Multicultural Counseling Assignment 3

Write a 3-5 page essay reflecting on the following:

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1. Think about the Black model of racial identity development. What difficulties might you face in working with a client at each stage of the process?

     Stage 1: Conformity

     Stage 2: Dissonance

     Stage 3: Resistance and Immersion

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     Stage 4: Introspection

     Stage 5: Integrative Awareness

2. What are the drawbacks of a person of color holding self- and group-depreciating attitudes in the Conformity stage?

3. Why do you think there has been so little research conducted on the racial identity of helping professionals?

Must be in APA format. Use 2 to 3 scholarly resources. The coursebook is Counseling the Culturally Diverse by Derald Wing Sue and David Sue 7th edition. RUBRIC IS ATTACHED!!!

5 points Responsive to and meets the requirements

2.5 points Responsive to the requirements 

1 point Unresponsive to the requirements 

/ 5

5 points Responsive to and meets the requirements

2.5 points Responsive to the requirements 

1 point Unresponsive to the requirements 

/ 5

/ 5

/ 5


Level 4

Level 3

Level 2

Criterion Score

Criterion 1 Think about the Black model of racial identity development. What difficulties might you face in working with a client in each stage of the process?

5 points Responsive to and meets the requirements

2.5 points Responsive to the requirements 

1 point Unresponsive to the requirements 

/ 5

What are the drawbacks of a person of color holding self- and group-depreciating attitudes in the Conformity stage?

Why do you think there has been so little research conducted on the racial identity of helping professionals?

Application of Knowledge: Demonstrate s an ability to think about, use, and integrate course material.

5 points In-depth understanding and application of concepts and issues presented in the course (e.g., insightful interpretations or analyses; accurate and perceptive parallels, ideas, opinions, examples and conclusions) 

2.5 points Basic understanding and application of the concepts and issues presented in the course demonstrating that the student has absorbed the general principles and ideas presented 

1 point Lack of understanding and little or no application of the concepts and issues presented in the course; and/or the application is inaccurate and contains many omissions and/or errors 

Writing: Demonstrate s graduate- level writing in 2-3 pages of information.

5 points Assignment meets  graduate-level writing expectations uses language that is clear and concise, has a few  or no errors in grammar or syntax, is well organized and clear, and adheres to APA style with few or no mistakes

2.5 points Assignment meets most graduate-level writing expectations uses language that is clear, has a few errors in grammar or syntax, is well organized and clear, and adheres to APA style with few mistakes

1 point Assignment does not meet graduate-level writing expectations uses unclear and inappropriate language, has significant grammar or syntax errors, lacks organization, AND demonstrates significant issues with APA style.


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