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3 Discussion Questions, 2 Student Responses, 2 Short Papers …. was due today, would like to have them tomorrow/ASAP.  Original work only … please read the directions .. I need quick, but A+ work … need it by tomorrow October 26, 2020 ASAP

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Assignment #1: What is Modern Art?

(Student Name Here)

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Strayer University

HUM 101: Art History

Professor Mayhall

March 30, 2020

What is Modern Art?

If it is true, as some art experts say, that Renaissance art is to modern art what parents are to children (John726), this assignment is a necessary attempt to show that modern art’s basic ideas, such as perspective and the use of objects of focus, stem from Renaissance masters. The purpose of this assignment is to compare art works from each period in contrasting modes and, in the end, to show what makes one piece of art modern and another not.

Modern Art Selection and Characteristics. In the category of modern art, I chose a particular painting because I wanted to explore the work of surrealist painter Joan Miro. Carnival of Harlequin (page 305) is one of the first Surrealist pictures where he uses an unbounded sense of playfulness in his work and he explores many new modern ideas such as space, where the suggested confines of a grayish-beige room teems with life of the strangest variety. Another characteristic of modern art he explores is the animating of the inanimate, when he paints a tall ladder to which an ear has been attached and, at its very top, a tiny, disembodied eye. A final, important characteristic in the painting is to spread his creatures equally across the entire surface of the painting, so our eyes do not alight in one central place and we are drawn in to the “organized dysfunction” of the Carnival atmosphere (Arnison & Mansfield, 2013, pg. 305).

14.10 Joan Miró, Carnival of Harlequin, 1924–25. Oil on canvas, 26 X 365⁄8” (66 X 93 cm). Albright-Knox Art Gallery, Buffalo, New York.

Renaissance Art Selection and Characteristics

For the Renaissance period, I chose a piece by


he titled Lamentation. Although an artist of the trecento (14th century) Giotto di Bondone (1266-1337) may be called the first painter of the Renaissance. Giotto’s own master,


(Cenni di Peppi) (1240-1302), seems to have painted in a style derived from Byzantine examples. That is to say a linear style, essentially flat and two-dimensional. Giotto, though he sprang from these origins, was the first to create real figures, instead of conventions standing for them, and the first to set these figures solidly in a three-dimensional space. The emphasis which Giotto laid upon form, and in particular, the form of the human body, was to remain the particular interest and preoccupation of the Florentine school. Examples of this emphasis are: (1) A reverent revival of Classical Greek/Roman art forms and styles; (2) A faith in the nobility of Man (Humanism); (3) The mastery of illusionistic painting techniques, maximizing ‘depth’ in a picture, including: linear perspective, foreshortening and, later, quadratura; and (4) The naturalistic realism of its faces.

Lamentation (The Mourning of Christ), c. 1304-c. 1306 – Giotto di Bondone

Summary: Renaissance vs. Modern Art.

In summary, comparing Miro’s Carnival of Harlequin in the modern period to Giotto’s Lamentation in the Renaissance period, one can easily detect the differences each artist, in his time, reveals. The realism of Giotto and the surrealism of Miro, the stark definition and detail of the characters Giotto and the blurred lines of the objects used by Miro, and the clear separation of heaven and earth of Giotto and the blending together of backgrounds and objects in every dimension by Miro, are a few of these noticeable differences.


Arnason, H.H. and Elizabeth C. Mansfield. (2013). History of modern art (7/e). Pearson.

john726. (2012, March 3). Renaissance Themes and the Modern World of Art. Retrieved March

26, 2020, from

Renaissance Themes and the Modern World of Art

Renaissance Art in Italy (c.1400-1600) History, Characteristics, Causes, Techniques. (n.d.).

Retrieved March 26, 2020, from

What Is Modern Art Template (2 pages)

Use this template as a guide to writing your What is Modern Art? assignment. Be sure to include all the headings and answer all the questions underneath each heading.


Be sure to consult your Week 2 discussion post as you have already answered some of these questions as part of your post.

Renaissance Art Selection (1/4 page)

Note: Select your Renaissance masterpiece from the National Gallery’s

Tour: Renaissance Masterpieces


· What identifying information (e.g., title (in italics), artist, date of artwork) can you provide about the Renaissance masterpiece you selected from the National Gallery website?

· Copy and paste a copy of your chosen Renaissance masterpiece into your assignment. This is not included in the required page count.

· Why did you select this particular Renaissance masterpiece?

Renaissance Art Characteristics (1/2 page)

Note: For the characteristics of Renaissance art, please refer to this article and chart provided with the assignment instructions:


What Are the Characteristics of Renaissance Art?

· Renaissance and Modern Art Characteristics Chart.

· What are three characteristics of Renaissance art?

· How are these characteristics represented in your chosen Renaissance masterpiece?

Modern Art Selection (1/4 page)

· What identifying information (e.g., title (in italics), artist, date of artwork) can you provide about the modern artwork you selected from your textbook?

· Copy and paste a copy of your chosen piece of modern art into your assignment. This is not included in the required page count.

· Why did you select this piece of modern art?

Modern Art Characteristics (1/2 page)

Note: For the characteristics of modern art, refer to the Museum of Modern Art’s

What Is Modern Art?

and the Renaissance and Modern Art Characteristics Chart provided with the assignment.

· What are three characteristics of modern art?

· How are these three characteristics represented in your chosen piece of modern art?

Summary: Renaissance vs. Modern Art (1/2 page)

· In summary, why is the Renaissance masterpiece you chose Renaissance art rather than modern art?

· In summary, why is the modern artwork you chose modern art?


· Attach the source list page provided to you with the assignment instructions to your assignment submission.

· Remember to insert the correct page number according to your chosen artwork from the text.

HUM106: Experience of Modern Art

Week 3

What Is Modern Art?

1. What Is Modern Art?

Some art experts say that Renaissance art is to modern art what parents are to children. In other words, many of modern art’s basic ideas, such as perspective and the use of objects of focus, stem from the Renaissance masters. In this assignment, you will have the opportunity to compare a piece of art from the Renaissance to a piece of modern art. Your goal is to attempt to answer this question: What makes one piece of art modern and another not?
Note: You may find it helpful to view the 

What Is Modern Art Sample Paper [DOCX]

. You may not use the language that appears in the sample paper in your paper. That is considered plagiarism. Likewise, you will find it useful to refer to your Week 2 discussion post as you complete this assignment.  

Using the 

What Is Modern Art Template [DOCX]

,write a 2-page paper in which you: 

1. Select one of the Renaissance masterpieces and its artist from the National Gallery’s 

Tour: Renaissance Masterpieces

  and include a rationale for your selection (1/4 page).

1. Be sure to copy and paste an image of your selected Renaissance masterpiece into your paper. The image is not included in the required page count.

. Detail three major characteristics of Renaissance art according to the article, “

What Are the Characteristics of Renaissance Art?

” (1/2 page). 

2. Be sure to illustrate these characteristics by referencing the piece of Renaissance art you selected. 

2. You may find it helpful to refer to the 

Renaissance and Modern Art Characteristics Chart [DOCX]

 as you write your paper.  

. Select a piece of modern art that appeals to you from anywhere in the textbook and include the rationale for your selection (1/4 page). 

3. Be sure to copy and paste an image of your selected piece of modern art into your paper. The image is not included in the required page count. 

. Detail three major characteristics of modern art based on the Museum of Modern Art’s 

What Is Modern Art?

 web page (1/2 page).

4. Click on Tools & Tips: What Is Modern Art? in the upper right corner of the page and view the PowerPoint presentation. 

4. Be sure to illustrate the characteristics of modern art by referencing the piece of modern art you selected from the textbook.  

4. You may find it helpful to refer to the 
Renaissance and Modern Art Characteristics Chart [DOCX]
 as you write your paper. 

. Summarize why your selected Renaissance artwork is Renaissance art, not modern art (1/4 page). 

. Summarize why your selected modern artwork is modern art (1/4 page). 

. Integrate at least two quality resources using the 

Source List for What Is Modern Art? Assignment [DOCX]


7. In your assignment be sure to use in-text citations along with the provided source page.  

7. See the sample paper as a guide for in-text citations.

7. Attach the provided source list page and include the correct page number from your textbook for the piece of modern art you selected.  

. Format your assignment according to the following formatting requirements:

8. This course requires use of Strayer Writing Standards (SWS). For assistance and information, please refer to the Strayer Writing Standards link in the left-hand menu of your course. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.

8. Include a cover page containing the assignment title, your name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page is not included in the required page length.

8. Attach the provided source list page. Citations must follow SWS format. The source list page is not included in the required page length.

The specific course learning outcome associated with this assignment is:

•    Explain the origins, trends, and influences of modern art in painting, sculpture, photography, and architecture. 

· By submitting this paper, you agree: (1) that you are submitting your paper to be used and stored as part of the SafeAssign™ services in accordance with the 

Blackboard Privacy Policy

; (2) that your institution may use your paper in accordance with your institution’s policies; and (3) that your use of SafeAssign will be without recourse against Blackboard Inc. and its affiliates.

HUM106: Experience of Modern Art

Week3 Discussion Question

Part 1:


At the turn of the 20th century, Georges Rouault’s art underwent profound change as a result of a shift in his moral and religious outlook.

In Chapter 5 of your text:

· Read “

Religious Art for a Modern Age: Georges Rouault

,” pages 100–101. (see below)

· View Rouault’s Jesus Reviled, above, and in Figure


on page 101.

Please respond to the following in a post of 150 to 200 words:  

· Describe your reaction to Jesus Reviled in light of Rouault’s profound interaction with the culture of his time. In your response be sure to consider: 

. How do an artist’s religious or moral beliefs affect the art he or she produces?

. How do your religious or moral beliefs affect the way you see Rouault’s Jesus Reviled?

In a post of 60 to 75 words, please respond to at least one other post. Choose to respond to those who have few or no responses.

Here are three articles on religion and modern art

Does modern art hate religion?”:

Religion is alive and well in contemporary art:

A brief history of religion and art:

Bottom of Form

Page 100

Religious Art for a Modern Age: Georges Rouault

Georges Rouault (1871–1958) exhibited three works in the Fauve Salon of 1905 and thus is associated with the work of the group, although his paintings were not actually shown in the room with theirs. Throughout his long and productive career, Rouault remained deeply religious, deeply emotional, and profoundly moralistic. He came from a family of craftsmen, and he himself was first apprenticed to a stained-glass artisan, an experience that would have a lasting effect on his work. In the studio of Gustave Moreau he met Matisse and other future Fauves, and soon became Moreau’s favorite pupil, for he followed most closely Moreau’s own style and precepts.

By 1903 Rouault’s art, like that of Matisse and others around him, was undergoing profound changes, reflecting a radical shift in his moral and religious outlook. Like his friend the Catholic writer and propagandist Léon Bloy, Rouault sought subjects to express his sense of indignation and disgust over the evils that, as it seemed to him, permeated bourgeois society. The prostitute became his symbol of this rotting society. Rouault invited prostitutes to pose in his studio, painting them with attributes such as stockings or corsets to indicate their profession. Absent from Rouault’s treatment of this subject is either the detachment of Degas or the sympathetic complicity of Toulouse-Lautrec. His contortion of the figure and aggressive handling result in a decidedly bleak view of Paris’s demi-monde.

Rouault’s moral indignation further manifested itself, like Daumier’s, in vicious caricatures of judges and politicians. His counterpoint to the corrupt prostitute was the figure of the circus clown, sometimes the carefree nomad beating his drum, but more often a tragic, lacerated martyr. As early as 1904 he had begun to depict subjects taken directly from the Gospels—the Crucifixion, Jesus and his disciples, and other scenes from the life of Christ. He represented the figure of Christ as a tragic mask of the Man of Sorrows, deriving directly from a crucified Christ by Grünewald or a tormented Christ by Bosch. Rouault’s religious and moral sentiments are perhaps most movingly conveyed in a series of fifty-eight prints, titled Miserere, commissioned by his dealer Vollard (whose heirs the artist later had to sue to retrieve the contents of his studio) (fig. 5.17). For years, Rouault devoted himself to the production of the etchings and aquatints of Miserere (Latin for “Have Mercy”), which were printed between 1914 and 1927, but not published until 1948, when the artist was seventy-seven. Some of the images and accompanying text are forthrightly Christian, while others can be interpreted more broadly as commentaries on contemporary social conditions and World War I, recalling Goya’s earlier series Disasters of War (see fig. 1.7). Technically, the prints are masterpieces of graphic compression. The black tones, worked over and over again, have the depth and richness of his most vivid oil colors

The characteristics of Rouault’s later style are seen in The Old King (fig.


). The design has become geometrically


Georges Rouault, Jesus Reviled, from Miserere, 1914–27. Aquatint, etching, drypoint. Sewanee: The University of the South Special Collections, Permanent

Collection, and University Archives, Tennessee.


Georges Rouault, The Old King, 1916–36. Oil on canvas, 30¼ × 21¼” (76.8 × 54 cm). Carnegie Museum of Art, Pittsburgh.

abstract in feeling, and colors are intensified to achieve the glow of stained glass, a medium with which he was familiar from his early apprenticeship. A thick black outline is used to define the rather Egyptian-style profile of the king’s head and the square proportions of his torso. Paint is applied heavily with the underpainting glowing through, in the manner of Rembrandt. Rouault also captures some of Rembrandt’s mood in this serene image of a world-weary ruler, who clutches a flower in his hand, one of the few traces of white in the entire painting. Although Rouault never entirely gave up the spirit of moral indignation expressed in the virulent satire that marked his early works, the sense of calm and the hope of salvation in the later paintings mark him as one of the few authentic religious painters of the modern world.

ECO110: Taking Charge of Your Economic Future

Week 3 DQ

Most people have several jobs over their lifetimes. Give a brief description of two or more of the jobs you’ve already had ( working for a non-for profit is one job I had and working for The United States Army is the second job) Without revealing private information, explain if the job was part-time or full-time and address the following questions.

· What skills were required to perform your best? 

. To what extent were agility, problem solving, and technology skills necessary for success?

· What skills did you learn in each job? 

. How did learning these skills contribute to improving your ability to be effective in your work?

· Did these new skills increase your human capital? 

· If you haven’t yet had a job, describe the type of career you hope to have after finishing school. 

. How will agility, problem solving, and technology skills be a vital part of your success in this type of career?

Be sure to respond to at least one classmate’s post to receive full credit!

Part 2: Student Response

Vatleria Thomas 

RE: Income


I’ve only had one job that’s counted toward my future. In order for me to perform my best it required me to be mentally tough and physically fit. Problem solving was a daily skill of use due to the kind of issues that was always coming up. I’ve used different types of technology over the years dealing with the kind of assignments that was issued during that time. Having agility with this type of job is what helped me make it this far. It’s the one skill that keeps me balance with this everyday changing world. Communication and self awareness are two of the skills I learned most from this job. Communication helped me deal more with people by the way of conversations and the ability to express myself with others. Self awareness helped me to believe and kin in on myself; which allowed me to move up the ladder for promotions along the way. I’ll have to say, over the years, all of the skills have made me so versatile and well diverse. With saying that, my human capital has increase drastically over the years. I can see myself stepping out to anything new and thriving in life.

Bottom of Form




Understanding Your Values

Due Week 3 and worth 100 points.

“I said to myself, “Is life about winning football games, or it is it about my kids and the family?”

– Coach  



Throughout his career as a leader, Coach models the theory that discovering your purpose isn’t about trying to be a carbon copy of your favorite role model or idol, it’s about understanding what you truly value in life and why. Once you’ve taken the time to identify the values that are important to YOU and where they come from, you’ll understand more about how you interact with the world.

This assignment will help you identify how the different groups in your life have impacted your values and how understanding that impact can help you better understand yourself and your purpose.  


Step 1: Download the Understanding Your Values Worksheet and save it to your computer.

Step 2: Follow the directions on the worksheet to complete the assignment.

Step 3: Save your document as FirstInitial_LastName_JGR100_ A1.

Step 4: Submit your assignment using the Week 3 assignment link in Blackboard.


This course requires use of

Strayer Writing Standards (SWS).​

The format is different than other Strayer University courses. Please take a moment to review the SWS documentation for details. (Note: You’ll be prompted to enter your Blackboard login credentials to view these standards.)

Course Connections:

While completing this assignment, be sure to connect your responses to the course content you’ve learned so far. You should use specific phrases, ideas, and quotes from the Strayer Videos, Coach’s Huddle, Weekly Readings, and/or Discussion Questions to explain and support your thoughts.

Example: “When Coach said that one of his values was people, it made me realize that I also value people as well. For instance, I often choose projects at work based on managers I enjoy working with.”

Wait! Before you submit your assignment to Blackboard, did you…  

· Review the scoring guide? The scoring guide will give you a clear understanding of the assignment’s expectations.

· Check your assignment for grammatical errors?

· Review your answers for clarity?  

· Reach out to your instructor if you have any questions?  


1: Understanding Your Values

Due week 3 and worth 100 points.

“If you’re going to build a great career, you had better have a strong foundation. It all comes back to the priorities and the values that you have in life. – Coach Gibbs

Understanding Your Values Worksheet


In the article What Self-Awareness Really Is (And How to Cultivate It) author Tasha Eurich states that “Research suggests that when we see ourselves clearly, we are more confident and more creative. We make sounder decisions, build stronger relationships, and communicate more effectively.” This worksheet will help you do just that.

In the table below, each row represents a group (past or present) that has influenced your values. Examples of these groups are your


, church, sports teams, profession, groups sharing common interests, etc. Select five of these groups and list them in the first column of the table.

For each of the groups, identify the following:


Three (3) positive behaviors that were learned and/or en


d by the group. For example your teacher would always expect that you were on time or that you were assertive during class presentations.


. Three (3) values that you learned from the group. For example someone could have learned from a church group to be


ate or to speak up when one sees in




Choose your values from the list provided in the Your Values Matter table. Scroll to the end of this assignment to find this table.




Ex: Church

Volunteering, Working on a team, Being on time





(choose from the Your Values Matter table below)

(Type Group 1 here)

(Type Group 2 here)

(Type Group 3 here)

(Type Group 4 here)

(Type Group 5 here)


How important is each value in your life? Using the “Understanding Your Values” table, choose 10 of your values and put each value in priority order – #1 matters most, #10 matters least. Be HONEST! It doesn’t matter how someone else would rank these values; it only matters how important they are to you! Remember, this is about SELF-awareness. Your goal is to identify the things that matter most to YOU!

In the article

How to Live With Purpose, Identify Your Values and Improve Your Leadership,

author Ann Loehr explains how your values give you a sense of purpose. The exercise below will help you focus on those values. Please complete the following in the table below:

1. List the values according to what matters most to you.

2. Provide a brief definition of what that values means to you in your own words.


Write a short sentence about the meaning of each value in the “why does this matter to me” column. (Ex: If “


” is one of your higher values, you might understand it [and yourself!] better by identifying WHY friendship is such a high priority for you.)


(most important to least important)


(what does it mean to me?)


(why does this value matter to me?)

Ex: Friendship

A special bond/connection between myself and another person.

Friends are valuable to me because we provide each other with support during the positive and difficult times in our lives. Friends also provide companionship.










Now, review both tables. Write a reflection on how you think the groups in your life have helped you define your own values. Be sure to reference the material from class to support your response. What can you conclude?

Be sure to address the following:   

1. How has this activity provided insight into the effect your groups of influence have on your personal values?  Were you aware of the relationship between the two before doing this activity? Were you surprised by the amount of influence each group has? Explain why or why not.

0. Why is self-awareness so important in the journey to finding your purpose?

0. How did you determine your top three (3) values overall? Was it difficult to narrow it down? Explain your reasoning.


Directions: For Part 1, choose from the list of values below.










conflict resolution












job security


balance (home/work)


financial stability



being the best

continuous learning



personal growth





professional growth

ease with uncertainty






future generations

making a difference







community involvement

enthusiasm/ positive attitude








environmental awareness

humor/ fun

personal fulfillment

Scoring Guide Assignment 1:  Understanding Your Values   

Did not submit.



90-100% A


80-89% B


70-79% C

Meets Minimum Expectations

60-69% D


Below 60% F

1. Identify the positive behaviors that were learned and/or encouraged in each group.


Weight:  15%

Identifies 3 positive behaviors that were learned and/or encouraged in each group.

Identifies only 2 positive behaviors that were learned and/or encouraged in each group.  

Identifies only 1 positive behavior that was learned and/or encouraged in each group.

Does not identify the positive behaviors that were learned and/or encouraged in each group.

Did not submit.

2. Identify the values learned in each group  


Weight: 15%  

Identifies 3 values  learned in each group.

Identifies only 2 values learned in each group.

Identifies only 1 value learned in each group.   

Does not identify the values learned in each group.

3. Rank your values from most important to least important with your personal definition and explanation.

Weight:  25%

Proficiently ranks values from most important to least important. Proficiently describes personal definition and explanation of why those values are important.

Thoroughly ranks values from most important to least important. Thoroughly describes personal definition and explanation of why those values are important.

Satisfactorily ranks values from most important to least important. Satisfactorily describes personal definition and explanation of why those values are important.

Did not rank values or provide personal definition or explanation of why values are important.

Did not submit.

4. Reflect on how you think the groups have helped you define your values.


Weight:  40%

Proficiently reflects on how the groups have helped define your own values. Includes three or more references from two or more sources of course material.

Demonstrates excellent understanding of the relationship between the positive behaviors and their impact on your own values.

Thoroughly reflects on how the groups have helped define your own values.  Includes two references from one source of course material.

Demonstrates good understanding of the relationship between the positive behaviors and their impact on your own values.

Satisfactorily reflects on how the groups have helped define your own values. Includes one reference from one source of course material.

Logically, but not completely, demonstrates an understanding of the relationship between the positive behaviors and their impact on your own values.

Insufficiently reflects on how the groups have helped define your own values. Does not include any references from the course materials. Demonstrates minimal understanding of the relationship between the positive behaviors and the impact on your own values.

Does not reflect on how the groups have helped define your own values. Does not include any references from the course materials. Demonstrates no understanding of the relationship between the positive behaviors and the impact on your own values.

5. Write in a professional manner using proper grammar and spelling.


Weight: 5%

Writing is excellent.

Tone is professional and sophisticated.

Shows logic, clarity, and consistent formatting.  

Contains no spelling or grammatical errors.  

Writing is mostly good.  

Tone is professional.

Shows logic, clarity, and consistent formatting.  

May contain few or no spelling and/or grammatical errors.

Writing is satisfactory.  

Tone is somewhat professional.  

Shows moderate logic, clarity, and/or consistent formatting.  

May contain 2-4 spelling and/or grammatical errors.  

Writing meets minimal standards.  

Tone is not professional.

Lacks one or more of logic, clarity, and/or consistent formatting.

May contain more than 4 spelling and/or grammatical errors.

Writing does not meet minimal standards.  

Tone is not professional.  

Wholly lacking in logic, clarity, and/or consistent formatting. Contains many spelling and/or grammatical errors.  


JGR100: Finding Your Leadership Purpose

Wk 3 Discussion Question

Life Experience and Values

Top of Form

In the article “Managing Oneself,” author Peter F. Drucker states that “What one does well – even very well and successfully – may not fit with one’s value system”. How do your values play a role in the groups, organizations, or career opportunities you decide to be a part of? Is it important for your values to be aligned to that of that particular organization? Why or why not? How might this relate to your overall purpose? Use content from the article to support your response.

Note: To receive full credit, remember also to write 2 posts in the discussion: one original and a response to another student.

Part 2: Student Response

Brittany Lue 

RE: Life Experience and Values

Top of Form

My values play a huge role in groups, organizations, or career opportunities because your values help you to show what you can bring to the table. It is very important for you values to be aligned to the organization you are working for, I say this because you will have job fulfillment and be in an overall better mood. This relates to your overall purpose because you will feel like you are living your purpose so you will have a feeling of accomplishment.

Bottom of Form

Bottom of Form

What Is Modern Art?

Some art experts say that Renaissance art is to modern art what parents are to children. In other words, many of modern art’s basic ideas, such as perspective and the use of objects of focus, stem from the Renaissance masters. In this assignment, you will have the opportunity to compare a piece of art from the Renaissance to a piece of modern art. Your goal is to attempt to answer this question: What makes one piece of art modern and another not?
Note: You may find it helpful to view the 

What Is Modern Art Sample Paper [DOCX]

. You may not use the language that appears in the sample paper in your paper. That is considered plagiarism. Likewise, you will find it useful to refer to your Week 2 discussion post as you complete this assignment.  

Using the 

What Is Modern Art Template [DOCX]

,write a 2-page paper in which you: 

1. Select one of the Renaissance masterpieces and its artist from the National Gallery’s 

Tour: Renaissance Masterpieces

 and include a rationale for your selection (1/4 page).

. Be sure to copy and paste an image of your selected Renaissance masterpiece into your paper. The image is not included in the required page count.

· Detail three major characteristics of Renaissance art according to the article, “

What Are the Characteristics of Renaissance Art?

” (1/2 page). 

. Be sure to illustrate these characteristics by referencing the piece of Renaissance art you selected. 

. You may find it helpful to refer to the 

Renaissance and Modern Art Characteristics Chart [DOCX]

 as you write your paper. 


· Select a piece of modern art that appeals to you from anywhere in the textbook and include the rationale for your selection (1/4 page). 

. Be sure to copy and paste an image of your selected piece of modern art into your paper. The image is not included in the required page count. 

· Detail three major characteristics of modern art based on the Museum of Modern Art’s What Is Modern Art? web page (1/2 page).

. Click on Tools & Tips: What Is Modern Art? in the upper right corner of the page and view the PowerPoint presentation. 

. Be sure to illustrate the characteristics of modern art by referencing the piece of modern art you selected from the textbook.  

. You may find it helpful to refer to the Renaissance and Modern Art Characteristics Chart [DOCX] as you write your paper. 

· Summarize why your selected Renaissance artwork is Renaissance art, not modern art (1/4 page). 

· Summarize why your selected modern artwork is modern art (1/4 page). 

· Integrate at least two quality resources using the 

Source List for What Is Modern Art? Assignment [DOCX]


. In your assignment be sure to use in-text citations along with the provided source page.  

. See the sample paper as a guide for in-text citations.

. Attach the provided source list page and include the correct page number from your textbook for the piece of modern art you selected.  

· Format your assignment according to the following formatting requirements:

. This course requires use of Strayer Writing Standards (SWS). For assistance and information, please refer to the Strayer Writing Standards link in the left-hand menu of your course. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.

. Include a cover page containing the assignment title, your name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page is not included in the required page length.

. Attach the provided source list page. Citations must follow SWS format. The source list page is not included in the required page length.

The specific course learning outcome associated with this assignment is:

•    Explain the origins, trends, and influences of modern art in painting, sculpture, photography, and architecture. 

Communicating professionally and ethically is an essential skill set we teach at

Strayer. The following guidelines ensure:

·· Your writing is professional

·· You avoid plagiarizing others

·· You give credit to others in your work

 Review Strayer’s Academic Integrity Policy in the Student Handbook.

 Bookmark the SWS website for additional SWS resources.

 Visit the SWS YouTube page to view helpful SWS videos.

Fall 2020

Strayer Writing Standards 2

� Include page numbers.

� Use 1-inch margins.

� Use numerals (1, 2, 3, and so on) or spell out numbers (one, two, three, and so on).

� Double space body text in the assignment.

� Use consistent 12-point font.

� Use section headings to divide separate content areas. Center the section headings on the
page, be consistent, and include at least two section headings in the assignment.

� Include the assignment title, your name, course title, your professor’s name, and the date of
submission on a separate page (first page of submission).

� Use appropriate language and be concise.

� Write in active voice when possible. Find tips here.

� Use spelling/grammar check and proofread to keep work error free.

� Choose a point of view (first, second, or third person) as required by assignment guidelines.

� Provide credible sources to support your ideas/work when required. Find tips here.

� Cite sources throughout your work when you borrow someone else’s words or ideas.

� Don’t forget: Cite and add your textbook to the Source List if used as a source.

� Include a Sources List when the assignment requires research or if you cite the textbook.

� Type “Sources” centered horizontally on the first line of the Source List page.

� Record the sources that you used in your assignment in a numbered list (see Giving Credit to
Authors and Sources section).

Essay/Paper Guidelines


Title Page


Cite Credible


Build a
Sources List

Use these rules when working on an essay!

Strayer Writing Standards 3

� Use the provided template to format the assignment.

� Generally not required. If it is required, include the assignment title, your name, course
title, your professor’s name, and the date of submission on a separate page (first page of

� Use appropriate language and be concise.

� Write in active voice when possible. Find tips here.

� Use spelling/grammar check and proofread to keep work error free.

� Choose a point of view (first, second, or third person) as required by assignment guidelines.

� Specific assignment guidelines may override these standards. When in doubt, follow specific
assignment guidelines first.

� Provide credible sources to support your ideas/work when required. Find tips here.
� Cite sources throughout your work when you borrow someone else’s words or ideas.
� Don’t forget: Cite and add your textbook to the Source List if used as a source.

� Complete the provided Source List when the assignment requires research or if you cite the

� If no specific area exists in the template, consult the assignment and instructor guidelines for
appropriate source credit methods.

� Cite sources throughout your assignment when you borrow someone else’s words or ideas.

� When quoting or paraphrasing a source, include the source number in parentheses after the
body text where you quote or paraphrase.

Templated Assignment Guidelines

Title Page
Cite Credible

Build a
Source List

Use these rules when working on a written assignment that is not explicitly an essay!

Strayer Writing Standards 4

� Use a background color or image on slides.

� Use Calibri, Lucida Console, Helvetica, Futura, Myriad Pro, or Gill Sans font style.

� Use 28–32-point font size for the body of your slides (based on your chosen font style). Avoid
font sizes below 24-point.

� Use 36–44-point font size for the titles of your slides (based on chosen font style).

� Limit slide content (7 or fewer lines per slide and 7 or fewer words per line).

� Number slides when the assignment requires 3 or more slides. Place numbers wherever you
like (but be consistent).

� Include appropriate images that connect directly to the slide content or presentation content.

� Include the assignment title, your name, course title, your professor’s name, and the date of
submission on a separate slide (first of submission).

� Use appropriate language and be concise.
� Write in active voice when possible. Find tips here.
� Use spelling/grammar check and proofread to keep work error free.
� Provide credible sources to support your ideas/work when required. Find tips here.
� Cite sources throughout your work when you borrow someone else’s words or ideas.
� Don’t forget: Cite and add your textbook to the Source List if used as a source.

� Sources may be provided on a slide-by-slide basis (providing Source List entries at
bottom of slide where source referenced) or in a comprehensive Source List at the end of

� Include a Sources List slide when assignment requires research or if you cite the textbook.

� Type “Sources” centered horizontally on the first line of the Source List slide.

� Provide sources used in your assignment in a numbered list (see Giving Credit to Authors and
Sources section).

PowerPoint/Slideshow Guidelines

Title Page
Cite Credible
Build a
Sources List

Use these rules when working on a PowerPoint or slideshow assignment!

Strayer Writing Standards 5

� Use consistent 12-point font.

� Include appropriate images or media links that connect directly to discussion topic/content.

� Use appropriate language and be concise.
� Write in active voice when possible. Find tips here.
� Use spelling/grammar check and proofread to keep work error free.
� Provide credible sources to support your ideas/work when required. Find tips here.

� Cite sources throughout your discussion response when you borrow someone else’s words or

� Cite quotes and paraphrases correctly: Include the source number in parentheses after the
body text where quotation or paraphrasing occurs.

� Don’t forget: Cite and add your textbook to the Sources List if used as a source.

� Type the word “Sources” at the end of your post, and below that include a list of any sources
that you cited.

� Number all sources in the order they appear.

Discussion Post Guidelines

Cite Credible

Use these rules when working on a Discussion Forum post or response!

For more information on building a Source List Entry, see
Source List section.


The work is the important part of any writing
assignment. According to Smith, “writing things
down is the biggest challenge” (1). This is significant

1. William Smith. 2018. The Way Things Are. http://

If you pulled information from more than one source, continue
to number the additional sources in the order that they appear
in your post.

The work is the important part of any writing
assignment. According to Smith, “writing things
down is the biggest challenge” (1). This is significant

The other side of this is also important. It is noted that
“the act of writing isn’t important as much as putting
ideas somewhere useful” (2).

1. William Smith. 2018. The Way Things Are. http://
2. Patricia Smith. 2018. The Way Things Really Are.

 Examples

Strayer Writing Standards 6

Credit to Authors and Sources

Option #1: Paraphrasing

Rewording Source Information in Your Own Words
· Rephrase source information in your own words. Avoid

repeating the same words of the author.

· Remember, you cannot just replace words from the original

· Add the author’s last name and a number to the end of your
paraphrase as a citation (which will be the same on your
Source List).

 Examples


“Writing at a college level requires informed research.”


As Harvey wrote, when writing a paper for higher
education, it is critical to research and cite sources (1).

When writing a paper for higher education, it is
imperative to research and cite sources (Harvey, 1).

Option #2: Quoting

Citing Another Person’s Work Word-for-Word
· Place quotation marks at the beginning and end of quoted


· Limit quotes to two or fewer sentences (approximately 25
words) at a time.

· Do not start a sentence with a quotation.

· Introduce and explain quotes within the context of your

· Add the author’s last name and a number to the end of the
quote as a citation (which will be the same on your Source

 Examples
“Writing at a college level requires informed research.”


Harvey wrote in his book, “Writing at a college level
requires informed research” (1).

Many authors agree, “Writing at a college level
requires informed research” (Harvey, 1).

Use these rules for using evidence and creating in-text citations!

General Credit
· Credit quoted or paraphrased sources using an in-text citation. An in-text citation includes the primary author’s last name and

the number of the source from the Source List.

· Before using any source, first determine its credibility. Then decide if the source is appropriate and relevant for your project. Find
tips here.

· Well-researched assignments have at least as many sources as pages (see assignment instructions).

Strayer Writing Standards 7

Web sources are accessed through an internet browser.

Home Pages
A home page loads when typing a standard web address. For instance, typing into any web browser will take you to
Google’s home page.

Cite a homepage when using information from a news thread, image, or basic piece of information on a company’s website. Find
Tips Here.

Specific Web Pages
If using any web page other than the home page, include the specific page title and direct link (when possible) in the Source List entry.

If the assignment used multiple web pages from the same source, create separate Source List entries (if the title and/or web address
is different).

Effective Internet Links
When sharing a link to an article with your instructor and classmates, start with a brief summary of the article and why you chose to
share it.

Share vs. URL Options
Cutting and pasting the URL (web address) from your browser may not allow others to view your source. This makes it hard for people to
engage with the content you used.

To avoid this problem, look for a “share” option and choose that when possible. Always test your link(s) before submitting.

If you cannot properly share the link, include the article/source as an attachment. Interested classmates and your professor can reference
the article shared as an attachment. Find tips here.

Credit for Web Sources

Charts, images, and tables should be centered horizontally on the page and should be followed by an in-text citation. Design your
page and place a citation below the chart, image, or table. When referring to the chart, image, or table in the body of the assignment,
use the citation.

Do not include a chart, image, or table without introducing it in the assignment and explaining why it is necessary.

On your Source List, provide the following details of the visual:

· Author’s name (if created by you, provide your name).

· Date (if created by you, provide the year).

· Type (Chart, Image, or Table).

· How to find it (link or other information; see Source List section for additional details).

Charts, Images, and Tables

Strayer Writing Standards 8

Traditional Sources

Page Numbers
When referencing multiple pages in a textbook or other print
book, consider adding page numbers to help the audience
understand where the information is found. You can do this in
three ways:

a. by including it in the body of your assignment; or

or b. by using an in-text citation;

or c. by listing page numbers in the order used in your
assignment on the Source List.

Check with your instructor or the assignment guidelines to see
if there is a preference based on your course.

 Example


(Harvey, 1, p. 16)

In the example, the author is Harvey, the source list number is
1, and the page number where this information can be found is
page 16.

Multiple Sources (Synthesizing)
Synthesizing is the use of multiple sources in one paraphrased
sentence or paragraph to make a strong point. While this is
normally done in advanced writing, it could be useful for any
writing where you use more than one source. Find tips here.

The key is clarity. If you paraphrase multiple sources in the
same sentence (or paragraph if most of the information
contained in the paragraph is paraphrased), you should
include each source in the citation. Separate sources using
semi-colons (;) and create the citation in the normal style that
you would for using only one source (Name, Source Number).

 Example


(Harvey, 1; Buchanan, 2)

In the example, the authors Harvey and Buchanan were
paraphrased to help the student make a strong point. Harvey
is the first source on the Source List, and Buchanan is the
second source on the Source List.

Advanced Methods
Some assignments require more advanced techniques. If necessary, these guidelines help with special
case scenarios.

Strayer Writing Standards 9

Substitution and Ellipsis
Omitting unnecessary information from a direct quotation is
often required. To omit information, delete the unnecessary
information and replace it with an ellipsis inside of square
brackets, like this: […]. Find tips here.

There are times when a quality source has made a mistake,
but you still value the information that the source provides. To
solve this issue, change elements of the source (noting what
additions or changes were required). When changing elements
within a direct quotation, delete the original information and
surround the new wording or spelling with square brackets, like
this: “[W]riting”.

The bracket here shows that the original source may have
misspelled “writing” or that the “W” has been capitalized and
was lowercase in the source material.

NOTE: Ellipsis and square brackets cannot be used in
paraphrased source material.

 Example

“Writing at a college level requires informed


Harvey wrote that writing “at a college level
requires […] research” (1).


Many authors agree that “[w]riting at an [undergrad-
uate] college level requires informed research” (1).

Footnotes and Additional Content
Written assignments may benefit from including relevant
background information that is not necessarily important for the
main body of the assignment.

To include extra secondary evidence or authorial commentary,
insert a numeral superscript into the text of the assignment
and add the extra evidence or commentary in the footer of the
page as a footnote. (Note: Microsoft Word’s “Insert Footnote”
function is the preferred method.)

 Example

When writing a paper for higher education,4 it is
imperative to research and cite sources (Harvey,
1). This suggestion applies to both undergraduate
and graduate students, and it is the first thing that
beginning students must internalize.

4 Mathews has pointed out that this suggestion is appropriate
for all levels of education, even those outside of university, and
is in fact best practices for any form of professional writing
(2). However, this paper focuses specifically on writing
in college-level education.

An assignment may require an appendix following the Source List. The appendix is meant to declutter the assignment body or
provide relevant supplemental information for the audience.

If there is only one appendix, it is labeled, Appendix. More than one appendix may be required. Label the first appendix Appendix
A, the second Appendix B, and so on. Each chart, graphic, or photograph referred to in the body of the assignment requires its
own listing in the appendices.

Use descriptive labels in the body of your written assignment to link each chart, graphic, or photograph to its place in the
appendices. For example, when referring to a chart found in Appendix B, a student would include (see Appendix B, Cost of Tuition
in Secondary Education, 2010-2019) after referring to data drawn from that chart.

Strayer Writing Standards 10

Source List
The Source List includes all sources used in your assignment. It is a new page added at the end of your
assignment. The list gives credit to authors whose work supported your own and should provide enough
information so that others can find the source(s) without your help.

Build your Source List as you write.

� Type “Sources” at the top of a new page.

� Include a numbered list of the sources you used in your paper (the numbers indicate the
order in which you used them).

1. Use the number one (1) for the first source used in the paper, the number two (2) for the
second source, and so on.

2. Use the same number for a source if you use it multiple times.

� Ensure each source includes five parts: author or organization, publication date, title, page
number (if needed), and how to find it. If you have trouble finding these details, then re-
evaluate the credibility of your source.

� Use the browser link for a public webpage.

� Use a permalink for a webpage when possible. Find tips here.

� Instruct your readers on how to find all sources that do not have a browser link or a permalink.

� Separate each Source List element with a period on your Source List.


The person(s) who published
the source. This can be a
single person, a group of
people, or an organization. If
the source has no author, use
“No author” where you would
list the author.

The date the source was
published. If the source has
no publication date, use “No
date” where you would list
the date.

The title of the
source. If the
source has no title,
use “No title” where
you would list the

The page
number(s) used.
If the source has
no page numbers,
omit this section
from your Source
List Entry.

Instruct readers how to find all
sources. Keep explanations
simple and concise, but provide
enough information so the
source can be located. Note:
It is your responsibility to make
sure the source can be found.

 Examples

Michael Harvey

In the case of multiple
authors, only list the first.


This is not the same as
copyright date, which is
denoted by ©

The Nuts & Bolts
of College Writing

p. 1

Include p. and the
page(s) used.

Setting Up the
Source List Page

Creating a
Source List Entry

Source List Elements

Strayer Writing Standards 11

NOTE: For the example, Harvey is the first source used in the assignment.

 How It Will Look in Your Source List

1. Michael Harvey. 2013. The Nuts & Bolts of College Writing. p. 1.

 Sample Source List


1. Michael Harvey. 2013. The Nuts & Bolts of College Writing. p. 1.



2. William R. Stanek. 2010. Storyboarding Techniques chapter in Effective Writing for Business, College and Life. http://libdatab.


3. Zyad Hicham. 2017. Vocabulary Growth in College-Level Students’ Narrative Writing.



4. Anya Kamenetz. July 10, 2015. The Writing Assignment That Changes Lives.


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