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Industry Analysis Report

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A systematic approach is one of the surprisingly fruitful intellectual inventions of humanity without which successful professional activity is unthinkable in almost any field. Possession of a systematic analysis of business processes, systemic modeling and design, systematic practical activity are the highest characteristics of mental culture of any specialists. In this case, companies get an opportunity to obtain recommendations to make their activity more productive and profitable. The creation of well-thought-out industry research and the need to interview a contact can become a foundation for the development and improvement of such industries as car service station, mobile fast food station, and hairdressing salon.

Systems theory is a scientific field related to the development of a set of philosophical, methodological, concrete scientific and applied problems of analysis and synthesis of complex systems of arbitrary shape. Car service station is a system that includes a wide range of factors of the impact. This kind of business has appeared many years ago with the elegances of cars that require maintenance and repairs (Sailekar, Panda & Chauhan, 2018). At the same time, this business requires continuous improvement due to the presence of high level of competition and the need to constantly master new technologies to provide highly qualified diagnostics and repair of cars. In this case, these specialists have a huge responsibility for their actions when faulty car can cause the death of the passengers and the driver. The industry competitors are based on the constant appearance of small car service stations that use customer base as the primary industry’s business model. Consequently, this organization should pay special attention to the needs of the clients by trying to provide related services including sale of accessories for cars, washing and even tuning for clients who want to have unique appearance of cars.

The meeting with the specialist of car service station will take no more than 2 hours. In this case, the first part of the interview will include gathering information and questions about specific business issues that require solution for the improvement of all business processes. Such type of the interview will involve questions about the level of income, customer base and competitive advantages. The second part of the meeting will consist of the questions related to the selection of necessary vectors for development and ways to get competitive advantages.

Mobile fast food station is one more industry that is popular in most of the countries. It has appeared not so long ago due to the absence of the need to save time on meals. Nowadays, residents of big cities make every effort to save time that they have to spend to satisfy their hunger (Buxel, Esenduran & Griffin, 2015). At the same time, this type of food industry has turned into an entertainment for friends to enjoy. The main industry competitors include the need to create bright image and the right pricing policy that will become crucial competitive advantage. In this case, the industry’s business models are based on financing and products that are especially important on the first stage of the area’s development.

This interview will include general discussion about the way to increase competitiveness and introduce methods that will become a foundation to get a higher profit level. This meeting should not exceed an hour in time not to lose objective perception of problems that is especially significant during the process of the creation of new approaches to find unique system for obtaining competitive advantages. However, the process of analysis and counseling has to involve several interviews during a month to monitor the innovation productivity. Such approach will allow the owners of mobile fast food station to achieve the desired results in the short period.

Hairdressing is one of the oldest industries for business development by having roots that go back several centuries. At the same time, the hairdressing salon that will be discussed has no any network and well-known brand. Therefore, it has to develop consumer base as the primary way to overcome industry competitors. The presence of regular customers satisfied with the quality of services is the first step to develop and open network of hairdressing salons to improve this direction of business (Effendi, 2017). The industry’s business models involve special attention to consumer base and well-thought-out methods to attract new sponsors and approach for additional financing. The interview should include questions dedicated to the formation of new business image that will become the primary way to attract attention of the possible customers. At the same time, this meeting should not be time limited to avoid forcible introduction of erroneous strategies that will not find positive response from the creators of this business.

The need for the constant innovations and the creation of new strategies is the prerequisite for increased competitiveness. The development of productive industry research and the need to interview a contact can become a basis for the improvement of such industries as car service station, mobile fast food station, and hairdressing salon. In this case, analysts and consultants should take into account all nuance of business to introduce a better model for customer relationships. Such approach can increase brand awareness and profit in general by taking companies to the next level in the service sales industry.


Buxel, H., Esenduran, G., & Griffin, S. (2015). Strategic sustainability: Creating business value with life cycle analysis. Business Horizons, 58(1), 109-122. doi: 10.1016/j.bushor.2014.09.004

Effendi, K. (2017). The Optimization of Capital Structure in Maximizing Profit and Corporate Value. Binus Business Review, 8(1), 41. doi: 10.21512/bbr.v8i1.1678

Sailekar, S., Panda, M., & Chauhan, C. (2018). Employee Overseer Attendance Management and Business Analysis System. International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development, Volume-2(Issue-3), 2300-2305. doi: 10.31142/ijtsrd11564


BUA 3305: MIS Analysis and Design

Milestone 4: SWOT Analysis and Systems Analysis​ Guidelines and Rubric

Throughout this course, you have been researching and gathering the information needed to complete your final project. So far in previous
milestones you have identified a pressing business problem or need, defined the scope of a project addressing the issue, assessed what data
must be gathered to support the project, and identified the requirements that the information system must address in order to solve the problem.
Now it is time to start analyzing the information you have been collecting and make a recommendation for a new solution for your small business
or organization.

For this milestone assignment, you will conduct a SWOT analysis and ​organize the information required for ​the system design section of your
final paper in order to determine what type of information system you will recommend as a solution for the business problem.

Follow these steps to complete this milestone:

1. Conduct a SWOT analysis of the existing system and the needs of the business and summarize your analysis in about a page. For a
refresher on how to conduct a SWOT analysis, review ​How to Conduct a SWOT Analysis​ (2:14).

2. Then, gather the following information in a bulleted list beneath each category to help you prepare for analyzing the existing system and
its perceived problems from the client’s vantage point when you write the systems analysis section of the final paper:

● Overview of Existing System:​ What is the current system’s technology architecture or manual system?
● Definition of User Needs:​ How will various user groups use the system?
● Problem and Opportunity:​ Based on the SWOT analysis, identify a problem that, if exploited, provides an opportunity for the

● Technique Used While Gathering Study Facts:​ What strategies you will use to get the information needed for analyzing

the system (e.g., interviews, questionnaires, observations)?
● Statement of Alternative Solutions:​ List at least three possible solutions for a system that would solve the current

system’s problems
● Recommendations:​ Based on defined problems and data collected and analyzed, recommend whether the project is worth


Note that you will need to translate this information into narrative prose for your final project submission. However, for the purposes of this
milestone, you should be simply organizing your thoughts in a bulleted list for each of the system area categories above.


BUA 3305: MIS Analysis and Design

Guidelines for Submission:​ Your milestone should be submitted as a Microsoft Word document about two pages in length (including the
one-page SWOT analysis), in 12-point type, with any sources cited according to APA style.

Instructor Feedback:​ This activity uses an integrated rubric in Blackboard. Students can view instructor feedback in the Grade Center.

Criteria Exemplary (100%) Needs Improvement (75%) Not Evident (0%) Value

Overview of
Existing System

Identifies current system’s technology
architecture or manual system.

Identifies current system’s technology
architecture or manual system, but lacks in
clarity or contains inaccuracies.

Does not identify current system’s
technology architecture or manual system.


Definition of User

Identifies how various user groups will use
the system.

Identifies how various user groups will use
the system, but lacks in clarity or contains

Does not identify how various user groups
will use the system.


Problem and

Identifies a problem that if exploited,
provides an opportunity for the organization.

Identifies a problem that if exploited,
provides an opportunity for the organization,
but lacks in clarity or contains inaccuracies.

Does not identify a problem that if exploited,
provides an opportunity for the organization.


Technique Used
While Gathering
Study Facts

Identifies strategies for getting information
needed for analyzing the system.

Identifies strategies for getting information
needed for analyzing the system, but lacks in
clarity or contains inaccuracies.

Does not identify strategies for getting
information needed for analyzing the system.



Identifies at least three possible solutions for
a system that would solve the current
systems problems.

Identifies one or two possible solutions for a
system that would solve the current systems

Does not identify at least three possible
solutions for a system that would solve the
current systems problems.


Identifies a system and whether the project
is worth pursuing.

Identifies a system but not whether the
project is worth pursuing.

Does not identify a system and whether the
project is worth pursuing.



BUA 3305: MIS Analysis and Design

Total = 100%


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