American revolution

Reply two discussion with 200 words for each one. No quote from outside, follow the instruction

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A few people need to make sure they’re
addressing both the causes AND effects of the
Revolution, including the U.S. Constitution (which
few mentioned). If need be, review the questions
from Week 6 (about what caused colonists’
protests against Britain, what the real issues with
taxes war, and why events escalated to warfare),
Week 7 (which will help you address the important
changes in the U.S. after the Revolution) and
Week 8 (about what the Constitutional Convention
tells us about the intents of many of the Founding
Fathers, and the meaning of the Revolution) . As
you think about what to write in your 2 replies to
group members posts, I would encourage you to
think about anything you didn ‘t initially cover in
your first post, and address that material in your 2
replies, backed up with specific examples from the
lessons and/or textbook.

And to clarify the tax issue a bit: remember, the
Sugar Act, Stamp Act, Townsend Act (etc) weren’t
particularly heavy taxes (the Sugar Act was
actually a tax reduction), and all the taxes raised
from the Stamp Act was used within the colonies,
mostly to maintain the army of 10,000 soldiers
who were supposed to protect territory gained
from France in the Seven Years’ War. And colonists
were taxed less than British subjects living in
England . So where these taxes really unfair? Or
was there something else going on in colonists’
protests against taxation (aside from the fact that
no one likes taxes)? Some of you have addressed
this issue, but I think a few of you could review the

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protests against Britain, what the real issues with
taxes war, and why events escalated to warfare),
Week 7 (which will help you address the important
changes in the U.S. after the Revolution) and
Week 8 (about what the Constitutional Convention
tells us about the intents of many of the Founding
Fathers, and the meaning of the Revolution) . As
you think about what to write in your 2 replies to
group members posts, I would encourage you to
think about anything you didn’t initially cover in
your first post, and address that material in your 2
replies, backed up with specific examples from the
lessons and/or textbook.

And to clarify the tax issue a bit: remember, the
Sugar Act, Stamp Act, Townsend Act (etc) weren’t
particularly heavy taxes (the Sugar Act was
actually a tax reduction), and all the taxes raised
from the Stamp Act was used within the colonies,
mostly to maintain the army of 10,000 soldiers
who were supposed to protect territory gained
from France in the Seven Years’War. And colonists
were taxed less than British subjects living in
England. So where these taxes really unfair? Or
was there something else going on in colonists’
protests against taxation (aside from the fact that
no one likes taxes)? Some of you have addressed
this issue, but I think a few of you could review the
Road to Revolution lesson a bit to delve deeper
into the issue about representation, and how the
Revolution was the end of a long road of
divergence between colonists and England in what
political representation should look like.

Q) 眉 臼
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History 17A-Group 2


and then copy and paste the text into your

post. If something happens you will have an

。ffline copy of all of your hard work!

• Before Monday, November 2 at 9 am, respond to

2 group members’posts, expanding the

conversation about the meaning and

consequences of the American Revolution.

o Your responses should expand the discussion

by replying in 200 words or more.

o Responses may include: expanding on a

students’argument or analysis by providing

evidence to support that view, disagreeing

respectfully by presenting counter evidence,

proposing a new idea, etc.

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I ► Tips


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I believe root of the American Revolution stem
from the growing conflict between colonists in
North America and Britain following the Seven
Years War. Like many wars in history, the cause of
it can be traced back to its origin with restlessness
among colonists and the unease they felt with
British taxes. When there were a series of taxes
passed by Parliament and colonists did not have a
say in it, then there’s a built up resentment and
feeling of unfairness. Following the Seven Years
War, the Stamp Act was the first time Parliament
levied a direct tax on the colonists rather than
raising revenue by regulating trade. Colonists saw
the Sugar Tax as an increase in tax when at a time
they were trying to avoid taxes altogether. The
10,000 soldiers were also part of the cost needed
to maintain defense for the colonies in North
America. One of the rights of Englishmen was that
taxes should be imposed only by the Parliament
and Virginia legislator Patrick Henry argued that
only colonial legislatures could tax the colonies,
not Parliament. The combination of frustration
against the Stamp Act and Townshend Act along
with taxation without representation (from the

perspective of colonists and their Americanness)
is what I believe to have prompted the movement
towards independence from the British Empire.

Britain disagreed with the colonists’claim on
representation because the majority of
Englishmen could not vote at that time. Colonists
embraced their Americannesss in this aspect and
wanted less control from the British government
regarding increase in taxes. Perhaps the most
important thing accomplished following the

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perspective of colonists and their Americanness)
is what I believe to have prompted the movement
towards independence from the British Empire.

Britain disagreed with the colonists’claim on
representation because the majority of
Englishmen could not vote at that time. Colonists
embraced their Americannesss in this aspect and
wanted less control from the British government
regarding increase in taxes. Perhaps the most
important thing accomplished following the
American Revolution was the establishment of a
republic and one of the first republics in the world
at that time. The idea of equality and liberty and
civil rights were the foundations of the new nation.
Even though there was a radical expansion of
suffrage, it was still far from achieving its goal of
equality. Even though many colonies discriminated
against Catholics, Jews, and other Protestant
denominations, the freedom of religion provided a
new and radical idea and a basis towards a freer
nation. The revolution opened up many new ideas
on how to define what is equality, freedom, or
liberty in the new nation. The transition from
colonists still feeling as subjects of the British
Empire before the declaration of independence to
all these new ideas on what it really means to be
American in a country still trying to define its
national identity through defining is what I think
the American Revolution is really about. It opened
up a pathway to many new but vague ideas like
liberty, equality, and freedom to be interpreted by
the American people.

Reply 1 • • •



To Do






In the United States, the American Revolution is
revered as a triumphant rebellion led in the name
of freedom and independence, against the
tyrannical rule of the British monarchy. However,
the American perspective of Britain as an
oppressive ruling country along with the goal of
establishing independence, did not come until
after the start of the American Revolution (Road to
Revolution Lesson). Initially, the focus of the
Revolution was economic, as elite members of the
colonies began to become increasingly concerned
with the stronger assertion of power and novel
taxes that Britain had imposed following the
French and Indian War.

By 1763, Britain had been warring on-and-off with
France for a quarter of a century, which resulted in
the accruement of a massive war debt, never
before reached at that time (Road to Revolution
Lesson). Prior to the French and Indian War,
Britain had had a very hands-off approach in
governing the colonies, which allowed some
colonists, mostly elite members of society, the
opportunity to establish and engage in local
governments and law-making decisions (Road to
Revolution Lesson). However, after the war ended,
the British government realized that it was on the
brink of a financial crisis, and began to take a
heavier hand in controlling the economy and
goings-on of the North American colonies. In
order to help pay down their enormous war debt,
the British Parliament implemented a series of
novel taxes on the colonists, such as the Stamp
tax, Sugar tax, and Tea Tax, which were
particularly ill-received due to the increase in

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novel taxes on the colonists, such as the Stamp
tax, Sugar tax, and Tea Tax, which were
particularly ill-received due to the increase in
consumer spending, which allowed for more
families to afford imports and items that were
once only afforded by the wealthy (AV, The
American Revolution, Ill). Many colonists were also
vexed at the arrival of 10,000 British soldiers,
whom were sent to honor and enforce the
Proclamation Line of 1763, which established the
area between the Mississippi River and the
Appalachian mountains as belonging to the
American Indians (Road to Revolution Lesson).
Collectively, many colonists viewed these acts as
a direct infringement of their civil liberties, and
tensions between colonists and the British
government began to grow. The British Parliament
viewed the newly-imposed taxes as just, and
considered them the colonies’due diligence to the
British Empire, for helping to repay the£140
million debt accrued during the French and Indian
War (AV, The American Revolution, Vl) .This led the
colonists to enact a full-on boycott of British
goods, in an attempt to dissuade Parliament’s
heavy hand and force them to roll back the newly
imposed taxes (Road to Revolution Lesson) .

As with most wars, money was the root cause of
why and how the American Revolution came to be.
It wasn’t until after the colonists eventually
realized, that the King and the British government
were unwilling to relent on any of these issues,
that the new goal of independence began to gain
popularity among the leaders of the American
Revolution and other colonists.

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