assignment 3 psy 7708

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As behavior analysts, we frequently use operant conditioning to teach new behaviors (and eliminate old behaviors) by manipulating the consequences that follow them. Respondent conditioning is also used by behavior analysts, for example, by establishing various reinforcers through pairing of stimuli.

For this assignment, complete the following:

· Define operant and respondent conditioning.

· Describe the similarities and differences between these two types of learning.

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· Provide two real-world, detailed examples of operant conditioning and two real-world, detailed examples of respondent conditioning.

Assignment Requirements

· Written communication: Should be free of errors that detract from the overall message.

· APA formatting: References and citations are formatted according to current APA style guidelines.



: Minimum of 1–2 scholarly or professional resources.

· Length: 2–3 double-spaced pages, in addition to the title page and reference page.

· Font and font size: Times New Roman, 12 point.



: You are required to use SafeAssign before submitting the completed assignment to your instructor. Submit your work to SafeAssign as a draft, review the results, and make any needed changes. When you are ready, submit your assignment to the assignment area for grading.

Refer to the Operant and Respondent Conditioning Scoring Guide to ensure you understand the grading criteria for this assignment.

Note: Your instructor may also use the

Writing Feedback Tool

to provide feedback on your writing. In the tool, click the linked resources for helpful writing information.

Portfolio Prompt: You may choose to save this learning activity to your





Operant and Respondent Conditioning Scoring Guide



Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) Research Guide



APA Style and Format


· ePortfolio.

· SafeAssign.

· Writing Feedback Tool.

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