Discussion questions

I have 5 discussion questions that I would need to have completed by Sunday morning 11/01/2020. If you can not meet that guideline do not inquire about my question. Each question is to have at least 200 words.

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Topic 6

In a previous course you created a classroom management plan. Based on the demographics of your student teaching placement and what you have learned throughout your program, revise this plan and post it in your professional portfolio. For this discussion question, summarize your plan and describe the changes you made to make the plan more appropriate for your current students.

Topic 7

Effective teachers know their students, know their content areas, and know how to engage students in learning. What has worked for you to influence student engagement in your classroom? As you gain a better understanding of your students’ needs, provide an example of how you have modified your approach to classroom management, based on how the students respond.

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Topic 8

Share an activity you used in the classroom that went well. Provide detailed instructions so others can use the activity in their classrooms. What obstacles did you experience or might someone experience while implementing the activity, and how might you overcome those obstacles if facilitating this activity again?

Topic 9

Why is keeping student information confidential vital as a special education teacher? Provide specific examples of how you will ensure student confidentiality in your day-to-day practices.

Topic 10

Review the summative student teaching evaluation (Clinical Practice Evaluation 4) located on the Student Success Center. Using the evaluation, assess your current performance on each component of the evaluation (Professional Dispositions, Interstate Teacher Assessment and Support Consortium (InTASC) Standards, and Specialized Professional Association (SPA) Standards). Reflect on yours areas of strength – what evidence is there to demonstrate your competence in these areas? Share how you plan to strengthen the areas of opportunity.

Topic 6

In a previous course you created a classroom management plan. Based on the demographics
of your student teaching placement and what you have learned throughout your program, revise
this plan and post it in your professional portfolio. For this discussion q
uestion, summarize your
plan and describe the changes you made to make the plan more appropriate for your current

Topic 7

Effective teachers know their students, know their content areas, and know how to engage
students in learning. What has

worked for you to influence student engagement in your
classroom? As you gain a better understanding of your students’ needs, provide an example of
how you have modified your approach to classroom management, based on how the students

ic 8

Share an activity you used in the classroom that went well. Provide detailed instructions so
others can use the activity in their classrooms. What obstacles did you experience or might
someone experience while implementing the activity, and how mi
ght you overcome those
obstacles if facilitating this activity again?

Topic 9

Why is keeping student information confidential vital as a special education teacher? Provide specific examples of
how you will ensure student confidentiality in your day


day practices.

Topic 6
In a previous course you created a classroom management plan. Based on the demographics
of your student teaching placement and what you have learned throughout your program, revise
this plan and post it in your professional portfolio. For this discussion question, summarize your
plan and describe the changes you made to make the plan more appropriate for your current

Topic 7
Effective teachers know their students, know their content areas, and know how to engage
students in learning. What has worked for you to influence student engagement in your
classroom? As you gain a better understanding of your students’ needs, provide an example of
how you have modified your approach to classroom management, based on how the students

Topic 8
Share an activity you used in the classroom that went well. Provide detailed instructions so
others can use the activity in their classrooms. What obstacles did you experience or might
someone experience while implementing the activity, and how might you overcome those
obstacles if facilitating this activity again?

Topic 9

Why is keeping student information confidential vital as a special education teacher? Provide specific examples of
how you will ensure student confidentiality in your day-to-day practices.

Creating a Classroom Management Plan Template

Classroom Teacher: Ms.Sherman

Classroom Management Plan Statement of Purpose:
safe, positive learning environment, which promotes education, safety, cooperation, creativity, and academic success. All students will be active participants in the educational process in order to achieve their full potential.

Rules (List 3-5):

Rule Positive Reinforcements:

Rule Consequences:

1. Raise your hand if you have a question.

Students get to put a star by their name whenever they raise their hand.

· Warning
· Notes home
· Phone calls

2. Use an inside voice in the

Students receive a good note home when they are quiet and use their inside voice when they are allowed to talk.

· Warning
· Notes home
· Phone calls

3. Ask permission before using others’ materials

The class is rewarded with a treat when all students ask for permission.

· Warning
· Notes home
· Phone calls

4. Follow teacher directions the first time they are given

The student is rewarded with a candy from the candy jar if they follow directions the first time given.

· Warning
· Notes home
· Phone calls

5. Pay attention and stay on

The class is rewarded with free time when all students pass get complimented for staying on task.

· Warning
· Notes home
· Phone calls

Classroom Procedures and Routines:

If students are disruptive we will start with a simple warning to the student and a note will be made on their file. If the student’s behavior continues the student will receive a note home informing their parents of what is going on. If the behavior continues the student will be referred to the assistant principal. 

Classroom Environmental Considerations:
The classroom has a very small space to contend with. The desks are in rows. The rows allow me to see the students while I’m teaching and allow enough space to keep them from being tempt to talk. The students will be divided up into groups for some assignments and when they are to complete individual work they will get placed back in rows. My desk sits close to the back of the room which allows me to keep an eye on everything happening within the walls of my classroom.

Implementation Plan:
This plan will be developed and introduced to my para pro and to my students so that everyone is aware of the protocols. I would take about this draft and ask for input and make changes; but only make changes if the suggestions do not jeopardize effective implementation. The action plan will become a living document for us to go by. All staff must know what is in the plan and understand their role in implementing the plan. Also, they must believe the goals may be achieved if everyone works in collaboration.
1. Frequent visual and auditory monitoring to praise and redirect
2. Immediate, calm and fair handling of misbehavior.

Documentation Plan:

I take notes in a system called Infinite Campus where I can document what happened during the day, notes, phone calls, etc. The system would show the patterns and allow other to know when the plan had to be used.

Confidentiality and Ethical/Legal Considerations Plan:

No information can be shared without first going through the special education department. Confidential documents will be kept locked in the vault until needed and a student’s rights packet will be given to parents once a year at their child’s IEP meeting.

Crisis Management Plan:

There are 2 types of crisis one involving behavior and the other involving medical.
In regards to the
Behavioral Crisis Plan, students will be removed from the classroom so that the teacher or para pro can have a better control of the situation. Students will be assigned to do small group work while I address the crisis if they do not have to leave the classroom due to student leaving. The student going through the crisis will be able to express themselves to the teacher privately to give the teacher a better understanding of why the crisis is occurring. If situation cannot be resolved in a timely manner, send a student to the office requesting assistance. The parents will be contacted and informed of what happened and the situation will be documented in Infinite Campus.
If it is for the Medical Crisis Plan, the student will be sent to the office with the para pro requesting assistance. The other students would be asked to make a space or opening so that the student could have some space and so that the student could be monitored. The parents will be contacted and informed of what happened and the situation will be documented in Infinite Campus.

Substitute Teacher Plans

There is a substitute teacher folder that has the daily work for the substitute to complete with the students for each subject matter. The directions will also be in the folder, and labeled.

Classroom Management Plan Rationale:

According to CEC Ethical Principles and Professional Practice Standards (2015),
“Professional special educators are guided by the Council for Exceptional Children professional
ethical principles, practice standards, and professional policies in ways that respect the diverse
characteristics and needs of individuals with exceptionalities and their families”. It is our goal
and responsibility as special education teachers to guarantee the safety, opportunity, and best
education possible to give to our students. The plan that is stated above will protect the students,
staff, bystanders, and school system when the unexpected happens. The Ministry of Education,
Guyana (2015), “Classroom management creates a set of expectations used in an organized
classroom environment. It includes routines, rules and consequences. Effective classroom
management paves the way for the teacher to engage the students in learning.” A well-managed
classrooms offers the students to the opportunity to learn in a safe and calm environment that
will keep them focused on learning and not on distractions. Often the children are distracted and
often get off task and it is vital to have a way to keep them focused and even more able to focus
them in an event of a crisis. This classroom management plan will do just that and allow us to
address the crisis without stopping the other students from continuing to learn and providing
safety for all involved. “Many teachers are fearful, unprepared, and ill-equipped to deal with
dangerous student behavior. One of the major impacts of the lack of active crisis planning and
management has been unsafe classroom environments” (Rock, 2000, pg.248). Knowing the
environment of the classroom is so important is the reason why having this plan in place to keep
a safe, calm, and organized plan in the event of a crisis is so necessary.


Council for Exceptional Children. (2015). What Every Special Educator Must Know:
Professional Ethics and Standards. Arlington, VA: CEC Received from
Ministry of Education, Guyana. (2015). Why Classroom Management Is Important. Retrieved from
Rock, M. (2000). Effective Crisis Management Planning: Creating A Collaborative Framework. Education and Treatment of Children, 23(3), 248-264. Retrieved from

© 2019. Grand Canyon University. All Rights Reserved.

Creating a Classroom Management Plan Template

Classroom Teacher: Ms.Sherman

Classroom Management Plan Statement of Purpose:
safe, positive learning environment, which promotes education, safety, cooperation, creativity, and academic success. All students will be active participants in the educational process in order to achieve their full potential.

Rules (List 3-5):

Rule Positive Reinforcements:

Rule Consequences:

1. Raise your hand if you have a question.

Students get to put a star by their name whenever they raise their hand.

· Warning
· Notes home
· Phone calls

2. Use an inside voice in the

Students receive a good note home when they are quiet and use their inside voice when they are allowed to talk.

· Warning
· Notes home
· Phone calls

3. Ask permission before using others’ materials

The class is rewarded with a treat when all students ask for permission.

· Warning
· Notes home
· Phone calls

4. Follow teacher directions the first time they are given

The student is rewarded with a candy from the candy jar if they follow directions the first time given.

· Warning
· Notes home
· Phone calls

5. Pay attention and stay on

The class is rewarded with free time when all students pass get complimented for staying on task.

· Warning
· Notes home
· Phone calls

Classroom Procedures and Routines:

If students are disruptive we will start with a simple warning to the student and a note will be made on their file. If the student’s behavior continues the student will receive a note home informing their parents of what is going on. If the behavior continues the student will be referred to the assistant principal. 

Classroom Environmental Considerations:
The classroom has a very small space to contend with. The desks are in rows. The rows allow me to see the students while I’m teaching and allow enough space to keep them from being tempt to talk. The students will be divided up into groups for some assignments and when they are to complete individual work they will get placed back in rows. My desk sits close to the back of the room which allows me to keep an eye on everything happening within the walls of my classroom.

Implementation Plan:
This plan will be developed and introduced to my para pro and to my students so that everyone is aware of the protocols. I would take about this draft and ask for input and make changes; but only make changes if the suggestions do not jeopardize effective implementation. The action plan will become a living document for us to go by. All staff must know what is in the plan and understand their role in implementing the plan. Also, they must believe the goals may be achieved if everyone works in collaboration.
1. Frequent visual and auditory monitoring to praise and redirect
2. Immediate, calm and fair handling of misbehavior.

Documentation Plan:

I take notes in a system called Infinite Campus where I can document what happened during the day, notes, phone calls, etc. The system would show the patterns and allow other to know when the plan had to be used.

Confidentiality and Ethical/Legal Considerations Plan:

No information can be shared without first going through the special education department. Confidential documents will be kept locked in the vault until needed and a student’s rights packet will be given to parents once a year at their child’s IEP meeting.

Crisis Management Plan:

There are 2 types of crisis one involving behavior and the other involving medical.
In regards to the
Behavioral Crisis Plan, students will be removed from the classroom so that the teacher or para pro can have a better control of the situation. Students will be assigned to do small group work while I address the crisis if they do not have to leave the classroom due to student leaving. The student going through the crisis will be able to express themselves to the teacher privately to give the teacher a better understanding of why the crisis is occurring. If situation cannot be resolved in a timely manner, send a student to the office requesting assistance. The parents will be contacted and informed of what happened and the situation will be documented in Infinite Campus.
If it is for the Medical Crisis Plan, the student will be sent to the office with the para pro requesting assistance. The other students would be asked to make a space or opening so that the student could have some space and so that the student could be monitored. The parents will be contacted and informed of what happened and the situation will be documented in Infinite Campus.

Substitute Teacher Plans

There is a substitute teacher folder that has the daily work for the substitute to complete with the students for each subject matter. The directions will also be in the folder, and labeled.

Classroom Management Plan Rationale:

According to CEC Ethical Principles and Professional Practice Standards (2015),
“Professional special educators are guided by the Council for Exceptional Children professional
ethical principles, practice standards, and professional policies in ways that respect the diverse
characteristics and needs of individuals with exceptionalities and their families”. It is our goal
and responsibility as special education teachers to guarantee the safety, opportunity, and best
education possible to give to our students. The plan that is stated above will protect the students,
staff, bystanders, and school system when the unexpected happens. The Ministry of Education,
Guyana (2015), “Classroom management creates a set of expectations used in an organized
classroom environment. It includes routines, rules and consequences. Effective classroom
management paves the way for the teacher to engage the students in learning.” A well-managed
classrooms offers the students to the opportunity to learn in a safe and calm environment that
will keep them focused on learning and not on distractions. Often the children are distracted and
often get off task and it is vital to have a way to keep them focused and even more able to focus
them in an event of a crisis. This classroom management plan will do just that and allow us to
address the crisis without stopping the other students from continuing to learn and providing
safety for all involved. “Many teachers are fearful, unprepared, and ill-equipped to deal with
dangerous student behavior. One of the major impacts of the lack of active crisis planning and
management has been unsafe classroom environments” (Rock, 2000, pg.248). Knowing the
environment of the classroom is so important is the reason why having this plan in place to keep
a safe, calm, and organized plan in the event of a crisis is so necessary.


Council for Exceptional Children. (2015). What Every Special Educator Must Know:
Professional Ethics and Standards. Arlington, VA: CEC Received from
Ministry of Education, Guyana. (2015). Why Classroom Management Is Important. Retrieved from
Rock, M. (2000). Effective Crisis Management Planning: Creating A Collaborative Framework. Education and Treatment of Children, 23(3), 248-264. Retrieved from

© 2019. Grand Canyon University. All Rights Reserved.

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