Vulnerability Assessment – Attached format needs to be used for this assignment. Guidance is listed in the question.

 Topic: Perform a Vulnerability Assessment of your place of employment or living area. If you use your work area make sure you inform the Security Manager to get permission as to what you are doing. If you live in a gated community inform the security guard of your activities.

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Instructions: Please download the Assignment 1 Vulnerability Assessment template (MS Word), which is already in APA 7 format, using size 12 Times New Roman font, 1-inch margins, TOC, Headings and Reference page. If you insert images or tables in your report make sure you label them appropriately according to APA. (

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For this assignment: The 4 Heading-1s are required. Each Heading-1 must have at least 3 Heading-2s. Each Heading must have at least 2 properly formatted paragraphs with 3 properly formatted sentences each. Once completed name your file: YourName_Assignment_1_Vulnerability_Assessment x and submit to the appropriate assignment folder.

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Assignment 1: Vulnerability Assessment

Assignment 1: Vulnerability Assessment

Your Name

School of Computer and Information Sciences, University of the Cumberlands

ISOL634 Physical Security

Dr. Ronald P. Sperano

Current Date

Table of Contents
Natural Surveillance (Note: these four H1s as well as Reference Heading are required) 4
Heading (Note: substitute your three (at least) heading 2’s under each Heading 1) 4
Heading 4
Heading 4
Heading 4
Territorial Reinforcement 4
Heading 4
Heading 4
Heading 4
Heading 4
Access Control 5
Heading 5
Heading 5
Heading 5
Heading 5
Maintenance 5
Heading 5
Heading 5
Heading 5
Heading 5
References 6

Your paper starts here with the first paragraph indented. Start by writing a brief description of your approach to completing the assignment.

Natural Surveillance (Note: these four H1s as well as Reference Heading are required)

Start typing here


Heading (Note: substitute your three (at least) heading 2’s under each Heading 1)

Start typing here



Start typing here

Start typing here


Start typing here

Territorial Reinforcement

Start typing here.


Start typing here.

Start typing here


Start typing here

Start typing here

Access Control

Start typing here.

Start typing here.

Start typing here

Start typing here



Start typing here.

Start typing here.

Start typing here

Start typing here


Start typing here

There are no sources in the current document.

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