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Imagine that you are the Director of Rooms Division for the Xavier Hotel. You have been asked to lead a loss prevention task force, which is responsible for developing procedures that will limit the potential for lost time accidents. The taskforce will focus on three types of accidents: lower back injury, slip and fall, and getting struck by objects. As a first step, the taskforce will analyze the dangers inherent in housekeeping tasks.

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Complete the following Discussion in 2 Parts.

Part I

Develop a job safety analysis for housekeeping attendants. As you watch this week’s video, “Working as a Housekeeping Attendant,” look for examples of tasks that could be dangerous for a housekeeping attendant. Then fill in the table below

1.       Identify at least three duties—or basic job steps—that might expose housekeeping attendants to hazards that could lead to accidents.

2.       For each basic job step, identify the hazard(s) and describe how injuries might occur; remember to focus on lower back injury, slip and fall, and getting struck by objects.

3.       For each basic job step, propose strategies for preventing associated injuries by controlling the inherent hazards or by asking housekeeping attendants to use safe work methods.


Job Safety Analysis for Housekeeping Attendants













Basic Job Step

Hazards or Potential Hazards

Hazard Controls and Safe Work Methods

Answer the Discussion Questions below after the reading

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