducting naval expeditionary logistics and riverine operations, and engaging in nuclear operations to ensure the country’s nuclear capabilities.
    Situational and Strategic Assessment
    Competent leadership and a robust staff are features of the USN, whose persistent desire to maintain its global status quo has earned them global superiority. The unit has more than 400,000 well-trained staff and a lethal arsenal (Russell et al., 2015). Although the navy is regarded as the world’s best, the naval field is highly dynamic with other forces from the developed (United Kingdom, France, Canada, and Russia) to the emerging economic powers such as India, South Korea, and China appearing as tough competitors. Further, the recent advancements in technology have not only strengthened USN but also increased foreign navies’ competence in the profession. Such sophistication implies that enemies possess massive versatility in their range of strategies to inflict harm. Therefore, it is imperative to constantly assess the department’s strategies right from the leadership, staff, resources, operations, and performance to initiate constant improvements.
    Like any organization or state parastatal, the navy operates under a leadership structure with leaders serving different capacities. A civilian secretary of the navy leads the Navy’s Department, which administratively manages the USN (Department of the Navy, n.d.). The most senior leader among the naval officers within the navy department is the chief of naval operations (CNO). Since the navy exists under the defense department, its secretary reports to the U.S. secretary of defense. Naval operations are subject to a dual chain of command that involves the chief of naval operations for administrative control and the appropriate Type Commander (TYCOM) to leadership different units within the force (The United States Naval War College, 2011). The responsibilities performed by the leadership system have been critical in making the USN a highly respected unit in this discipline. TYCOM’s has the mandate to prepare personnel through training, equipping, and appointing for operations as may be needed.
    The navy department comprises different sections entrusted with duties to defend the country and provide other societal responsibilities. The three main operational components include the navy department, Marine Corps, and the coast guard, whose specialty areas vary considerably (The United States Naval War College, 2011). For instance, the navy department is based majorly in Washington, D.C., and comprises entirely executive officers of the force. The other two components – Marine Corps and the coast guard are the operating forces, while the latter helps provide homeland security in moments of peace. USN and other U.S. armed forces are often engaged in providing humanitarian assistance both within and beyond the country’s international boundaries (Lea & Polski, 2015). Although control of the sea is the primary goal, offering such societal responsibilities as disaster response and humanitarian assistance to affected or vulnerable communities is perceived as an essential “soft power” mechanism of attaining global control. Thus, the force offers organic medical backing, strategic and tactical evacuation, and reliable communication.
    The navy’s operational strategies have evolved from a raft of old fashioned war at sea tactics to cooperation-oriented strategies focused on attaining the 21st-century sea power. The transformation is driven by corresponding variations in global security dynamics and the ever-changing American political and economic interests, necessitating a long-term foreign policy shift to maintain the status quo (Lea & Polski, 2015). The navy’s capacity to successfully execute development strategies is effectively aided by its robust leadership and adequate state funding. With success-oriented experts well-trained within the force, the USN has reliable access to the necessary human and financial capital to add to the already existing wide range of infrastructural assets at its disposal. Consequently, the persistent variations in strategies to address contingent needs and cater for future requirements relating to the department’s purpose indicate a precocious approach to success.
    Being a military organization, USN does not serve markets but the interests of the nation. Engagement with the state occurs through different forms of communication between the federal government and the navy. For instance, downward communication is initiated to disseminate goals information from the commander-in-chief to navy personnel, whereas upward communication occurs to provide feedback (Russell et al., 2015). The number of battles often determines performance measurement won on the battlefield and the successful projects undertaken to serve national interests. The department relies on information technology for knowledge storage and collection and dissemination of military information. The workforce environment is characterized by a happy staff whose remuneration and safety welfare are well addressed. Engagement at the individual unit level is through routine training or military operation practices, while inter-fleet engagement is through formal communication for consensus to harmonize routine practices.
    Summary of Recommendation
    The navy is recommended to initiate a research and development (R&D) unit that would augment its development and operational activities across the global naval field. Although the force already has an intelligence unit that collects military information regarding many nations, research and development will substantially improve its arsenal. Through initiating and successfully executing projects to develop new weapons, R&D will avail ideological conceptions and enhance their incubation to produce new assets. Such assets enhance operations, make work easier, increase personnel’s safety, or promote strategic effectiveness.

    Department of the Navy. (n.d.). Office of the secretary of the navy. Washington, DC: The Pentagon.
    Lea, C., & Polski, M. (2015). Assessment of the navy strategic enterprise: Integrating, coordinating, and aligning navy stakeholders to develop, communicate and assess navy strategy. Washington, DC: CNA Analysis & Solutions.
    Russell, J. A. et al. (2015). Navy strategic development: Strategy in the 21st century. Naval Postgraduate School. [Research Program].
    The United States Naval War College. (2011). Joint Military Operations: Reference guide. Force/Capabilities Handbook, NCW 3153L.

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