U.S. Health Care Systems for Small Populations, Part 4


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    This assignment is to build upon the work done in prior assignments and  should be submitted as a paper that includes:

    ·        A well-written introduction and conclusion
    ·        Headings to organize your thoughts and provide structure for your paper
    ·        References (see requirements below)
    ·        APA formatting of references, citations, headings, and a cover page

    There are no word count requirements as each proposal will vary in the information required to provide sufficient detail.

    Provide a brief summary with background including:

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    the city you have selected
    the healthcare system
    the service you are proposing
    other details that you think are pertinent to the workflows you are going to recommend
    This week’s paper should include the following two items:

    Create an organizational chart that outlines the leadership structures and clinical departments at the facility you are planning. Include all positions that are required in your health care facility.
    Prepare a list of the roles included in the organizational chart and describe each role and any information you feel is key in making the decision for placement on the organizational chart.

Cite three reputable references to support your assignment (e.g., trade or industry publications, government or agency websites, scholarly works, or other sources of similar quality)

U. S. Healthcare System for Small Population


U. S. Healthcare System for Small Population Part 3

Shawnette Jones

University of Phoenix


Kattie Huttegger

U. S. Healthcare System for Small Population 1

October 24, 2020


Maryland hospital has indicated its readiness and determination with their staffs to ensure everything is running well and effectively planned. They has a proposal whereby they ensure that their patients are well catered for, giving patient’s effective care in making treatment success. The hospital has taken care of its population since they have started new technological ways to help their patients get better and further enjoy their services whenever they are in health system. There are evident when there is the availability of machines from new technologies to enhance their health services (Adam, 2015).

In Waldorf, health is a really important factor for the citizens. The health care policy in Maryland includes the conception and implementation of rules and regulations that help in proper management of the state’s healthcare system. Services in the health care system are provided by only medical professionals. They diagnose and treat as well as prevent mental and physical illnesses. Additionally, in the system there are things such as health information technology insurance and pharmaceuticals.

The MedStar healthcare system goal is to provide high quality healthcare in Maryland, with respect and compassion for its patients. Everyone working in this healthcare system has goal in mind of fulfilling the systems mission of providing top notch health care services. Services such as the electronic medical records, patient check in and check out and billing are very important in any health facility. These processes are crucial as they contribute towards the process of treatment (Golshan, 2020). 

Electronic Medical Records and Electronic Health Records.

An electronic medical record is a digital version of patients records .It consists of the medical history of a patient. This includes the doctor, nurses, diagnoses and treatment. The electronic health records on the other hand are also digital but have more information about the patient. It can also be shared across different authorized health providers when necessary.

For any healthcare facility to function effectively they should ensure that the patients record are well kept and organized. The methods above are very much reliable. MedStar healthcare in partnership with Cerner have provided an expanded enterprise electronic health record that allows physicians to access readily, patients information across the ongoing period of health care provision.

Patients check -in and check- out

This involves the first and last opportunity for interaction with a patient. The first impression while checking in matters a lot as it sets the mood for the rest of the remaining period before the patient checks out. It is very important for the patient to leave while fully satisfied with the service offered. MedStar health care has provided a solution to urgent care patients’ .There is an online program for checking in, that allows patients to book in advance a time for checking in at their own convenience. The online check in program has wonderful features that make sure the patient’s time is not wasted and they still receive the best services.

Billing in healthcare

This refers to payments for health services. It sometimes becomes a hustle if this is being done through an insurance agency. Even after insurance details are submitted by the patient at the front desk of the hospital there is still more to be done. The healthcare facility receives its final payment after the agency settles the claim. It is a really important process that requires great attention in provision of healthcare services. MedStar healthcare provides an online payment service that makes the billing process easy for patients.

Kurt Lewin’s Change management theory

The Lewin’s change theory is simple to implement and is also impact full. It has the uncanny ability to bring out bad patterns or unseen problems and get a whole new approach towards implementing the solution. Furthermore it encourages lasting change by creating a momentum for consistency, in implementing the new strategy.


In Waldorf, Maryland, improvement of healthcare is not a neglected field. Provision of good healthcare is very important and that is what MedStar healthcare is good for. They offer credible services when it comes to the field of health. Implementation of change in the health care facilities is also very crucial for positive results. Hence the best methods available should be used.


Adam Rubenfire M. (2015, February 24). Maryland systems collaborate on population health. Modern Healthcare. 


Golshan, T. (2020, January 22). The answer to America’s health care cost problem might be in Maryland. Vox. 


Maryland systems collaborate on population health. (2015, February 24). Modern Healthcare. https://www.modernhealthcare.com/article/20150224/NEWS/150229961/maryland-systems-collaborate-on-population-health

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