group project

General Guidance for Completing the Assignment

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General guidance for completing this assignment is contained in a document that can be access with this link UDL Group Assignment Instructions v2 x. Remember that this is general guidance. On Wednesday, October 21, detailed guidance for completing this assignment will be added to the bottom of this page.

To learn about UDL, to include the UDL matrix that is central to this assignment, refer to the lesson titled, “Supporting Student Success,” and that is contained in the Week 1 module. When you access that lesson scroll down to the subheading, “Universal Design for Learning.”

Group Assignment With Individual Tasks

This is a group assignment that includes a group component and an individual component. 

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As a group, you will  develop an explanation of the Universal Design for Learning (UDL) framework that represents information from the professional literature and websites, but that is presented in your own words. Your group explanation should be clear enough for someone unfamiliar with UDL to understand.

Individually, each group member will select a UDL Principle and Guideline, and then identify one or more peer reviewed articles from the professional literature that describes a strategy that is aligned to that UDL Principle/Guideline. Each individual will discuss this strategy within a section of the paper the group submits to fulfill the requirements of this assignment.

A group leader will submit only one  UDL assignment document for the group that includes all members’ contributions.

EEX 6051 – UDL Group Assignment

This assignment is designed to help you become familiar with the Universal Design for Learning (UDL) framework and how it can be used to reduce learning barriers for all students, including those with disabilities. You will explore the UDL Principles, Guidelines, and Checkpoints (UDL strategies). This assignment includes a group component and an individual component (described below).

Assignment Steps

1. Working collaboratively, the group will develop a description of UDL that includes an explanation of how UDL is used to benefit all students, including diverse learners. This is the group component of the assignment.

2. Each group member will select a UDL Principle and related UDL Guideline from the CAST UDL Guidelines matrix. All three UDL Principles must be addressed by the group and each of the UDL Guidelines that the group addresses must not be addressed by more than one group member. That is to say, if there are four members in a group, the group must address four of the nine UDL guidelines and each member of the group must address a unique guideline. Likewise, if there are three members in a group, the group must address three of the nine UDL guidelines and each member of the group must address a unique guideline. Regardless which of the nine guidelines group members decide to address, be certain that, overall, the guidelines selected address all three of the principles (i.e., Engagement, Representation, Action and Expression) that are listed at the top of the matrix.

To learn about the CAST UDL Guidelines matrix that is central to this assignment, refer to the lesson titled, “Supporting Student Success,” that is contained in the Week 1 module. When you access that lesson scroll down to the subheading, “Universal Design for Learning.”.

3. Next, group members will review the Checkpoints included under the Guideline he/she selected to identify a specific strategy aligned to the Guideline. Each group member will review the professional literature using the UWF library databases to identify one or more peer-reviewed articles from the UWF library databases that addresses the UDL strategy he/she selected. The article(s) will be properly cited within the paper and listed in the references section. This is the individual component of the assignment (each member selects their own article(s) and completes #4 below individually).

4. Each group member will write their own summary for their selected article in paragraph format to include the following three components. Use each of the bulleted items as a heading.

· Description of the strategy

· Explanation of how the strategy reduces learning barriers

· Explanation of the alignment of the strategy to the selected UDL Guideline

Formatting Guidelines:

i. APA 7thth ed. (in-text citations, complete reference of article used, double space)

ii. Direct quotes are not allowed. Please use your own words based on what was described in the article.

5. One person in each group is to be identified as the group leader for the purpose of submitting all work in one document (see Assignment Outline below). The strategy paragraphs should include each student’s name identifying their work.

Outline for Assignment

Group Member Names: (A list of all participating group members will be placed on the title page.)

Description/Explanation of UDL: (written in paragraph format and developed and edited by all group members)

Strategy #1 (Completed individually; Insert group member’s name here)

· Identify the UDL Principle

· Identify the UDL Guideline

· Identify the UDL Strategy

· Provide summary paragraph(s) to address:

· Description of the strategy
· Explanation of how the strategy reduces learning barriers
· Explanation of the alignment of the strategy to the selected UDL Guideline

· Provide a reference for selected article(s) using APA 7th edition formatting

Important Note: Students are to write in complete sentences throughout the paper. The bulleted formatting above has been used to provide you with an outline of the key points that must be addressed in this section of your paper.

Strategy #2 (Completed individually; Insert group member’s name here)

· Same instructions as above

Strategy #3 (Completed individually; Insert group member’s name here)

· Same instructions as above

Strategy #4 (Completed individually; Insert group member’s name here)

· Same instructions as above

References (Using APA 7th edition formatting, list all of the references used to complete this assignment on the references page)

EEX 6051 Matters Specific to the UDL Assignment

Dr. Morse

1. Refer to the scoring rubric and note that each student begins with all points

2. Write in complete sentences throughout

3. One group member’s writing style must predominate

4. Address 3 or 4 of the 9 UDL guidelines by having each member of the group address one guideline (i.e., do not cover one of the guidelines twice). However, all 3 UDL principles must be addressed.

5. In the manuscript that you submit you are to have a references page as well as relevant reference citations within the content pages of the manuscript

6. Access help from the CEPS Librarian, Dr. Levesque (

; 850-474-2957), classmates outside of the group, others (e.g., UWF faculty)

7. Possible supporting strategies for the various guidelines/checkpoints: Graphic organizers, Thinking maps, Portfolio assessment, Word prediction software, Augmentative/Alternative communication, Reinforcer selection

8. Miscellaneous

a. Accommodations and Modifications

b. “Standardization with individualization”


Universal Design for Learning

Da’Quan Aswan, Kimberly Johannsen, LaKisha Jones, and Bob Smith

Explanation of UDL

Universal design for learning (UDL) is a conceptual framework that addresses what the framework identifies . . . .

Strategy #1 by Student’s Name

One guideline in the UDL matrix . . . It addresses the UDL principle of representation. A strategy that can be used to address this guideline is . . .

Description of the Strategy

Dexter and Hughes (2011) defined a graphic organizer as . . . . Graphic organizers can reduce learning barriers

Explanation of How the Strategy Reduces Learning Barriers

Explanation of the Alignment of the Strategy to the Selected UDL Guideline

Strategy #2 by Student’s Name

Description of the Strategy

Explanation of How the Strategy Reduces Learning Barriers

Explanation of the Alignment of the Strategy to the Selected UDL Guideline

Strategy #3 by Student’s Name

Description of the Strategy

Explanation of How the Strategy Reduces Learning Barriers

Explanation of the Alignment of the Strategy to the Selected UDL Guideline

Strategy #4 by Student’s Name

Description of the Strategy

Explanation of How the Strategy Reduces Learning Barriers

Explanation of the Alignment of the Strategy to the Selected UDL Guideline


Dexter, D. D., & Hughes, C. A. (2011). Graphic organizers and students with learning disabilities: A meta-analysis. Learning Disability Quarterly, 34(1), 51-72.

EEX 6051 – Group Assignment Participation

Your group discussion work will be graded based on the quality of the assignment submission. However, your individual participation is required to receive full credit. Your grade will be based on the criteria below to determine your personal grade. The starting point will be the grade on the group submitted document.

The following rubric will be used to determine the percentage of the group grade you will receive based on the nature of your participation:

Grading Rubric

Percentage of the Group Grade

Your Participation as a Group Member


On topic & directly addresses assignment
· Contributes ideas to support development of group submission that is reflective of specific course content
· Provides focused and insightful feedback on other group members’ contributions as well as edits to finalize submission
· Ongoing participation throughout assignment time frame fostering discussion of topic and development of final product


On topic & directly addresses assignment
· Contributes ideas to support development of group submission that is reflective of specific course content
· Some feedback to others and editing provided
· Ongoing participation throughout assignment time frame but contributions are somewhat limited


Reflects course content, but does little to stimulate further development of assignment
· Provides few details
· Minimal participation with feedback to other group members and/or editing final product


Minimal contributions
· Doesn’t demonstrate knowledge of course content
· Off topic or too short
· Poor participation throughout assignment


No participation


Promote expectations and beliefs that optimize motivation

One important aspect of self-regulation is the personal knowledge each learner has about what he or she finds motivating, be it intrinsic or extrinsic. To accomplish this, learners need to be able to set personal goals that can be realistically reached, as well as fostering positive beliefs that their goals can be met. However, learners also need to be able to deal with frustration and avoid anxiety when they are in the process of meeting their goals. Multiple options need to be given to learners to help them stay motivated.

· Provide prompts, reminders, guides, rubrics, checklists that focus on:

· Self-regulatory goals like reducing the frequency of aggressive outbursts in response to frustration

· Increasing the length of on-task orientation in the face of distractions

· Elevating the frequency of self-reflection and self-reinforcements

· Provide coaches, mentors, or agents that model the process of setting personally appropriate goals that take into account both strengths and weaknesses

· Support activities that encourage self-reflection and identification of personal goals

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