Article Summary

Search for a current article that relates to one of the following: defines stress, fight-or-flight, or general adaptation syndrome. In 500 words or more include the following three components: summary of the article, how the article information relates to you, and how the article aligns with textbook information from Chapter 1, Chapter 2, or Chapter 3. When using outside sources such as the article and textbook, references and citations are required.

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KINS 3660—Stress Management

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–Article Summary

Related Module 1 Objectives:

Define stress.

Describe the fight-or-flight response and general adaptation syndrome.

Points 50

Due date: October 30, 2020

Search for a current article that relates to one of the following: defines stress, fight-or-flight, or general adaptation syndrome. In 500 words or more include the following three components: summary of the article, how the article information relates to you, and how the article aligns with textbook information from Chapter 1, Chapter 2, or Chapter 3. When using outside sources such as the article and textbook, references and citations are required.

Your paper should be in MicroSoft Word, double spaced throughout with 1″ margins on all sides. Use Arial Font, 11, black font. Avoid simple statements, overuse of words, first-person, second-person, texting language, and contractions. Work in a 3000-level course must have a professional appearance. You should communicate ideas in an accurate, concise, and grammatically correct manner (be sure you proofread your work). Your work should include references and in-text citations in APA format. Submit the assignment in the assignment fold located in Moodle under Module 1. An email attachment of the assignment will receive a 50% deduction before it is assessed. Any late work will receive a deduction of 10-points each day (including weekends) an assignment is late. Use the rubric as a checklist before submitting assignment. Remove all information/instructions above before submitting work. Remove all instructions before submitting work.


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