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Econ 1005 – F20

Reflection Assignment #1: Covid-19 and Economics

Topic: Economic Impact of Covid-19 in 2020 (Macroeconomics)

In this Reflection you are to ‘connect” some issue or situation created by Covid-19 and reflect
back to how the issue or situation is related to a MACROECONOMIC model or theory from this
course. You are to find a current affairs news article, or news video clip, related to the impact of
Covid-19 on the economy or economics. And it must also have some connection to Canada.

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TASK: Read the article (or review a current news video release) and address the following
questions/discussion points:

1. What, in the article, provides evidence of a connection to the economic theory or
model from this course? Be specific and make some connection to CANADA.

2. How does the model provide you with some clarity on understanding the article OR
how does the article provide you with clarity on understanding the model or theory.

3. How, in the limited amount of economics we have covered thus far, has your
perspective on how the economy works changed?

**Submission REQUIREMENTS:

• Include either a copy of your article (or news video link) in your Submission, or a
hyperlink embedded in your submission for your professor to access the article or video

• You can Submit (to the FOL Submission Folder) either a full one page Document (ie.
Word), or a Slide Presentation (ie. PowerPoint ).

• Your Reflection ‘Document’ should be between 250 and 300 words or one page double
spaced, 11 or 12 pt font. Or no more than 7 ‘Slides’.

• Note; if you are able to demonstrate the concepts discussed in your article using graphs,
it would greatly enhance your assignment.

Due Date: Submit to the Drop-Box on FOL by Monday October 26, 2020 before 11:00 pm

Assessment: 7.5% of the total grade. Reflection #1 Rubric

Maximum Points = 10

Item Exceeds Expected Min

Analysis reflects
accurately the
questions being asked.

3 2 1

Analysis is thorough
and ties in concepts
from the course.

4 3 1

Follows all instructions
and is well presented in
Document or Slides.

3 2 0

Total (Maximum 10)

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