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6-1 Discussion: Data Analysis and Planning

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Review the case study data related to your research problem and describe potential analysis tools and methods you will use to answer your research question. Be specific: Reference specific descriptive and inferential statistics from your textbook that you plan to use in your analysis. To support your plan, reference a business research study that implemented this method, and explain why you believe it was appropriate.



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Maruti Suzuki Case Study

Instructor: Trevor Caskey, Ph.D.

Patricia Vela

QSO-500 Business Research

Business Problem

Maruti Suzuki being an automobile manufacturer in India, have been doing well in the market industry. However, there is a decrease in the market shares due to the increased competition in the market. The fact that the customers are choosing whatever they desire have greatly made the Maruti Suzuki sales to decrease. However, there is one feature that is helping Maruti Suzuki to continue having a significant share in the market and this is the company’s quality and price. It must be emphasized that defending the market leadership in the A-segment as it is being indicated in the case study, the Maruti Suzuki performed well in the Indian market, and however it failed in the product management section. From the case study, it’s clear that Maruti Suzuki didn’t have a recognition of poor product management, a situation that made the competitors to take the market advantage and make money more than Maruti Suzuki via their image as well as product innovations (Navaneetha, et al. 2018).

Research Problem

This research will actually be focused towards finding out on the exact issue that the company is missing in data gathering. This is due to the fact that there has been an increase in market share from the competitors as Maruti Suzuki Company’s sales are deteriorating. This research will be finding the data that will be provided by Maruti Suzuki and then try to compare it with that of the competitors before finding the difference that may be existing between the two. This is done for the purpose of figuring out what Maruti Suzuki needs to do in their future. This is for the purpose of planning for the culture of the company towards striving, hence innovation as well as changing whatever they have based on their customer demand.


There is specifically much to be considered when reviewing the relevant data that do relate to the issue at hand. Therefore, while looking at the main problem, it’s also important to look at the primary stakeholders to the company since any given change will automatically tend to impact them directly. Starting with the internal stakeholders we have Maruti Suzuki India Ltd. Company officials as well as their employees. The external stakeholders will be consumers (Rao, 2017).

Research Objective

The objective of this study is actually to determine the validity of the entry level hatch in the A-segment market. Secondly, there is need to conduct a research that is aimed at seeing if there could be a possibility of the company to make one car that is a combination of two cars with the customer desire. Finally, this research will be aimed at proving that the creation and innovation of new cars will lead to the company’s success in the market (Yuvarani, 2020).

Research Question

Will Maruti Suzuki be in a position of keeping their competitive advantage via the creation of new hatch model which will assist the company in combining all that the customers are in need of, hence getting back to top in market shares?

Research Question Review

It must be noted that while addressing the above identified research question, there is a possibility of challenges coming up. First, it must be noted that conducting interviews with the potential customers is a challenge due to the fact that all the personal information must be kept private, hence keeping such information in a secure manner happens to be a great ethical challenge. Also, it can be a challenge for the customers to give genuine and honest opinion (Nowak, J. (2016).


Navaneetha, B., Padmasri, R., & Pavithira, A. (2018). A ratio analysis of Maruti Suzuki India Ltd. IJAR, 4(3), 06-10. Retrieved from


Nowak, J. (2016). Strikes and labor unrest in the automobile industry in India: the case of Maruti Suzuki India limited. WorkingUSA, 19(3), 419-436. Retrieved from


Rao, R. P. (2017). Industrial disputes: Its causes with special reference to Maruti Suzuki India. International Journal of Engineering and Management Research (IJEMR), 7(1), 61-64. Retrieved from


Yuvarani, V. (2020). A Study on the Financial Performance of Maruti Suzuki India Limited. Studies in Indian Place Names, 40(50), 4032-4040.

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