
Each Journal must be at least 3 paragraphs long, but you are permitted to write as much as you would like. These entries are meant to be free writing, but you should revise before submitting, being sure to use proper sentence and paragraph structure. To prepare for the Journal Activity Assignment: If you have not done so already, take the “What Type of Social Change Agent Are You?” online quiz.Consider the Learning Resources you reviewed this week on social change, and think about your own perspectives on the topic.Review the questions that follow. Then, set a timer (on the stove, on a clock, or on your phone) for 10 minutes. You should plan to spend that 10 minutes just writing without stopping. Once you have finished your timed writing activity, you may continue writing to finish your thoughts. Also, be sure to revise your final entry before submitting to ensure you are satisfied with it.Review the Academic Writing Expectations Checklist to guide your writing and revising.By Day 7Complete your Journal entry by answering the following questions in a 10-minute timed writing exercise:What was your result from the “What Type of Social Change Agent Are You?” quiz?How well do you feel this describes you?What is one area in which you want to change or enhance your focus on positive social change?

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