Course Project

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Course Project Guidelines

You are required to complete a research paper that will constitute the Course Project.
The purpose of the paper is to afford you the opportunity to demonstrate research,
writing, and critical thinking skills in the area of criminal justice administration.

The paper should be an expanded literature review of your selected research topic, and
should draw on the annotated bibliography (due Week 9).

The final paper should be organized as follows:

• An abstract, which is a brief summation (100-150 words) of your research and

• Title sheet (including the title of the paper and your name)
• Introduction and background of the issue researched/studied
• Topic Discussion: A brief description (1–2 pages) of the research topic and a

justification for why the issue is important for criminal justice agencies
• Problem statement, explaining the importance of the issue—in relation to criminal

justice administration (For example: What are the problems that are caused?
Why is it important to understand and consider action?)

• Interview of criminal justice chief executive (See details below.)
• Findings/Recommendations (what you have found in your research,

recommendations, and how to evaluate issues)
• Application/Action orientation (How does this apply to the real world? How could

any changes be incorporated in the workplace? What obstacles, i.e., personnel,
resistance, legal, etc.—and how could these be minimized?)

• Conclusion (Wrap up, synthesize and restate the importance of your research in
the workplace.)

• Bibliography

The body of the paper should be approximately 15–17 pages in length.

Your Course Project should be submitted by Day 7 of Week 10.

© 2014 Laureate Education, Inc. Page 2 of 2

Interview of Chief Executive

Identify a command staff person actively working in the criminal justice field. This should
be a high ranking official.

• Gain permission to conduct a brief interview regarding your research topic.
o Preparation for this interview is important. A series of pertinent questions

will help with the flow of the conversation.
o Questions should be at the graduate/executive level.
o Make sure there is some focus on recruiting, retention, and leader

• Your interview summary should be 3–4 pages in length and double-spaced.

o Insure that you have permission to craft a written paper following the
interview. Since the executive may want to see a copy of the finished
report, make sure to offer this option.



Quantitative Design

Jamisha Riddick


Quantitative Design

Selecting Treatment and Control Groups

A field experiment occurs in a natural setting or a real-life environment of a participant. In a experimental field design, the conduct is more likely to indicate a real-life situation. The researchers impose treatment on a group or subjects of interest for instance ex-prisoners to observe the response (Gerber & Green, 2012). For the program of training the ex-prisoners, the method to be implemented when selecting the treatment will involve randomly selecting a sample from the participants who have agreed to participate in the survey. The selected sample will then be divided into three groups. The first group will be the ex-offenders, the second group will be employers who have employed ex-prisoners in the community and the last group will be professionals from a criminal justice system.

For this program, the professionals from the criminal justice system and a group of employers who have employed ex-prisoners will be the treatment group while ex-offenders will be used as the control group. The survey will then be conducted on the three groups to determine responses from the three groups. The responses from the two treatment groups will be compared to responses from the controlled group (Duke & Mallette, 2011). Treatment group responses will be used to manipulate the training services offered to the ex-prisoners to get the most out of the training. The use of random selection for both treatment and control group will ensure that bias in the field experiment is reduced and the effects of participant variables are limited.

Techniques to Address Selection Bias for Quasi-Experiment Design

Quasi-experiment design uses a comparison group that captures what the outcome would have been if the policy had not been implemented (Duke & Mallette, 2011). As a result, the policy can be seen to cause any difference in the outcome of the experiment between comparison and treatment groups. Selection bias suggests that the chance of eligible or those who volunteer to take part in the study have been systematically different from those who do not take part. Some of the techniques that might be implemented to control selection bias include regression discontinuity designs and propensity score matching.

Propensity score matching involves matching an individual on their propensity score such that the likelihood of an individual participating in the study is given by their observable characteristics. The method matches the treatment group with a similar comparison group and then calculates the difference in the indicators thus obtaining an unbiased impact estimate. In regression discontinuity designs, a given criterion is used in getting participants. A cutoff used in the selection ensures that limited resources are distributed to people who need them rather than distributing the resources randomly (Gerber & Green, 2012). For instance, in the training of ex-prisoners, more of the training services could be offered to ex-prisoner who just left the prison.

Internal Validity for Non-Experimental Design

Non-experimental design measures the variable as they happen naturally. The design has low internal validity since it does not implement the use of manipulation on a variable or control. Internal validity refers to the degree to which the design used in the study is in agreement with the conclusion, (Carter, 2005). To reduce the threats which lower internal validity while using non-experimental design, biases during the selection of the sample must be avoided. When selecting a sample to participate in the research, the participants should be selected randomly to give every member of the population an equal chance of participating. As a result, selection biases are reduced which in turn reduces bias threat to internal validity.

Since non-experimental design does not include the use of controls, incorporating a control group in the study would counter the threats due to a single-group study. For example, instead of having all the ex-prisoners participants in one group, the sample population would be divided into two groups. The first group receiving treatment while the second group to be used as the control with only program differences between the two groups. Increasing the size of the sample to be used would reduce variability in the outcome. This would counter threats due to testing increasing internal validity (Carter, 2005).

Another way of handling internal validity in non-experimental design is by researching multiple perspectives. For instance, researching how to improve the training program for ex-prisoner would involve performing surveys to various professionals from the criminal justice system, ex-offenders, and employers who have employed ex-prisons from different locations using the same survey data and then comparing responses. Besides, when conducting a study, getting enough information such as detailed information about where the study is to occur will reduce internal threats brought about by history.


Carter, . (2005). Rehabilitation Research: Principles and Applications. Elsevier.

Duke, N. K., & Mallette, M. H. (2011). Literacy research methodologies. New York: Guilford Press.

Gerber, A. S., & Green, D. P. (2012). Field experiments: Design, analysis, and interpretation. New York, N.Y: W.W. Norton & Company.

Running head:

Quantitative Design

Jamisha Riddick



Quantitative Design
Jamisha Riddick



Jamisha Riddick





Indicator Construction


The economic hardship people face in society due to the poverty levels in the world today has pushed people into crime as a way of looking for a better life. In today’s world, the unemployment level is so high which indicates that most of the young people or the youth in the society do not have a sustainable job which they can depend on to give them enough money to cater to their needs. The issue of unemployment results in the youths getting into criminal activities which results in imprisonment. The logical model or log framework is an effective strategy that aims at promoting a restorative type of system where ex-prisoners are given a chance to redeem themselves from the life of crime and become better members of the community (Mbatha et al., 2020). Through the log frame strategy to ensure that ex-prisoners are made better and are easily reintegrate with the community. They need to be trained in skills that will enable them to be employable and have a healthy relationship with other members of the community.

Logical Framework or Model of Training Ex-Prisoners

The training process or program for ex-prisoners will entail both social and technical training where they will be impacted with skills that will give them a chance in the job market and also enhance their social kill to enable them to blend with the community easily. The training will be mostly on manual skills such as tailoring, carpentry, plumbing, and carving, weaving, and drawing. These skills will help them employ themselves lead a sustainable quality life that will keep them away from crime and drugs (Ahmad et al 2017). The training will also entail counseling where the ex-prisoners will be imparted with social skills which will enable them to become better people and get along with others which will make their reintegration process in the community easy. The program has expected inputs, outputs, and outcome indicators which are as follows.

Inputs Indicators

The input indicators are defined as the necessary steps, resources, and systems that should be put in place to ensure the success of the program. In the case of training the ex-prisoners the first input indicator that is the most important finance. With finances, the program will have a chance to get all the resources that it requires to ensure that the ex-prisoners receive the best training to enable them to have an easy reintegration process. The staffs are also an important input as they are the ones who will ensure that the ex-prisoners are well trained and counseled to attain the desirable skills they need (Ganapathy, 2018). The other input is key partners such as the government and non-governmental agencies or organizations that will support the program with all the needed resources and help create awareness in the society helping the ex-prisoners be accepted back in the community and reduce the stigma towards them. Finally, is the proper infrastructure which will enable the ex-prisoners can get employed and have a quality life that will enable them to stay away from prison and crime.

Outputs Indicators

Out putt indicators are the results that the framework or program will produce after taking the ex-prisoners through the training process. The outcomes expected or projected if this framework is fully affected with the support that it needs from all sectors to provide it with all resources or inputs it requires will be as follows. Produce reformed and rehabilitated ex-prisoners who are productive members of society (Duwe, 2017). Provide the ex-prisoners with skills they can use to acquire a quality lifestyle that is not related to crime or drugs. The process will create changed individuals who will relate well with their fellow community members and do everything according to the law staying out of trouble.

Outcome indicators

The outcome is defined as the quantifiable results that are a product of the process of training ex-prisoners (Urban Institute, 2014). The expected or projected outcome is a reduction in crime levels which will be measured by the people who have been experiencing violent crimes. If the number of people experiencing violent crime reduces by a huge margin then the program is effective and if the numbers are still high them the program is not achieving its goal (McDavid et al., 2019). The other expected outcome will be the perception of the public on the ex-prisoners as this process aims at showing the public that the ex-prisoners are changed, and they should be accepted back to the community. It is expected that the ex-prisoners will have essential skills that will get them employed fast and the stigma towards them will be reduced.

Research Data, Variables, Data Collection Method, and Survey Sample

Although the training of ex-prisoners is a method that has benefits it is clear from the research data available that not all prisons in the country and the world that have adopted this program. The reason behind prisons not implementing this program is because it is expensive and it costs the correctional system a huge amount of money to train every offender (Economics, 2018). The training ensures that when they are released from prison they keep off illegal activities and depend on their skills which they acquired during the training to care for themselves and their families. Due to these factors then the levels of ex-prisoners going back to jail are high.

The variable that the project or research will be focusing on is the personal condition, support, employment, social environment, and network of the ex-prisoner. Their readiness to change, obtaining employment, mandatory reporting staying away from illegal activities, and having stable housing and financial status are also variables that will be looked at in the project and how they affect the reintegration process. These factors influence the success of the reintegration as if one gets all that they need they change for the better and if they do not they go back to crime. In this project, the data collection method that will be used will be a semi-structured interview that will be conducted on 5 ex-offender, and a total of 8 professionals from the criminal justice system and employers who employ ex-prisoners in the community.



Ahmad, T., Ashraf, H., & Ahmad, M. (2017) Challenges Faced to Ex-Prisoners in Social Reintegration (A Study of Union Council Kunda).

Duwe, G. (2017). The use and impact of correctional programming for inmates on pre-and post-release outcomes. US Department of Justice, Office of Justice Programs, National Institute of Justice.

Economics, L. (2018). Evaluation of prisoner learning: Initial impacts and delivery.

Ganapathy, N. (2018). Rehabilitation, reintegration, and recidivism: a theoretical and methodological reflection. Asia Pacific Journal of Social Work and Development, 28(3), 154-167.

Mbatha, C. M., Kerre, B. W., Ferej, A., Kitainge, K. M., & Fred, K. C. (2020). Learning Strategies Employed in Vocational Education Training on Integration of Prisoners into the Society. American Journal of Educational Research, 8(5), 353-359.

McDavid, J. C., Huse, I., & Hawthorn, L. R. L. (2019). Program evaluation and performance measurement: An introduction to practice (3rd ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.

Urban Institute. (2014). Outcome indicators project. Retrieved from



Indicator Construction

Jamisha Riddick




Indicator Construction

Jamisha Riddick





Jamisha Riddick





Indicator Construction


The economic hardship people face in society due to the poverty levels in the world today has pushed people into crime as a way of looking for a better life. In today’s world, the unemployment level is so high which indicates that most of the young people or the youth in the society do not have a sustainable job which they can depend on to give them enough money to cater to their needs. The issue of unemployment results in the youths getting into criminal activities which results in imprisonment. The logical model or log framework is an effective strategy that aims at promoting a restorative type of system where ex-prisoners are given a chance to redeem themselves from the life of crime and become better members of the community (Mbatha et al., 2020). Through the log frame strategy to ensure that ex-prisoners are made better and are easily reintegrate with the community. They need to be trained in skills that will enable them to be employable and have a healthy relationship with other members of the community.

Logical Framework or Model of Training Ex-Prisoners

The training process or program for ex-prisoners will entail both social and technical training where they will be impacted with skills that will give them a chance in the job market and also enhance their social kill to enable them to blend with the community easily. The training will be mostly on manual skills such as tailoring, carpentry, plumbing, and carving, weaving, and drawing. These skills will help them employ themselves lead a sustainable quality life that will keep them away from crime and drugs (Ahmad et al 2017). The training will also entail counseling where the ex-prisoners will be imparted with social skills which will enable them to become better people and get along with others which will make their reintegration process in the community easy. The program has expected inputs, outputs, and outcome indicators which are as follows.

Inputs Indicators

The input indicators are defined as the necessary steps, resources, and systems that should be put in place to ensure the success of the program. In the case of training the ex-prisoners the first input indicator that is the most important finance. With finances, the program will have a chance to get all the resources that it requires to ensure that the ex-prisoners receive the best training to enable them to have an easy reintegration process. The staffs are also an important input as they are the ones who will ensure that the ex-prisoners are well trained and counseled to attain the desirable skills they need (Ganapathy, 2018). The other input is key partners such as the government and non-governmental agencies or organizations that will support the program with all the needed resources and help create awareness in the society helping the ex-prisoners be accepted back in the community and reduce the stigma towards them. Finally, is the proper infrastructure which will enable the ex-prisoners can get employed and have a quality life that will enable them to stay away from prison and crime.

Outputs Indicators

Out putt indicators are the results that the framework or program will produce after taking the ex-prisoners through the training process. The outcomes expected or projected if this framework is fully affected with the support that it needs from all sectors to provide it with all resources or inputs it requires will be as follows. Produce reformed and rehabilitated ex-prisoners who are productive members of society (Duwe, 2017). Provide the ex-prisoners with skills they can use to acquire a quality lifestyle that is not related to crime or drugs. The process will create changed individuals who will relate well with their fellow community members and do everything according to the law staying out of trouble.

Outcome indicators

The outcome is defined as the quantifiable results that are a product of the process of training ex-prisoners (Urban Institute, 2014). The expected or projected outcome is a reduction in crime levels which will be measured by the people who have been experiencing violent crimes. If the number of people experiencing violent crime reduces by a huge margin then the program is effective and if the numbers are still high them the program is not achieving its goal (McDavid et al., 2019). The other expected outcome will be the perception of the public on the ex-prisoners as this process aims at showing the public that the ex-prisoners are changed, and they should be accepted back to the community. It is expected that the ex-prisoners will have essential skills that will get them employed fast and the stigma towards them will be reduced.

Research Data, Variables, Data Collection Method, and Survey Sample

Although the training of ex-prisoners is a method that has benefits it is clear from the research data available that not all prisons in the country and the world that have adopted this program. The reason behind prisons not implementing this program is because it is expensive and it costs the correctional system a huge amount of money to train every offender (Economics, 2018). The training ensures that when they are released from prison they keep off illegal activities and depend on their skills which they acquired during the training to care for themselves and their families. Due to these factors then the levels of ex-prisoners going back to jail are high.

The variable that the project or research will be focusing on is the personal condition, support, employment, social environment, and network of the ex-prisoner. Their readiness to change, obtaining employment, mandatory reporting staying away from illegal activities, and having stable housing and financial status are also variables that will be looked at in the project and how they affect the reintegration process. These factors influence the success of the reintegration as if one gets all that they need they change for the better and if they do not they go back to crime. In this project, the data collection method that will be used will be a semi-structured interview that will be conducted on 5 ex-offender, and a total of 8 professionals from the criminal justice system and employers who employ ex-prisoners in the community.



Ahmad, T., Ashraf, H., & Ahmad, M. (2017) Challenges Faced to Ex-Prisoners in Social Reintegration (A Study of Union Council Kunda).

Duwe, G. (2017). The use and impact of correctional programming for inmates on pre-and post-release outcomes. US Department of Justice, Office of Justice Programs, National Institute of Justice.

Economics, L. (2018). Evaluation of prisoner learning: Initial impacts and delivery.

Ganapathy, N. (2018). Rehabilitation, reintegration, and recidivism: a theoretical and methodological reflection. Asia Pacific Journal of Social Work and Development, 28(3), 154-167.

Mbatha, C. M., Kerre, B. W., Ferej, A., Kitainge, K. M., & Fred, K. C. (2020). Learning Strategies Employed in Vocational Education Training on Integration of Prisoners into the Society. American Journal of Educational Research, 8(5), 353-359.

McDavid, J. C., Huse, I., & Hawthorn, L. R. L. (2019). Program evaluation and performance measurement: An introduction to practice (3rd ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.

Urban Institute. (2014). Outcome indicators project. Retrieved from



Indicator Construction

Jamisha Riddick




Indicator Construction

Jamisha Riddick



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