case study

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please do question number 1 only which it should be 100-200 words 


Gulf Business Environment

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Last date for submission:

Saturday, 12 November 2020


Lecturer Name: Dr. Irfan Saleem

Academic Year: 2020/21

Course Instructor: Dr. Irfan Saleem

Learning Outcome(s):

To apply the practical skills such as factors affecting the Gulf Business Environmental and using the Open System Perspective in specific and report writing in general.

BUMG 4401- Gulf Business Environment

Faculty of Business, Sohar University

Total Marks= 25 (Weightage 25%)

Break up of Marks -Write up (Group Assessment for 3-4 members)

Please insert your names and Student IDs here:

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Instructions and guidelines (Read carefully)


1. Write the answer in the space provided below.

2. Submit the assignment in MS Word only.

3. Do not delete any instruction from the document.

4. Please watch given video link named How to write Assignment 1.

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6. Submission after the due date may result in deduction of 5 marks.

General Guidelines

1. You are expected to work on this assignment as a group of 3-4 students.

2. Make sure that you have carefully read and fully understood the questions of the case study before answering it.

3. Answer in your own words.

4. Font Type: Times New Roman; Font Size:12.

5. Do not forget to revise your week 1,4 and 5 lectures in this regard.

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2. We acknowledge that this assignment is our work.

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ضبط السلوك الأكاديمي:

يتوقع من الطالب الجامعي بان لديه القدرات القيادية  على تحمل المسؤولية الشخصية بسمات من الامانة والمحافظة على النظام الجامعي في المؤسسة التعليمية، حيث ان النظام الاكاديمي بالجامعة واضح ومدرج في دليل الطالب ومعلوم لدى جميع الطلاب، وان اي تجاوز للانظمة يعرض الطالب للمساءلة النظامية وفق الاسس المعمول بها.


Assignment 1

Part 1 – A Case Study about the Gulf Business Environment

Case Study 1 : (15 Marks)

Ali Bin Hussein Al-Jabri and Fatma Ghareib Al-Yamani finished a bachelor in Business in Feb 2020 from Sohar University Oman, and suddenly, the Sultanate of Oman announced a lockdown due to global pandemic, i.e. COVID 19. The COVID-19 resulted in downsizing at most of the Omani companies. So, Ali Bin Hussein Al-Jabri and Fatma Ghareib Al-Yamani decided to start their travel agency which will include the sale of tickets for cruise ships and aeroplane within the GCC countries on commission basis to promote the tourism business in line with Omani vision 2040. They also thought of providing tickets within ten minutes through the use of the internet or a Mobile Application. They discussed the idea with their teacher Dr Mohammad Balochi; who liked the idea and suggested them to first analyse the Omani business environment which consists of external factors e.g. technological, social, political and economic that may affect their newly established business directly or indirectly. Dr Balochi further told the students about the technological improvements and shifts in consumer preferences that were taking place in the Omani tourism industry and hence they should be aware of the environmental trends and changes which may hinder their business performance. Dr Balochi also emphasised on making plans keeping in mind the threat posed by the post-pandemic business of tourism industry so that they can deal with the situation effectively. This alignment of business operations with the business environment will result in better performance of the newly establish tourism agency of Ali Bin Hussein Al-Jabri and Fatma Ghareib Al-Yamani.

Question 1. Identify and discuss the components of the Omani business environment highlighted in the above Para.

Answer: (100-200 words – 5 marks)

Question 2. State any two salient features of the Omani business environment as discussed by Dr Balochi with Ali Bin Hussein Al-Jabri and Fatma Ghareib Al-Yamani (50-100 words – 5 marks).

Answer: (100-200 words – 5 marks)

Question 3. Also, state a few points of importance of scanning the Omani business environment as stated by Dr Balochi in the above situation.

Answer: (100- 200 words – 5 marks)

Assignment 1

Part 2 – Open System Perspective (10 marks)

Complete the following table with 2-4 bullet points for each cell



Transformation processes


Internal environment

industry Environment

1. Mercure Hotel Sohar

2. Royal Oman Police

3. LULU Hypermarket Oman

4. Ministry of Health Oman

5. Oman Oil Marketing Company

Note: You need to browse the following websites before filling the above table

Mercure hotel

Royal Oman Police

LULU Hypermarket

Ministry of Health Oman

Oman Oil Marketing Company

Refer to week one lecture and chapter 1 of the book entitled Open system perspective for more details.

Adapted from:

· Ramady, M. A. (Ed.). (2012). The GCC economies: Stepping up to future challenges. Springer Science & Business Media.

· Mishrif, A. (2018). Economic Diversification in the Gulf Region, Volume I. Palgrave Macmillan.

Dr. Irfan Saleem, Assistant Professor, Faculty of Business, Sohar University



Satisfactory performance


Good performance


Very good performance


Excellent Rubrics


Exceptional performance


Structure and focus (5%

Does the student provide a logical and considered argument that is expected at this level of study?

The answer does not address the question set. The student does not provide a logical and considered argument.

(2 points)

The answer does not address the question set in any real depth. The student barely provides a logical and considered argument.

(4 points)

The answer addresses the question set, but could have been significantly improved. The structure of the answer could, again, have been significantly improved.

(6 points)

The answer addresses the question set, but could have been improved. The structure of the answer could, again, have been improved.

(8 points)

The answer addresses the question set well. The structure of the answer was good.

(9 points)

The answer addresses the question set excellently. The structure of the answer was excellent.

(10 points)

Theoretical and Conceptual Understanding (5%)

Does the answer to the question set exhibit the depth of theoretical understanding of subject?

The answer to the question set does not, in any way, exhibit the depth of theoretical understanding of the subject that is expected at this level of study.

(2 points)

The answer to the question set does not exhibit the depth of theoretical understanding of the subject that is expected at this level of study. (6 points)

The answer to the question set just exhibits the depth of theoretical understanding of the subject that is expected at this level of study.

(10 points)

The answer to the question exhibits a sufficient depth of theoretical understanding of the subject that is expected at this level of study.

(14 points)

The answer to the question exhibits a good depth of theoretical understanding of the subject that is expected at this level of study.

(18 points)

The answer to the question exhibits an excellent depth of theoretical understanding of the subject that is expected at this level of study.

(20 points)

Critical Analysis (10%)

Does the answer include an in-depth critical review (appreciation) of the literature?

The answer does not attempt to take a critical perspective. It is purely descriptive. This is fundamental at this level of study. (2 points)

The answer does not really provide an in-depth critical review (appreciation) of the literature. This is fundamental at this level of study.

(4 points)

The answer includes a just passable critical review (appreciation) of the literature, but it could have been developed significantly.

(6 points)

The answer includes a passable critical review (appreciation) of the literature, but it could have been developed.

(8 points)

The answer includes a good critical review (appreciation) of the literature.

(9 points)

The answer includes an excellent critical review (appreciation) of the literature.

(10 points)

Presentation (5%)

Does the answer remain within the set parameters, while paying specific regard to the conventions of report writing, grammar, spell checking, and appropriately referenced?

The paper does not remain within the parameters set. Little or no regard to the guidelines of report writing, grammar, spell checking, and referencing is exhibited in this work. (2 points)

The paper barely remains within the parameters set. Poor regard to the guidelines of report writing, spell checking, grammar and referencing is exhibited in this work. (4 points)

The paper remains just within the set parameters. It exhibits some regard to the guidelines of report writing, grammar, spell checking, and referencing is exhibited in this work. (6 points)

The paper remains within the set parameters. It exhibits regard to the guidelines of report writing, grammar, spell checking, and referencing is exhibited in this work. (8 points)

The paper remains within the set parameters. It exhibits a good understanding and adherence of the report writing guidelines, grammar, spell checking, and appropriately referencing. (9 points)

The paper is within the set parameters. It exhibits an excellent understanding and adherence to the report writing guidelines, grammar, spell checking, appropriate referencing.

(10 points)

Your submission will be reviewed according to the following rubric:






Week1 Open System Perspective Week 2 Week 3 Gulf Business Environment Business Environment and Elements












Module 1: Fundamentals of Business Environment

Gulf Business Environment BUBS4401 Academic Year: 2020-2021 Course Coordinator / Lecturer: Dr. Irfan Saleem Email :

Learning Objectives Week 1 : To define the Open System Perspective . Week 2: To know the business environment and its elements . Week 3: To understand Gulf Business Environment.

Week 1 Open System Perspective

Organisation as open System A simple way of looking at the organisation as a system that transforms inputs into outputs that are provided to customers (pages 1-2) The internal environment The industry environment Source: Elearn (2009), Business Environment Revised Edition: Management Extra: Elsevier style.visibility

SYSTEMS AND ENVIRONMENTS An environment can be defined as everything which surrounds a system. style.visibility

The Organization as an Open System style.visibility style.visibility ppt_w ppt_h

The influence of operating context on organisations {5C22544A-7EE6-4342-B048-85BDC9FD1C3A} Organisation Inputs Transformation processes Outputs Internal environment industry Environment The Oman Government Ministers, budget, Law making process, spending Law, policy, information, taxes Public funding, traditional Markets, the Omani people, Qanater Oman – A software company Programming Web-Development Software, Web portals. Fast changing, high speed Tech market, legal threats. style.visibility

The industry environment / Elements Political Factors. … Economic Factors. … Social Factors. … Technological Factors. … Legal Factors.

The internal environment Comprises all those organisations and individuals who directly or indirectly affect the activities of a company. It includes: Customers Intermediaries Suppliers Other stakeholders

Course Aims: To provide the practical knowledge of the business environment as an open system, in which the Gulf businesses operate. Course Objectives To familiarise students with the business environment using open system perspective. To describe the business environment in term of social, economic, technological, political, environmental and legal factors. To analyse the impact of economic reforms on different industries by understanding the strength, weakness, opportunity and threat of a selected business sector. To understand the impact of technological factors by learning about post-pandemic business opportunities for existing and new startups . To study the impact of social and political factors on regional business. To learn PEST analysis as a tool to analyse the Gulf and Omani business environment. To learn the role of a strategic alliance in the Gulf legal business environment To discuss the latest policies related to economic development efforts of the GCC countries. Gulf Business Environment


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5609 9878 0 6350 10513 0 4022 11218 0 4921 11783 0 4957 12559 0 18521 12524 0,’317’0’63,”-87″17″-54,17 1-2,-36 0 1,-34-18 2,17 0-4,-53 0 3,-18 0-2,-35 17 0,-52-17 2,-1 0 1,-17 0 53,35 0-49,17 0-13,54 0 7,-54 0 1,1 0-2,-18 0 1,-18 0 1,18 0-2,-18-17 2,0 17 78,54-18-78,34 18-2,-52-18 3,34 18-4,-34 0 3,-36 0-1,1 0 0,-19 0 7,18-17 145,1 17-152,-1 0 0,-17 0 0,-1 0 0,1 0 1 21061 11165 0,’0’89’133,”0″-1″-123,0-35-2,0-36 1,0 19-3,0-19 3,0 1-2,17-18 25 22154 10442 0,’0’71’168,”0″52″-161,0-52 1,0-36 1,0 0-2,0-17 2,0 0 0,0-1 2,0 19-7,0-19 2,0 1 5 14711 15752 0,’0’0’1,”-18″-53″7,1 17 3,-1 19-7,-17-36 8,-1 35-9,1-35 6,-53 18 0,35-18 2,-18 35-7,1-17 3,17 17 3,0 1-3,-35 17 2,35-18-3,-18 18 3,1 0-2,-1 0 3,1 0-4,-19 0 2,1 0 1,18 0-2,-18 0 1,-1 0 0,-34 18 0,-1-18 12,-17 0-19,35 0 2,-35 0 6,-17 17-1,16-17 0,1 0-1,0 18 1,18-18 2,35 18 0,17-1-5,-35 1 2,18 17 2,35-17 3,0 0-9,18-1 6,0 1-1,-1-18 0,19 18 0,-19-1 0,1-17 0,0 18 1,0 17 3,-1-35-9,-17 35 4,0 1 2,1-1 7,16 0-15,1 0 5,0 1 10,17-36-6,0 35 3,1-17-12,-1-1 8,1 36-1,-19-18 0,19-17 0,17 17-1,-36-35 2,36 36-2,0 17 9,-17-18-8,17 18 0,0-18 2,0 0 1,0 36-8,0-18 4,0 17 3,17-17-3,1 0 1,17 18 1,1-18-1,16 0-1,37 17 1,-54-17 2,53 0-4,-35-18 3,35 18-1,-35-18 0,53 18-1,53 0 1,-71-17 0,53 16 1,0-34-2,0 0 1,0-18 0,18 17 2,-18-17-4,0 0 5,36 0-5,-36 0 2,0-17 4,0-1-9,35-17 5,-34 17 1,16 1 3,-52-1-10,0 0 6,-18 1 1,0-1-1,-52 18 2,34-18-4,-17 1 5,0-1 3,0 18-13,0-35 5,35 0 3,-17 17-2,34-35 1,-34 35 0,-18 1 1,0-19-2,-18 19 0,0-18 2,18 17-1,-17-17-1,-19 17 2,1 0-1,0 1 0,-18-1 1,17 18 3,-17-35-7,0-1 6,35 1-8,-17-18 6,-18 0 0,0 18-1,0-18-1,18 18-1,-18 0 4,0-1-2,0 1 0,0 17-2,0-17 3,0 17-1,-18-34 1,-17-1 3,35 0-8,-18 0 3,-35 0 1,53 0-1,-35 18 3,0-18-4,17 35 4,0-17-3,-35 0 3,36-1-4,-18 19 1,-18-19 2,17 19 1,1-1-4,0 1 2,-18-1 0,18 0 0,-1-17 0,19 35 0,-19 0 0,1-18-1,0 1 2,-18 17-2,35-18 3,-35 0 2 900 10830 0,’35’-35’145,”18″0″-138,0-1 1,17 1 1,1 0 8,-18 17-16,-18 1 4,0-1 3,-17 0 5,0 18-9,34-17 299,-34 17-293,0 0-4,17-18 3,-17 0-2,17 18 2,-35-17-2 776 10195 0,’35’-17’8,”-17″-1″-2,17 0 4,18 18-2,0-17-1,18-19 0,-18 36 3,-18-17-3,0-1 2,0 1-3,-17 17 12,0 0 30,-1-18-9,19 18-31,17-18 0,52 1-1,1-19 2,-35 19-1,-18-1 0,0 0 0,-36 18 0,1 0-1 917 12224 0,’18’0’77,”35″-18″-68,17-17-2,19-18 2,-1 0 0,-18 18-1,-17-1-2,-18 1 3,18 18 2,-35 17 2,-18-18-4,18 18 134,-1-35-136,1 17 2,0 0-1,-1 1-1,1 17 1,-18-18 25,18 18 55,-1 0-79,-17-18-2,18 18 8,-1 0 18 1041 13035 0,’17’0’71,”1″0″-63,0-17 2,35-19-4,17 19 4,-35-19 1,18 19-7,-17-19 4,-19 19-1,1-1 1,-1 0 2,1 18-3,0 0 10,-18-17-11,17-1 18,1 1-8,0-1-7,17 0-1,-35 1-1,18 17 1,17-36 0,-17 36 9,-1-17-9



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14305 7532 0,’35’0’152,”54″17″-145,-1-17 0,0 18 2,-17-18-1,-1 0 2,1 18-4,-18-18 1,-18 0 2,0 0-1,0 0-1,-17 0 4,17 0 5,-17 0-10,0 0 3,17 0-2,-17 0 10,17 0-8,0 0-3,-17 0 2,-1 0-1,1 0 4,0 0-3,-1 0 6,1 0 59,35 0-66,-36 0 1,19 0-1,-19 0 1,19 0 2,-1 0-1,-17 0-3,-1 0 2,1 0 0,0 0 8,17 0 72,-18 0-79,1 0-2,0 0 3,-1 0 6,-17-18-9 5980 8502 0,’0’18’250,”0″52″-243,0-17 1,0-35 3,0-1-7,0 19 4,0-19 1,0 1-1,0 0 0,0-1-1,0 1 2,0-1 182,0 19-183,0 17 0,0-36 0,0 1 0,0 0 0,0 17 2,0 0 5,0-17 0,0-1 128,0 19-133,0-19-3,0 1 3,0 0 2,0-1-11,0 1 80,-18 17 71,18-17-141,0-1 3,0 1 1 6227 8449 0,’17’0’96,”-17″71″-95,0-19 14,0 1-14,0-17 13,0-1-13,0 18 14,0 0-14,18 0 18,-18-18-17,0 0-1,0-17 13,17 17-13,-17 0 14,0 1 1,18-1-9,-18 0 3,0-17-4,18 17 2,-18-17 14,0 0-7,0-1 17,0 1-17,0-1-14,0 1 14,0 0 7 5856 8961 0,’18’0’66,”-1″0″-60,36 0 1,0 0 2,0 0-2,0 0 3,0 0 2,0 17-8,-18-17 4,0 0 0,1 0 8 23424 8202 0,’0’35’95,”0″18″-88,0-17 1,0-1 0,0-18 2,18 1-4,-18 17 2,0-17 0,0 0 2,0-1-3,0 1 104,0 0-95,0-1-8,18 18 1,-18-17 7,0 0-9,0-1 2,0 1 7,17-18 8,-17 18-17,18-1 6,-18 1 3,0 0-5 23460 9366 0,’0’18’55,”0″17″-37,0 18-12,0-35 9,0-1 1,17 19-1,-175-36 257,105 0-263,-35 17 0,-18 1-2,0 0 1,18-1 0,-18-17 2,18 0-5,52 18 3,1-18 0,17 0 2,1 0 4,-1 0 67,0 0-74,-34 0 2,-1 0-1,35 0 0,0 0-1,-17 0 5,0 0-3,0 0-5,-1 0 6,1 0-4,0 0 2,17 0-1,0 0 3,1 0-3,-18 0 8,17 0-6,0 0 2,1 0-5,-1 0 9,-17 0 0,17 0 2,0 0-10,-17 0 9,-18 0-8,36 0 0,-19 0 0,19 0 0,-19 17 1,19-17 86,-1 0-12,-52 18-77,-19-18 1,-16 18 2,34-1-1,-35-17 1,-17 18-2,-36 17 2,-17-17-3,52 0 3,36-1-1,35-17-1,0 0 1,18 0 1,17 0-2,0 0 1








Week1 Open System Perspective Week 2 Business Environment and Elements Week 3 Gulf Business Environment

12100 7232 0,’18’35’59,”105″-17″-54,-34-1 4,-19 1 1,1 0-6,-1-18 5,-17 17-1,0-17 0,-18 0-1,1 0 1,-1 18 1,0-18-1,0 18 1,-17-18-2,0 0 1,17 0 0,-17 17 1,-1-17-2,19 0 1,-1 0 0,-17 0 2,17 0-4,0 0 2,0 0 2,18 0-3,-17 0 0,-1 0 14,-18 0-18,1 0 13,0 0 10,-1 18-21,1-18 5,17 18-3,-17-18 3,17 0-4,18 0 3,-35 0-2,17 0 2,-17 0 1,17 0-3,-17 0-1,-1 0 3,18 0-2,1 0 3,-19 0-5,19 17 5,17-17-1,-18 0-2,0 0-1,18 0 4,-18 18-3,-17-18 0,0 0 3,17 0-3,0 0 1,-17 0 2,-1 0-4,1 0 1,0 0 2,-1 0-2,19 0 2,-19 0-2,1 0 1,0 0 0,17 0 9,-17 0-2,-1 0-4,1 0-4,-1 18 0,1-18 1,0 0 7,-1 0-6,19 0-2,-19 0 11,1 0-8,0 0-6,-1 0 6,1 0-4,-1 0 4,1 0-4,0 0 4,-1 0-2,19 0-1,-19 0 1,1 0-1,0 0 2,-1 0 0,1 0 5,-1 0-6,-17-18 2,36 0-4,-19 18 4,1-17-4,0 17 4,-1 0-4,-17-18 2,18 18 82,0 0-36,-18-18-43 17145 7250 0,’0’0’1,”71″17″7,-1 1 0,1-1 0,17 1-2,18-18 4,0 0-3,-1 0 0,1 0 2,-35 0-1,17 0 1,-35 0-2,53 0 1,-53 0-1,0 0 2,-1 0-1,1 0 1,0 0-2,-17 0 1,-19 0-1,1 0 2,-1 0-2,19 0 10,-19 0-2,19 0-5,-19 0-4,19 0 4,-19 0-4,36 18 3,-35-18-2,17 0 3,0 0-4,1 0 3,-1 0-2,0 0 3,18 0-3,-35 0 2,17 0-3,18 0 4,-18 0-4,0 0 2,18 0 1,-35 0 6,35 0-7,-18 0 0,36 17 3,-1-17-5,1 0 2,-1 0 3,-17 0-6,18 0 4,-36 0-3,18 0 5,-18 0-4,1 0 0,-1 0 1,-17 0 9,-1-17-10,1 17 0,-1 0 2,19 0-2,-19 0 3,19 0-3,-1 0 1,0 0-1,-17 0 2,0 0-1,17 0 0,-18 0 7,1 0-7,0 0 0,-1 0 0,19 0 18,-1 0-11,-17 0-3,-1 0 0,1 0-6,-1 0 11,-17 17-9,18-17 8,0 0-7,-1 0 0,1 0-2,0 0 9,-1 0-7,-17 18 102,-17-18-104 4815 10319 0,’89’0’151,”105″0″-142,0 0-1,-53 0-1,0 0 4,-71 0-4,54 0 1,-36 0 0,18 0-1,-35 0 1,-36 0 0,-18 0-1,19 0 2,-19 0-2,1 0 2,0 0-1,-1 0 79,54 0-79,52 0 0,-70 0 1,0 0-1,0 0 1,0 0-1,0 0-2,-18 0 3,0 0-1,-17 0 88,88 0-89,-18 0 2,18 0-2,-53 0 3,17 0-4,1 0 4,-18 0-3,17 0 1,-34 0 1,-1 0-1,-17-18-2,-1 18 6,1 0-7,0 0 11,-1 0-8,1 0-1,-1 0 3,19 0 6,-19 0-10,1 0 5,0 0-5,-1 0 1,1-18 9,0 18-8,-1 0 2,1 0 4,-1 0 3 4745 12083 0,’635’0’159,”-476″0″-151,17 0-2,0 0 4,1 0-3,-18 0 1,-36 0-1,-17 0 2,-71 0-1,18 0 2,-35 0 12,17 0 59,53 0-72,0 0-3,-17 0 4,-1 0-4,1 0 2,35 0-1,-53 0 3,-18 0-1,0 0-2,-17 0 0,0 0 1,-1 0 8,1 0 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4,17 18-11,0-1 6,1 1 0,-1-18-1,-17 53 3,-18-18 2,35 1-10,-52 34 6,34-17 2,-17 18-4,18-36 3,35-18 2,-18 36-6,18-35 3,-17-18 0,17 18-1,0-1 1,0 1 9,0 0-10,0-1 1,0 1 1,0-1-2,17-17 2,-17 36-2,18-36 2,-18 17-2,18 1 2,17 0 4,0-1-10,-17 1 4,17 0 3,1-1 1,-1-17-8,0 18 5,-17-1 2,35-17-4,-18 0 4,0 0-3,36 0 2,-18-17-2,0-1 1,-18 18 0,35-17 1,-34-1-2,-19 0 1,1 18 0,0 0 0,-1 0 32,1 0-33,0 18 10,-1 0-9,1-1 0,17 18-1,-17-17 10,-1 17-9,1-35 0,0 36 0,-1-19 8,-17 1-8,18 0 0,-18 17 0,18-35 0,-18 18 1,17 17-3,-17-18 4,18 19-4,-18-19 3,0 36-1,17 0 0,-17-18 1,18 1-1,-18-1 0,0 0-2,0 1 4,0 17-4,0-18 3,0 0-1,0 0 4,-18 1-10,-34-1 8,34 0-2,-17 0 0,35 1 0,-36-36 1,36 17-3,-17-17 3,-1 0 22,0 0-23,18 18 9,-17-18 46,-36 0-47,18 0-8,-36 0 0,1 0 2,-1 0 4,36 18-13,-1-18 6,-17 0 3,18 0-3,18 0 1,-19 0-1,19 0 1,-1 0 104,-17 0-88,-1 0-16,19 0 1 18133 9948 0,’0’18’85,”17″17″-75,-17 36-3,0-36 0,0-17 1,0 17 2,0 0-3,0 18 0,0 0 1,0 0 1,0-18-2,0 1 1,0-1 2,0-17-4,0 17 2,0-18 10,0 1-12,0 0 3,0-1 14,0 1-7,0 0 1,0-1-8,0 1 13 17903 10319 0,’36’0’79,”87″0″-70,-35 0 6,18 0-14,-18 0 6,1 0 2,-36-18-3,-18 18 5,-18 0 5,1 0 142 16598 9984 0,’0’17’88,”0″19″-78,0 16-5,0 19 5,0-36-3,0 18 2,0 0-3,0-18 3,0 1 1,0-1-4,0 0 2,0-17 1,0 17-1,0 0-1,18-17 5,-18 0-9,17-1 6,-17 1-1,0 0-1,0-1 9,0 19 64,18-1-71,0-18-1,-18 19-1,0-19 9 16281 10372 0,’211’0’45,”-87″0″-37,17-18 6,0 0-13,18 1 7,-53 17 1,-1-18-2,-52 0 2,0 1-2,-35 17 3,0 0-2 20638 9878 0,’17’0’113,”36″-18″-108,18 18 6,34 0-5,19 0 3,70 0-3,-18 0 4,-17-18-3,-53 18 2,-36 0 3,19 0-9,-72 0 5,-52 18 137,0 0-137,-36 17 0 20867 10513 0,’53’0’79,”88″0″-71,-35 17 0,17-17 2,1 0-4,-1 0 3,18 18-1,0-18 2,-17 18-4,-18-18 1,35 0 1,-18 0 2,1 0-4,-54 0 2,-17 0 1 23707 9331 0,’0’35’23,”0″71″-14,17-18-2,-17 36 3,0-36-2,0 35-2,0-17 3,0 0-1,0-35 0,0-18 2,0-1 3,0-16-12,0-19 8,0 1 14,-17-36 90,-36-87-107,17-54 4,1 71 2,35-1-9,-17 1 5,-1-18-1,18 36 1,-18-36 0,18 35 2,0-17-3,-17 0 0,17 35 1,-18 18 0,18 17 0,0-17 1,0 17-2,0-17 4,0 0 3,0 17-3,0-35-6,0 18 3,0 17 0,18 1 5,-18-19-10,17 1 13,-17 17 1,18 1-2,0 17 49,17 0-49,0 17-6,0 1-2,36 53 2,17-1 1,0 18-4,-35 1 2,18-1-1,-18 0 1,0-35 1,-18 0-1,-17 17 0,34-17 0,1 18-1,-53-54 3,18 1-4,0 0 2,-18-1 2,17 1-3,-17 0 1,18-1 2,0 1-3,-18 0 0,17-1 2,-34-17 62,-1-70-63,0-1-1,18 1 2,0-36-2,0 18 4,0-18-6,0 18 3,0 17 1,0-35-1,0 53-1,0 0 2,0 0 5,0 18-13,0 0 7,0-18 1,0 35 0,0-17-2,0 17 0,0 1 2,18-1-2,-18 0 9,18 1-8,-18-1 8,17 18-8,-17-18-1,18 18 4,-18-17 6,18 17-3,-1 0 2,1 0 23,17 0-23,0 0-8,-17 0 1,17 17 0,-17 1-2,0-18 0,-1 18 1,-17-1 0,35 1 0,-17 17 1,0-17-1,17 35-1,-17-18 2,-1 18 0,19 0-2,-19 0 0,-17 0 1,0 0 1,18 35-2,-18-53 0,0 1 3,0-1-2,0-18-1,0 19 1,0-1 0,0-17 0,0 17 0,0 0 0,0 0 1,0 1 2,0-1-7,0-17 4,0 17 0,0 0 0,0 0 1,0 1-1,0-1-1,0 0 1,0 1 1,0-1 3,0 0-9,0 0 4,0-17 3,0 17 6,0-17-14,0 0 3,17 17 3,-17-17 8,18-18-9,-18 17 3,0 1-3,18-18 1,-36 0 33,18 17-26,-18-17 88,1 0-86,-1 0 0,1 0 7 21325 7673 0,’-17’0’42,”-107″18″94,-17 34-130,-35 19 2,35 0 1,-36-1-2,54-17 1,-1 0 1,1 0-1,35-18 0,52 0-1,36-17 130,0 17-131,0 89 3,18-54-1,-18 1 0,35 17 0,1-35-1,-19 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16492 11095 0,’0’35’16,”36″36″-7,-36-1-2,17-17 1,1-18 0,-18 18 1,18 0-3,-18 0 3,35 53-2,0-35 3,-35 34-5,18-52 6,-18 0-4,0 0 1,0-18-1,17 1 2,-17 17-2,0 0 1,0-18-1,18 0 2,-18 18-1,18 0 2,-18-35 5,0-1-12,0 18 2,0 1 3,0-19-1,0 19 1,0-1 0,0 0 0,0 1 1,0 16-2,0-16 0,0 34 2,0-17 4,0 18-10,0-18 7,0 0-5,0 0 5,0-1-2,0 1 0,0 0-1,0-17 2,0-19 4,0 1-10,0-1 4,0 19 12,0-19-6,0 1-5,0 0 2,17 17-4,-17 18 1,36-18 2,-19 0 1,1 18-3,0-17 0,-1 16 1,1 1 1,17-17-2,0-1 1,1 36 0,17-36-1,-18 0 2,71 36 11,-71-36-16,18-17 4,-18-18 0,36 35-1,34-18 2,37 1-1,-19-18 0,18 0-1,18 0 3,-18 0-3,35 0 1,1 0 0,-36 0 1,35 0-2,-35 0 1,-52 0 1,34 0-1,-35 0-1,36 0 1,-54 0 4,1 0-8,52 0 3,1-18 3,17 1-3,35-1 2,-70 1 0,53-19-1,-36 19 5,-34-1-12,-36 0 6,-1 18 4,-34-17 3,17 17-7,-17 0 3,0 0-2,17 0-1,0 0 0,-17 0 3,-18-18-3,17 18 0,-17-18 98,-35 1-98,35-36 3,-35 0-3,17 0 2,1 35-2,-1-17 1,-17-18 0,35 36 0,-53-36 0,35 0 1,-17 0-2,35 0 1,-35 0-1,-1 0 3,36-17-4,-17-1 3,17 18-2,0 0 3,-18 0-3,18 18 3,0-18-5,0 18 5,-18-1 2,18 19-9,-17-18 4,17-1 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