Module4 CT Template


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The Critical Thinking assignments in this course build upon each other to help you complete the final Portfolio Project, an instructional design blueprint for a business or organization. Based on the profile you created in Module 2 and the needs assessment in Module 3, this week you will explore ways to integrate relevant theories into your design blueprint.

For each of the three learning-theory topics that follow, brainstorm instructional design considerations specific to your selected business/organization, and the identified learning and learner needs from your needs assessment:

  • Basic theories of learning: behaviorism, cognitivism and constructivism, and Abraham Maslow’s hierarchy of needs
  • Malcolm Knowles’ Adult Learning Theory (or Andragogy)
  • Individual characteristics of learning: motivation, goals, experience, culture, and generational differences.

Prior to outlining the design considerations for each of the above three topics, you will first need to describe your identified learners and their needs. This information should be from the results of Stage 3 (learning needs) and Stage 4 (learner needs) of your needs assessment assignment completed in Module 3.

Please ensure that your work is well written, supported by two to three scholarly sources, and in conformance with the

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CSU Global Writing Center (Links to an external site.)

. The CSU Global Library is a good place to find these sources. Submit your completed template for grading.


: Assignments



By: Brittney Bush

Colorado State University- Global Campus


Instructor: Dr. Jacqueline Derby

Your Name: Brittney Bush

The Critical Thinking Assignments in this course will build upon each other to help you complete the final Portfolio Project, an instructional design blueprint for a business or organization. In this step, you will complete a needs assessment for the business or organization you have selected and profiled.

Module 1

Proposed Design Model:

ADDIE model

Module 2

Ideally, you will select a real business or organization—this will provide you with the opportunity to solve real problems and practice dealing with the complexities of organizations that grow and change in response to multifaceted issues. This step may take additional research to ensure that you can obtain all of the information needed to complete the profile.

Once you have selected your business or organization, provide a profile based on the dimensions below:


Tesla Inc. or Tesla motors

Business Strategy (Mission, Vision, Values, and Goals):

Mission: To accelerate the world’s transition to sustainable energy.

Vision: To create the most fascinating car company of the 21st century by driving the world’s transition to electric vehicles.

Values: A clean start, committed to electric, built around the driver, sparking the evolutions

Business Drivers:

Technology and innovation

Organizational Culture:

Tesla Inc has a functional or U-form organizational structure

Environmental Factors Affecting the Organization:

Climate change

Rising Standards on Waste disposal

Expanding environment programs

After completing your profile, offer research-backed observations indicating why the instructional design model selected in Section 1 aligns well with this organization:

Design Model Alignment:

ADDIE is the best instructional design for the organization because it represents a flexible design that is very common. It works as follows; in analysis, it identifies the possible causes of a performance gap and starts general instructional goals, and identifies the learners’ needs like skills and knowledge

Module 3

Your needs assessment needs to include data-collection measures and outcomes in the following Four Stages:

Stage 1: What are the business/organization needs?

Formulating new regulations on safety and vehicle emissions.

Working on technological advances.
Shifting customer needs and meeting their expectations.

Measure Used: Putting efforts into electric car automation.

Working on developing battery technology.

Developing environmentally friendly products

Outcome (What is the forecasted ROI?): Return on investment (ROI) is the quantity of performance that assesses the effectiveness of an investment. According to ROI, the market capitalization for Tesla will rise annually at a10% rate in ten years. It states that the company has to have a market cap of about 721 billion dollars.

Research Supports: Sikochi, S., Srinivasan, S., & Pitcher, Q. (2018). Tesla, Inc. in 2018.

Stage 2: What are the performance needs?

To ensure customers’ and client’s satisfaction with their expectations.

The communication on financial viability and performance.

Superiority administration and continuous improvement of their products.

To invent risk management methods like identifying the risks, assessing the risk, controlling the risk, and applying well-managed resources to prevent similar risks.

To communicate on the company’s performance to the employees, directors, investors, suppliers, partners, financial institutes, and other stakeholders.

Measure Used:

Ensuring they satisfy customers’ expectations through quality improvements and regular checks.

By making sure they design goods and services that influence cost and quality objectives.

They are positioning their companies in strategic positions of the markets, suppliers, and resources.

They are ensuring adequate and effective human resources like strategies to attract skilled workers.

They are confirming the adequate supply of their products and the active supply chain.

Outcome (What are the knowledge and skills needed for success in the business/organization?

Ensuring the employees are ambitious and ensure they believe in supporting each other.

Ensure hard work among the employees and aim to achieve great things as a group.

Encourage the employees to work to ensure a change in-car service.

Encourage critical thinking as the employees work on the cars to allow innovation.

Enhance goal setting and focusing on these goals.

Encourage resiliency as it helps to avoid giving up when a failure occurs.

To what degree are they currently being met?):

The tesla company has improved as they do their updates online, preventing the need to visit the service centers and quick services.

Research Supports: Yasinskyi, V. (2017). Tesla Inc.: Innovation Bears Efficiency.

Research Supports: Sikochi, S., Srinivasan, S., & Pitcher, Q. (2018). Tesla, Inc. in 2018.

Stage 3: What are the learning needs?

Ways to improve their customer services.

They are inventing strategies to reduce the prices of their cars.

They are innovating ways to reduce the competition of electric vehicles.

They are innovating ways to increase the production of batteries.

Measure Used:

Ensuring continued production of quality batteries

Ensure the production of electric cars is continuous and quality.

Ensure cost-friendly materials are used to make the cars reducing their prices.

Increase the number of skilled employees to improve customer services.

Outcomes (What knowledge and skills need to be improved through instruction?):

Improve the standard of innovation

Increase the volume of production

Increase their innovation standards

Research Supports: Yasinskyi, V. (2017). Tesla Inc.: Innovation Bears Efficiency.

Stage 4: What are the learner needs?

Innovation strategies of the company

Methods of supporting customers after the sale.

Learn how to eradicate large dealerships.

Utilization of technology to improve cars

Measure Used:

Use of media influence

They are conducting their actions online.

They are working towards their missions and visions.

Rely on advertising themselves.

Outcomes (Who are the learners? Approximate #, multigenerational ? cultural ? traditional, nontraditional, etc.):

The learners include the companies that are consistent in supplying different materials like AGG Automotive who provide windshields. The AGG automotive is described with cultural structures, which are: behaviors, customs, and norms.

OTL520: Assignments Template

Your Name:

The Critical Thinking Assignments in this course will build upon each other to help you complete the final Portfolio Project, an instructional design blueprint for a business or organization. In this step, you will complete a needs assessment for the business or organization you have selected and profiled.

Module 1

Proposed Design Model:


Module 2

Ideally, you will select a real business or organization—this will provide you with the opportunity to solve real problems and practice dealing with the complexities of organizations that grow and change in response to multifaceted issues. This step may take additional research to ensure that you can obtain all of the information needed to complete the profile.

Once you have selected your business or organization, provide a profile based on the dimensions below:




Business Strategy (Mission, Vision, Values, and Goals):

Business Drivers:

Organizational Culture:

Environmental Factors Affecting the Organization:

After completing your profile, offer research-backed observations indicating why the instructional design model selected in Section 1 aligns well with this organization:


Design Model Alignment:

Module 3

Your needs assessment needs to include data-collection measures and outcomes in the following Four Stages:

Stage 1: What are the business/organization needs?

Measure Used:

Outcome (What is the forecasted ROI?):

Research Supports:

Measure Used:

Research Supports:

Stage 2: What are the performance needs?

Outcome (What are the knowledge and skills needed for success in the business/organization? To what degree are they currently being met?):

Measure Used:

Research Supports:

Stage 3: What are the learning needs?

Outcomes (What knowledge and skills need to be improved through instruction?):

Measure Used:

Research Supports:

Stage 4: What are the learner needs?

Outcomes (Who are the learners? Approximate #, multigenerational?, cultural?, traditional, nontraditional, etc.):

Module 4

For each of the three Learning Theory topics that follow, brainstorm instructional design considerations specific to your selected business/organization and the identified learning and learner needs from your needs assessment. Make sure to cite sources as appropriate.


Instructional Design Considerations for your Business/Organization

Basic Theories of Learning: Behaviorism, Cognitivism & Constructivism, and Abraham Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs

Malcom Knowles’ Adult Learning (or Andragogy)

Individual Characteristics of Learning: Motivation, Goals, Experience, Culture and Generational Differences

Module 5

For each of the Individual Learning Preference topics that follow, brainstorm instructional design considerations specific to your selected business/organization and the identified learner needs from your needs assessment.

Instructional Design Considerations for your Business/Organization


David Kolb’s Four Basic Learning Styles

Ned Hermann’s Brain-based Approach

Visual, Auditory, and Kinesthetic (VAK) Model

Howard Gardner’s Multiple Intelligences

Module 6

Use your Needs assessment results to:

· Develop 3-5 learning objectives for your selected business/organization.

· Determine how each objective will be measured.

· Identify critical content needed for learners to meet each objective.

· Organize and sequence content into units, modules, chapters, sessions or topics.


Outcome 1:

Outcome 2:

Outcome 3:

Outcome 4:

Outcome 5:

Module 8:

Take the opportunity to reflect on the instructional design blueprint you have created for your selected business or organization. In a well-written response of 600-900 words in length, in conformity

CSU-Global Guide to Writing and APA

, and supported by two to three sources, address the following questions:

· How effective do you believe your design will be and why?

· What questions or concerns do you anticipate the business or organization might have with regard to your design?

· What is your favorite aspect of your design and why?

· Are there areas in which you believe you need more practice or more information? How can you continue to improve your skills and understanding?

Professional Reflection:


OTL520: Assignments Template

CT Module 4 Template

By: Brittney Bush

Colorado State University-Global Campus


Instructor: Dr. Jacqueline Derby

OTL520: Assignments Template

Your Name: Brittney Bush

The Critical Thinking Assignments in this course will build upon each other to help you complete

the final Portfolio Project, an instructional design blueprint for a business or organization. In this

step, you will complete a needs assessment for the business or organization you have selected and


Module 1

Proposed Design Model: ADDIE model

Module 2

Ideally, you will select a real business or organization—this will provide you with the opportunity

to solve real problems and practice dealing with the complexities of organizations that grow and

change in response to multifaceted issues. This step may take additional research to ensure that you

can obtain all of the information needed to complete the profile.

Once you have selected your business or organization, provide a profile based on the dimensions


Business/Organization: Tesla Inc. or Tesla motors

Business Strategy

(Mission, Vision, Values,

and Goals):

Mission: To accelerate the world’s transition to sustainable energy.

Vision: To create the most fascinating car company of the

21st century by driving the world’s transition to electric vehicles.

Values: A clean start, committed to electric, built around the driver,

sparking the evolutions

OTL520: Assignments Template

Business Drivers: Technology and innovation

Organizational Culture: Tesla Inc has a functional or U-form organizational structure

Environmental Factors

Affecting the


Climate change

Rising Standards on Waste disposal

Expanding environment programs

After completing your profile, offer research-backed observations indicating why the instructional

design model selected in Section 1 aligns well with this organization:

Design Model


ADDIE is the best instructional design for the organization because

it represents a flexible design that is very common. It works as

follows; in analysis, it identifies the possible causes of a

performance gap and starts general instructional goals, and identifies

the learners’ needs like skills and knowledge

Module 3

Your needs assessment needs to include data-collection measures and outcomes in the following

Four Stages:

Stage 1: What are the business/organization needs?

Formulating new regulations on safety and vehicle emissions.

Working on technological advances.

Shifting customer needs and meeting their expectations.

OTL520: Assignments Template

Measure Used: Putting efforts into electric car automation by training more technicians.

Working on developing battery technology by benchmarking other

companies with developed battery production.

Conducting interviews to help develop environmentally friendly products

Outcome (What is the forecasted ROI?): Return on investment (ROI) is the quantity of

performance that assesses an investment’s effectiveness. According to ROI, the market

capitalization for Tesla will rise annually at a10% rate in ten years. It states that the

company has to have a market cap of about 721 billion dollars.

Research Supports: The companies Return on Investment is likely to increase per year one the

crucial business needs. This means that the measures have to be met to ensure a positive outcome

on the ROI quantity.

Stage 2: What are the performance needs?

To ensure customers’ and client’s satisfaction with their expectations.

Communication on financial viability and performance.

Superiority administration and continuous improvement of their products.

To invent risk management methods like identifying the risks, assessing the risk,

controlling the risk, and applying well-managed resources to prevent similar risks.

To communicate on the company’s performance to the employees, directors, investors,

suppliers, partners, financial institutes, and other stakeholders.

OTL520: Assignments Template

Measure Used:

Doing frequent surveys on customers to ensure satisfaction through quality improvements

and regular checks.

Using their data to ensure they design goods and services that influence cost and quality


Interview people randomly to determine their companies’ positions for the markets,

suppliers, and resources.

They are ensuring adequate and effective human resources like strategies to attract skilled


Use their data to ensure the adequate supply of their products and the active supply chain.

Outcome (What are the knowledge and skills needed for success in the


Ensuring the employees are ambitious and ensure they believe in supporting each other.

Ensure hard work among the employees and aim to achieve great things as a group.

Encourage the employees to work to ensure a change in-car service.

Encourage critical thinking as the employees work on the cars to allow innovation.

Enhance goal setting and focusing on these goals.

Encourage resiliency as it helps to avoid giving up when a failure occurs.

To what degree are they currently being met?):

The tesla company has improved as they do their updates online, preventing the need to

visit the service centers and quick services.

OTL520: Assignments Template

Stage 3: What are the learning needs?

Ways to improve their customer services.

Training the employees on how to work as electric car techniques.

They are innovating ways to reduce the competition of electric vehicles.

They are innovating ways to increase the production of batteries.

Measure Used:

Use surveys to know ways to improve quality of service

Use their data to ensure the production of electric cars is continuous and quality.

Ensure that people have the necessary techniques for electric cars by doing frequent


Increase the number of skilled employees to improve customer services by training them.

Outcomes (What knowledge and skills need to be improved through instruction?):

Improve the standard of innovation

Increase the volume of production

Increase their innovation standards

Research Supports: Research done on the tesla company indicates that the company has several

internship programs where the trainees are taught how to manufacture, repair, and deal with

electric cars. This means that the trainees require to be well-skilled to increase the probability of

being hired permanently.

Stage 4: What are the learner’s needs?

Innovation strategies of the company

Methods of supporting customers after the sale.

Learn how to eradicate large dealerships.

OTL520: Assignments Template

Utilization of technology to improve cars

Measure Used:

Use of media to conduct surveys.

They are conducting their actions online.

Conducting interviews with different people to gauge their services.

Rely on advertising themselves.

Outcomes (Who are the learners? Approximate #, multigenerational ? cultural ?

traditional, nontraditional, etc.):

The learners include the companies that are consistent in supplying different materials

like AGG Automotive who provide windshields. The AGG automotive is described with cultural

structures, which are: behaviors, customs, and norms.

Research Supports: The companies that look forward to being like tesla company ought to

follow their steps and advance some skills to enable their breakthrough. The skills are necessary

to facilitate/enable success in companies.

Module 4

For each of the three Learning Theory topics that follow, brainstorm instructional design
considerations specific to your selected business/organization and the identified learning and learner
needs from your need’s assessment. Make sure to cite sources as appropriate.

Theory Instructional Design Considerations for your Business/Organization

Basic Theories of Learning: Behaviorism,
Cognitivism & Constructivism, and Abraham
Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs

Behaviorism: Involves where the trainer or

teacher observes the learner and the measurable

behavior then guiding to optimize the Learning.

Behaviorism can be used in Tesla Inc’s

company, where trainees’ behaviors are

Jacqueline Derby
In the template you do not need to include information about the theory. Instead, you only need to brainstorm your instructional design considerations. In other words, how will you apply this theory to your training program?

OTL520: Assignments Template

examined, and they get the necessary guidance

on effective Learning.

Cognitivism focuses on understanding the

learning process of a student and how the

information learned is received, stored, and

arranged. In the tesla company, the instruction

giver will find ways to ensure the learning

environment supports learning to ensure the

information is well received.

Constructivism: It equalizes learning by

creating meaning from skill where the mind

interprets the input and interprets it in its way.

This can be used by trainers in the Tesla

company to ensure the learners gain much

experience, which is hard to erase from the


Abraham Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs:

These needs include safety, social, esteem,

psychological, and self-actualization. Humans

need to meet these needs to produce their full

potential in their work; hence the trainers in the

tesla company need to reach these needs for the

trainers to work effectively.

Malcom Knowles’ Adult Learning (or

Malcolm, an American educator, suggested that

andragogy is any system of adult education. It

Jacqueline Derby
You are touching upon the recommendations of each theory but you have not discussed specific instructional design considerations. For instance, to meet Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs you may want to make sure your training program is in a place people are familiar with so they feel safe and comfortable. Along with this you may have an icebreaker at the beginning of the training program so learners will get to know each other which will help them begin to feel supported.

Jacqueline Derby
What are some specific instructional design considerations? What are some activities you would include that would be based on the behaviorism theory? For instance, Behaviorism stress the importance of a reward system. One thing you could consider is having some gaming activities where groups compete with each other in order to earn points that could be used for something.

OTL520: Assignments Template

makes the learner understand that the reason

for Learning is to attain their goals, to meet

their needs, and be orderly. This could be

effective in the tesla company as the learners

know that Learning is for their benefit.

Individual Characteristics of Learning:
Motivation, Goals, Experience, Culture and
Generational Differences

Motivation in instructional design is an

important tool that ensures instructions are

analyzed well hence followed effectively.

Goals of an instructional design are necessary

as it makes accessible and makes the learner

meet the anticipated goal.

Experience in instructional design is effective

because it helps notice any performance gaps

of the targeted people, and this experience

helps to close the gap.

Cultural differences in the instructional

design should be paid attention to and avoided

to ensure the necessary practices are always in


Generational differences are common in any

working environment, and it should not be a

cause of the downfall of a company as it should

help once the people concerned help each other

Jacqueline Derby
See my notes above.

OTL520: Assignments Template

OTL520: Assignments Template


Burke, D. (2020). Experiential Learning Theory. In How Doctors Think and Learn (pp. 29-37).

Springer, Cham.

Cavas, B., & Cavas, P. (2020). Multiple Intelligences Theory—Howard Gardner. In Science

Education in Theory and Practice (pp. 405-418). Springer, Cham.

Hardiana, M. T. A. N., & Suyata, P. (2018). The effectiveness of VAK (visual, auditory,

kinesthetic) model in learning summary writing. Int. J. Res. Rev, 5, 43-49.

Zare, M., Seifi, M., & Faghih, A. (2019). The Effectiveness of Brain-Based Learning Model on

Studying and Reading Speed. Interacción y perspectiva: Revista de Trabajo Social, 9(1),


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