Analyze the Abuse of Discretion and Ethical Behavior Causing Police Misconduct

 Assignment: : Analyze the Abuse of Discretion and Ethical Behavior Causing Police Misconduct 

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Instructions Scenario: 

As an intern with the Sunstate County Sheriff’s Office, you are assigned to patrol with Senior Officer Miller. You are patrolling the Pine Manor area, home to minorities and illegal immigrants. Recently, officers of the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) began to investigate crimes involving illegal immigrants in the Pine Manor area. While driving on Main Street, Officer Miller recognizes a Hispanic male walking on the pedestrian walkway. He stops the patrol vehicle and talks to the man: “Hi Juan, haven’t you forgotten to make your payment this week? Remember Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) officers are in the area.” The Hispanic man takes several hundred dollar bills out of his wallet and hands the money to Officer Miller. You ask Officer Miller about the purpose of the payment. Officer Miller states, “It is an agreement. Either the illegal immigrants pay me, or I will notify ICE about his whereabouts”. You continue to patrol the neighborhood and Officer Miller stops another Hispanic male walking on the street. He also asks him about his weekly payment. Jose responds that he does not have any money and he had sent this week’s paycheck to Mexico for his family. Officer Miller exits the vehicle and arrests Jose Martinez. On the transport to the jail, Jose asks for the charges and Officer Miller stated that he will be arrested for possession of marijuana. Jose answered, “I do not possess or use drugs.” Officer Miller grabs an evidence bag with green leafy substance from underneath the driver’s seat and shows it to Jose, “Here is the evidence.” Officer Miller arrives at the jail, and then books Jose Martinez for the false charges. 

Assess the scenario, and then answer the following questions: What is your ethical obligation in this scenario? 

Expand on the major theory surrounding ethical behavior of police officers, and then offer some alternatives to this behavior in your discussion. 

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What theory of ethics did Officer Miller violate? 

Describe how the deontologist, the teleologist, and the utilitarianist would decide.

 Determine if Officer Miller is considered a meat eater or a grass eater.

 Length: 6 pages References: 

Include a minimum of fifteen scholarly resources. Your essay should demonstrate thoughtful consideration of the ideas and concepts that are presented in the course and provide new thoughts and insights relating directly to this topic. Your response should reflect graduate-level writing and APA standards. 

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